Recent comments from the KCK newbie mayor have stirred a strong reaction from our blog community.
First . . .
I was thinking about doing a roundup of the really touching vigil last night for the police captain killed in KCK but the reality is that this is a there's much better coverage out there that recounts the moment of community healing much better.
Here's a great resource for those who want to read more about last night's vigil:
KCK Cops, Community Come Together To Grieve Fallen Officer
Now . . .
Here's the offending passage from a recent statement from Mayor Holland:

Money line . . .
KCK Mayor Mark Holland "Captain Melton's death tells us that tragedy and evil are always possible in this line of work. It reopens a raw hurt still festering within our community. Further, in the two months between our officers’ deaths, our nation has erupted with violence. We have seen the loss of innocent lives at the hands of police; and we have seen the ambush and murder of police who were actively protecting the public. Our nation is in uncertain times."
The reaction from our blog community . . .
"Why did he have to throw in a comment about innocent people killed by the police when this press conference was about an innocent police officer killed by a criminal? I just don't understand. This is not the time and place for that. Let's stand by this family and this department and bury this hero. Then folks like the mayor can go back to their inflammatory rhetoric."
Can't help but agree . . . The comparison is an obvious false equivalence . . .
The cruel, unfortunate and harsh reality is that a great many police shootings involve a suspect dying as a result of their own actions WHEREAS gunman targeting cops are simply looking to kill people for doing their job.
Of course there are exceptions to every rule and I think most people agree that the latest police shooting put on blast by the mainstream media looks like a straight up Barney Fife move:
Video Shows Unarmed Man on Ground With Hands Up Before Police Shoot Him
Nevertheless . . .
Kansas City, Kansas voters should remember that during a time of great stress and public outpouring of sympathy . . . Some say Mayor Holland engaged in a tragic bit of political pandering.
You decide . . .
Instead of running your mouth and making a fool of yourself at the podium, the KCK Chief would do well to state the facts, as did, this black Harvard Professor who actually researched thoroughly the subject.
But, when you live in a Liberal Echo Chamber, where the media is nothing more than a PR Bureau for the Left and the Democrat Party, facts are unnecessary and bothersome. Just parrot the latest talking points from the Black Lives Matter/Democrat Party and wait for your "Thought Leaders" to put a star on your forehead, right before nap time.
yep, pandering is right
ReplyDeleteMayor Holland told it like it is.
ReplyDeleteSaint Mark is showing his true colors. He's a progressive moron. Recall his multiple hate speech's delivered in KCMO? It made the nation news, but only mentioned on TKC. He's a fake and a fraud. Hates the fire dept. Prays a lot against people who do not agree with his beliefs. He's up for re-election and thanks to all the church people he throws grant money too, he's in again. Cops support him too, so take another look and kick him out.
ReplyDeleteMemo to Holland: Lose some weight, shave your muff and try to keep your thoughts to yourself. You are starting to look and sound like the Obese Bowtie, Sly James... add a bowtie and do a little dancing and you will become Sly. You should be worried by this.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Sly dances so much because he has bladder issues? Maybe Yael can chime in on this? What say ye, Yael T Abouhalkah?
ReplyDeleteHolland is currently standing next to the President at the White House. Can anyone explain what he has to do with the KC Royals winning the world series?
ReplyDeleteWho paid for he and his son to go to the White House? Doesn't he have to give the sermon and shed a few crock tears for the fallen KCK police officer at his church this weekend?
Inmate Holland has a nice ring to it.
ReplyDeleteHe thinks that he is preaching to his Sunday congregation.
ReplyDeleteHe is not.
Save the "thoughts and prayers" bullshit. Not everyone subscribes to that nonsense.
You are the mayor of a city. Not the elected preacher.
Bad police men are getting good police men killed.
ReplyDeleteThis is what the police should be talking about with each other.
Evil racists like Chuckless, & Bub, don't care if innocent people are being killed as long as they're Black
One of my uncles was a Police Chief for twenty years. He didn't use his position to act out his racial hatred of Blacks. He was a good man, that's why I know that there are good policemen.
well @12:48, times change. Fifty years of nigger handouts can definitely change the human world's view of a group of animals.
DeleteThe bible belt always opens with a prayer.
ReplyDelete12:07 is this KCK, so that will never happen. He's useful to the local mob bosses. Corruption has been refined into an art form in Wyandotte County. Holland saw how it was done and jumped right in. He turned his failed church into grant funded, tax free paradise. Phony charities city wide, wife lands a cushy health foundation job as soon as he became mayor, yada, yada and more yada.
ReplyDeletePolice wise up and see him for who he is...partying in Wash D.C. with his libtard buddies while you deal with another death.
ReplyDeleteHey, KCKPD maybe Mayor Holland will bring back some VOTE FOR HIL&BILLYBOB buttons for your uniforms. No doubt there's a few boxes in the oval office ready to go. Let us know how that works out.
Holland needs to be voted out. He's nothing but Sly's puppet and a Democrat shill.
ReplyDeleteHolland and friends have driven KCK into a second rate third world country. Making money off peoples misery is the Wyandotte Way. Kick them ALL out.
ReplyDeletep.s. stay tuned for the pretty 4 color post cards with all his great achievement. One achievement is the KCKPD supports him. The chief needs to stay in line so he can retire to some $500,000 a year job with the state to keep us safe. He's not referred to as Rev Mayor Scam Artist for nothing.
Billions of tax payer money fund KC&KCK sports teams. Now we know why. Sly and Holland, two charlatan's of the mid-west showing their asses in D.C. Party on boys. Hillary can use a couple of 'experienced' shameless ho's to keep the cash rolling in.
ReplyDeleteDid anything change?
ReplyDeleteCase Closed!
trying to sound smart.
ReplyDeleteThat is Rev. Mark Holland.
ReplyDeleteMany men go into the clergy to do good and some do quite well.