During the last police board meeting there was continued protest and a shouting match amid community outcry for an investigation of police policies and practices involved in police shootings.
The death of Ryan Stokes has been used as a rallying cry from protesters who have continually challenged police on the use of force.
Today's blog post from the Chief attempts to explain the methods used by police in no uncertain terms.
Check it:
KCPD Chief's Blog: Officer-involved shootings, from training to investigation
Money line . ..
"Let me be clear that no officer wants to be put in a situation in which he or she must decide to shoot someone. But suspects do threaten the lives of officers, and officers must employ their training and experience to decide how to best protect themselves and others. Sometimes this means they must fire their service weapon to stop the threat.
"I take pride in how well-trained our officers are and am confident they have received some of the most cutting edge instruction in the country on how to navigate a possible shoot/no-shoot situation. I also am confident in the integrity and accuracy of our investigative processes. Multiple levels of review – both internally and by the FBI and U.S. Attorney – assure our community that the actions of any KCPD officer involved in a shooting are comprehensively reviewed for adherence to the law and department policy. The people of Kansas City deserve nothing less."
Read the whole thing.
You decide . . .
"no officer wants to be put in a situation in which he or she must decide to shoot someone."
ReplyDeleteRight. Because they are known for asking questions first, rather than shooting first. That's why they are known for shoiting people in the back. That's right. Uh hmmm. Sure. Whatever you say. I think most cops show up hoping they get a chance to shoot or kill somebody or something, even dogs aren't safe.
Hmmmm, last month we were poorly trained and unreasonably afraid, now we are the best trained...he needs to pick a side and stay with it!
ReplyDeleteThey have kids, bills, want to go home, been in the military. Shoot first ask questions later. Militia ready police force . Yes. Leave no soldier...officer behind. Take out the threat. 95 percent of cops want to do the right thing. It's a calling. There are assholes in every job. Shitty bosses too. Now it's not safe for his family and friends to get around the city. How many cops even LIVE in KCMO? Have their kids educated here...exactly. Fix that shit. They don't know about the community they police cause they don't live here. So how can they begin to understand a people?
ReplyDeleteMmmm we all have to live in your homework be for you make a fool of yourself.
DeleteWhite cops live on the urban fridge. In regular people-speak, that's the suburban border of the City that still qualifies as Kansas City. Thus, they do not live in the community or county that they serve in.
DeleteReally? "Fridge"^^^^ give me a break....Definition of fridge
Delete: refrigerator... lol
"Blog policing" will never replace old fashion gumshoe policing
ReplyDeleteI am a fool. I admit it. What about the other points then. I admit I am wrong. Sorry. Teach me. Explain?
ReplyDeleteSimple, if a white officer is incapable of policing a black community then a black officer is incapable of policing a white community. You can't have it both ways!
ReplyDeleteMistake #1 is believing you have to live in KCMO. When I moved out of the city it felt like having fifty tons of bullshit taken off my shoulders. Even better, I am still alive and don't have to worry about being robbed or burglarized. The thieves come on my property they will have to worry about lead poisoning as they disappear and are never heard from again.
ReplyDeleteOkay, this is real. You're giving me a fair shake with a dialogue. I'm a voice on the net, but thanks for talking to me. I respect that. Shows character. Go on. #2...
ReplyDeleteI want you to get home safely. I thank you for all you do. If I done wrong, never again.. Been done wrong to and whom do I call? Who do we all call? We can't have it both ways.
ReplyDelete"Let me make one thing perfectly clear...I am not a crook". Nixon. Got to love the guy. What a difference he made in the world.
ReplyDeleteChief Forte I can see it's a good thing you wasn't with me in Dodge City back in the day. Because you would be one dead dumb ass if you had of been. That was back when a man was a man and not a pussy with a badge.
ReplyDeleteOh and we'd hit the streets to talk with the people back then, we didn't hide behind a desk and do this blogging tweeter dick crap. We walked tall and looked a man in the eye as we shook his hand and give him my word, which by the way really meant something. You have yet, to say anything, that I think you meant.
KCPD is pretty much done as a reputable organization.
ReplyDeleteAnd that occurred the day Forte was sworn in
DeleteCrackers were made for soup!
DeleteYou display great poise. Ruthless determination. Crusty hard words from a well worn soul. I understand. Malum in se. Sharp carbine outdated by AK and healthy distance not required. Can you really let it go even when off and away? Can you turn it completely off...? Like serving and coming home. You know what I'm saying. I just want to understand.
ReplyDeleteThis pull back the hammer all the way real talk in blue. You hear me and I hear you. Not talking at each other...real words. Thank you. Rooster Cogburn would varnish your opinion. You don't whine. Good. Everything is not against you guys. It's not a dog fall.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute - just a few weeks ago he said we weren't trained properly and that was the problem with the police shootings and issues with the community. What's the deal with that?
ReplyDeleteSimple. He was talking out of his ass to cover his gross incompetence and inability to lead.
DeleteI don't get it. Couple of weeks ago Forte tells everyone his department is poorly trained and running scared. His union published something even saying the chief was wrong, and they supported the officers. Chief then goes out and pisses off the community by cutting all of the community police officers. Over the last week the chief has been trashed by the community for that decision. Alonzo then starts in about the lack of crime control from the Chief.
ReplyDeleteAll of the sudden the chief does 180 and says PD is well trained and the community is at fault. Who in the hell is running that asylum? It's like there are 3 people in that dudes head. No matter what it appears he's lost the officers, now he's losing his grip on the community.
If ever a place needed an enema it's that place. The mayor needs to clean house there. If officers don't trust chief how can we?
I telling ya, the guy is a fucking idiot and has to go! there video of that I can look at? What else was spoken. I am a civilian. I know not the family of Blue...speak with a keen tongue.
ReplyDeleteThis parlay has tremendous decency. I thought we were't able to talk? I hear you loud and clear. I am too old and crabby, yet we'll leave it at go and continue with grit...
ReplyDeleteHas the arrangement changed with the State of MO. I thought the KCPD Chief reports to a Governing Board appointed bt the Governor...only recently has the Mayor even had a seat on the Board. Mayor does not directly control nor select the Chief..??
ReplyDeleteYou are correct. Nothing has changed with who he reports to.
DeleteIsn't there a video somewhere with Forte doing one of the Kardasians or sumfin? Damn they fucked every other black guy.
ReplyDeleteNo, just Shelly.
DeleteKevin Masters for Chief!
ReplyDelete#3. It's all about the smiles and the cries. That's what the streets are all about. Real talk...street justice, chasing bad guys, street IQ, Crime fighter, jail or go home. They always run. Nobody's here. Don't know. Who's got the gun?
ReplyDeleteResearch.Thank you. I understand cop world a little. No joke. Never say someone didn't reach out. Be. Safe.
ReplyDeleteKCPD has lost what little credibility it had.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'll back K.Masters as the new Chief of Police for KCMO. Hell, if not Kevin, how about retired R. Fletcher???
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend!
- A white cop