Northeast News Explains Consequences Of Kansas City Infrastructure Neglect

In the latest issue of the Northeast News, El Bryan offers an EPIC COMIC TRIBUTE to Council Lady Alissia Canady and publisher Michael Bushnell posts this scathing critique of Kansas City's priorities or lack thereof . . .

Northeast News: The consequences of ignored infrastructure

Money line . . .

"Flooding was common in a number of low lying areas already prone to flooding even when less than an inch of rain falls. All of this is the symptom of an EPA mandate – which dictates the city’s storm sewers be upgraded and repaired – that has been ignored by City Hall since its announcement in May of 2010. According to that mandate, the city has, through its deferment of sewer upgrades and repairs, allowed over 6.5 billion gallons of untreated sewage into local streams and rivers. You heard right folks, untreated sewage. We’ll just let that sink in for a minute.

Instead, the Mayor and Council chose to pursue fancy, legacy building projects such as the toy train streetcar and subsidizing downtown luxury lofts and hotels . . ."

You decide . . .