After some contemplation following a Kansas City media firestorm and an even worse rain storm last night, an embattled Kansas City Council Lady shares this EXCLUSIVE AND BREAKING NEWS NOTE with our blog community that offers an essential perspective.
To wit . . .
Like it or not, this consideration of the events shows that she's nothing less than forthright in dealing with the controversy in WRITTEN detail that promises more community discussion.
RE: Media about towing incident
I've gained a lot of perspective in the last 24 hours. While I've been focused on increasing local workforce, creating affordable housing options, and sustaining vibrant neighborhoods; I neglected to renew my license plates which resulted in an encounter with law enforcement. My apologies to anyone that might be offended by this situation or the encounter. However this was a reminder of the importance of not only following the law, but also knowing the law and how issues can be exaggerated.
All laws apply to me as a citizen of KC, and I expect to be treated fairly in every instance. However what happens when there's an inconsistency in how citizens are treated? What happens to those that aren't knowledgeable of the law?
My recent experience shed light on a number of issues when dealing with law enforcement and the media. I quickly realized there is a lot of work to be done on this front and I will continue to create transparency and fairness in issues that impact my constituents. For example, is it reasonable to incur a towing expense for an infraction that typically calls for a ticket? What is the economic impact to residents? Who benefits from these policies? Is it reasonable for policies to be more aggressive for parking control than patrol officers? I don't have the answer to these questions yet, but I can imagine this is the beginning a series of conversations to educate myself and others on policing policies and practices in our community.
As always, my commitment to KC residents is my priority and I will remain focused on the work that matters to make this a better, safer city for all of us.
I welcome your comments or questions on this issue.
KCTV5 Broke The Story: Kansas City councilwoman faces off with police officers trying to tow her car
Fox4 Aftermath: Kansas City councilwoman has faceoff with police over towing her car for expired tags
On a personal note, most politicos would've sped away from this controversy but this open letter reflects that she's taking this news story head on in order to discuss issues surrounding the conflict and the leaders of our blog community respect as much.
You decide . . .
I don't know if her consultant would have approved of this strategy but it's certainly unique. She comes off better in writing than in the short TV interviews.
ReplyDeleteTV is just good for "blame and shame" that's why the printed word online or in type is better for really understanding an issue.
ReplyDeleteTranslation: The police are gonna take yet another hit and this is another one that might put the Chief in jeopardy if he makes the wrong call.
ReplyDeleteUppity bitch should have arrested.
ReplyDeleteJust remember this Tk, if this gets turned into a racial issue we all lose. It should be about obeying the law and politicians who don't play by the same rules as everybody else. The racist stuff just keeps us away from a more important conversation from that we need in KC and DC.
ReplyDelete+1 at 3:56 Black or white, the rest of us would've been in the back of a police van for that kind of stunt.
ReplyDeleteThe Pendergast Era All over again.
ReplyDeleteCredible Leadership...... right - I guess she proved her own slogan wrong.
ReplyDeleteBut what does John P. Murphy think? after all, he's an expert on...nothing.
ReplyDeleteSniff Sniff.
ReplyDeleteDamn, I thought I smelled BULLSHIT.
She was just so busy doing things for the taxpayers, does she really think we are that stupid? "Inconsistency in how citizens are treated" yup that's what she said and that's what she was demanding regardless of the fact the law says her car should have been towed.
She has figured out she looked like a total asshole and now she is trying to save face without admitting the truth and saying what a total fuck up she is. Is she dating Glazer?
Her apology falls as short as those of Trump or Ryan Lochte. Not buying it.
ReplyDeleteSorry, not sorry.
ReplyDeleteExcuses, excuses, excuses, blame others, blame others, blame others...
ReplyDeleteJean Baker must be proud. Typical politico who thinks they are above laws, rules, guidelines, etc
ReplyDeleteHer response falls upon deaf ears.
Police report her license plates expired in MAY!!!!!!!! It's not like she missed it by a day or two.
Canady is an ATTORNEY who presumably went to law school and has taken an oath to honor, respect, and uphold the law.
This is a clear cut case of her personal failure to be responsible.
And these assholes want local control of the department. What in the fuck would happen if this crazy bitch was in charge?
ReplyDeleteKCMO - "America's little Chicago"
ReplyDelete"What happens to those that aren't knowledgeable of the law?" WTH is she trying to say here? She didn't know her tags were expired? Or that she didn't know she was obligated to renew them? Or that she didn't know it was against the law to drive with expired tags? Talk about a hot mess. This is reason #716 ordinary folks despise politicians.
ReplyDeleteI like the none-too-subtle hints of racism she lays out there.
ReplyDeleteWe've got a TAG REGISTRATION DESERT!!
I'm guessing she played the race card?
ReplyDeleteSo this disgusting broad is a lawyer, a prosecutor and a top-level elected municipal muckamuck, pulls down all kinds of big bucks from who knows and drives a $60,000 (or so) Range Rover.
ReplyDeleteYet she drives around for MONTHS with expired car registration like somebody's goddam dope-addled baby mama ... and the cops give her a pass, only getting in her face when she gets towed and throws a tantrum.
This is why most of us (all of us except the ones who are in on the racket) regard the entire cityj hall crew as a bunch of grifters, layabouts and gangsters.
Another Lawyer always a reason why the law was broke --"I'm Busy" That must mean that she works from 8 to 5 every day. Some one should tell her about the businesses that will take care of the license tags for :BUSY" people but then she was probably too busy to find out about them.
ReplyDeleteThe laws were all hunky dory till she had them applied to her, now she questions the law.
ReplyDeleteHoping she would mention ex FBI turned Kansas City Police Chief that set up the computerized policing modeled at destroying black communities.
ReplyDeleteDid she yell at the officer...DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?
ReplyDeleteGeneric trigger warning everyone can deal with: "You have a pulse, you are alive, some aspects of this situation will not be agreeable. That's life."
ReplyDeleteThis note is trash. This person is entitled. Who the hell gets up in a car the police have ordered towed? This council lady does not understand how a responsible citizen or politician should act.
ReplyDeleteWhat was in the car that she didn't want found if towed and searched? That was some over the top reactions. Pulling a Don Corleone on the officer...making him an offer he can't refuse. I know it was you Fredo....
ReplyDeleteIf you could apologize for the billions of dollars we've wasted on propping up what is essentially a group of feral animals we'll accept that as well.
ReplyDeleteAs a so-called attorney she should knows that the glove fits and you don't acquit. She needs to resign now.
ReplyDeleteShe belongs in KCK. Her attitude and behavior would be encouraged and richly rewarded. A long and successful career are awaiting her arrival.
ReplyDeleteWe do need a conversation about the rule if law in our nation.
ReplyDeleteher tags expired back in april or may. Thats hardly an oversite. they should have arrested her.
ReplyDeleteAs a KCMO Police Officer I am embarrassed that she did not go to jail. The Parking Control Officer was doing his job correctly. She escalated the situation and he called for help. In comes the officer with a camera and a documentary is made. Just imagine if that camera was there......What would her version be????? She has been pulled over before this, warning issued.......She knew her tags were expired.
ReplyDeleteAnd this bitch wants civilian oversight. Fuck her and the council, local control of the department would be a disaster.
ReplyDeleteThis fat, non tax paying water buffalo needs to be taken down :( End of story!!!
ReplyDeleteShe will make it all about "White Privilege" and every dumb ass BLM puke in the country will support her stand, as will the media.
ReplyDeleteShe's not scared of the Po-Po...She hopped into her car. Started the engine. Hooked to tow truck. Wouldn't get out. Cameras rolling. Called for back-up. Do you know who I am? Question or threat? We infidels shall pay for our ignorance. All hail the fortunate ones above the law.
ReplyDeleteThat's an apology. What a piece of shit. Typical behavior from that race. I would have arrested her, beaten her, and towed her fucking car to the tow lot. Her corrupt ass needs to be sanctioned and kicked off the ethics and public safety committees immediately. However, I'm sure Forte will send Kuehl and his exhaustive use of platitudes to placate the unethical black councilwoman.
ReplyDeleteThe councilwoman needs a taser-supported reminder that the police department isn't run by the city. She can take her policy inquiries and stick them up her fat ass.
ReplyDeleteBut it is run by the city. 100% funding comes from the city. Mayor is a Police Board Commissioner. Everyone else on that board kisses his ass. Same difference.
DeleteTicket is called for in the situation. Towing is out of the question. Sly needs to get this fixed.
ReplyDeleteFuck her and her note. Behold the consequences of affirmative action.
ReplyDeleteBy the power of freedom fountain, the power of my grey suit, I have the power ! I am Black council woman! I know the law, I'm a lawyer! Hear me...hear me now! You talking to me? I'm the only one here?
ReplyDeleteShe is a terrible person. Even though they didn't arrest her, they should still charge her with obstruction and make her appear in court.
ReplyDeleteApologize for the 150 years of negro subsidizing and then we may be on to something.
ReplyDeleteGive me an ever loving fucking break, keep your shit current and follow the law and guess what, your shit doesn't get towed. You created this mess now sleep on it and shut the fuck up! Next
ReplyDeleteIf you are to busy to manage your personal life, do I really want you prosecuting or passing city laws? Congratulations for defining incompetence, you win!
ReplyDeleteA) She needs to play her sad song somewhere else. News flash! Most people with jobs, families, civic or social duties, etc are also busy and still find a way to make time for mundane errands like keeping their cars tagged.
ReplyDeleteB) For everyone talking about how much her salary is, consider the old phrase "living nigger rich." No matter their income, living beyond their means is a very common trait of negroes. They will live in a shack and have their utilities turned off to make the payments on a luxury car (even if they can't afford to tag it).
I'm sure mean Jean sent her to bed without any dessert one night and now all is forgiven and back to normal. No wonder KCMO is the mess that it is.
PAY your f*cking bills you SHE BOON!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm all about smacking down power when it's called for. Lock her up for that shit. However, WTF are we doing I'm pounding cars for expired plates? That's a racket if I've ever seen one.
ReplyDeleteI'll say it, she's just another entitled, fucking NIGGER.
ReplyDeleteWe have discussed this with several people. The fact that she was stopped a few weeks back for speeding and warned about the outdated tags, plus she is in a position to be a role model for young minorities, she should resign! She has violated her oath as an attorney and the trust for her Constituents. She needs to resign.
ReplyDeleteShe wants a discussion on KCPD policies and practices, huh? I bet they love being told how to do their jobs by idiots like this. Her time would be better spent on getting her car properly licensed and humbling herself. Newsflash councilwoman, you work for US, the citizens of KC, so please stop embarrassing us...and yourself.
ReplyDeleteNewsflash, asshole. Legislators tell police how to do their job. Period. They right the laws the police are supposed to enforce. If police are police for any other reason than that, they are in the wrong line of work. You are so dumb.
DeleteWell, first of all it's "write" not "right" you moron. Legislators do NOT tell KCPD how to do their job, they are governed by the board of police commissioners not the City Council. Clearly you are a product of the Kansas City school district. Go back to picking your nose and playing Dungeons and Dragons in mommy's basement and leave the important stuff to the grown-ups.
DeleteWell, she does have a reason for her behavior. She's a fat ugly stupid nigger.