Agree or not, this is a heartfelt plea for Congressional action on Gun Control from Kansas City's top-ranking elected official.
Take a look:
Congressman Cleaver: We Can No Longer Be Silent
This week, my Democratic House colleagues and I held a sit-in on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives for nearly twenty-six hours, to demand action and a vote on preventing mass gun violence. Every time our nation witnesses one of these tragic mass shootings, moments of silence are held on the Floor. On Tuesday we came to the conclusion that we can no longer be silent. Moses, when taking the children of Israel to freedom, was told by God when he starts to pray at the Red Sea, this is not the time to pray. “This is the time,” God said to Moses, “to move forward.”
My uncle Emanuel Cleaver died two years ago, and as I was trying to clean up his house, I found seven guns. It would be hypocritical for me to say people need to have all their guns removed. That’s not what this sit-in was about. This is not gun control; this is terror control. We ought to be bold enough to say that if you are on the terror watch list, you cannot buy a gun. It’s that simple. We need to do everything we can to limit the opportunities for a potential terrorist to buy guns. But here in Congress, we are saying nothing. We are doing nothing!
Ninety percent of Americans are with us on this issue, believing that we ought to ensure that terrorists cannot buy guns. Everybody is for this, and we could not even get the microphones turned on or the cameras turned on in the House Chamber. I would expect the mics to be turned off in Moscow.
Let me just say that I don’t want anybody to give up. I don’t want the American public to give up. Don’t give up, give out, or give in, because we are going to make it happen. Hope is hope only if things look hopeless. Otherwise it’s just a nice little word. And things that look dim and dark as they do right now for the American people are where hope shines best. This is hope.
A man walks by a baseball game and asks a little boy who is sitting in a dugout, “What’s the score?” The little boy says, “18 to nothing.” The man says, “Boy, I sure hope you don’t get discouraged.” The boy responds, “Why should I be discouraged? This is the first inning; we haven’t come to bat yet.” The American public needs to know we are coming to bat. I don’t care how bad it looks now, we are coming to bat.
Warmest regards,
Emanuel Cleaver, II
Member of Congress
If Hillary wins, the gun lobby will be crushed. That's not a partisan statement, that's a fact.
ReplyDeleteI would love the gun lobby to be crushed. They only represent a few. Most Americans don't have guns nor do we know how to use them. Enough gun violence!
DeleteThank you rep. Cleaver
ReplyDeleteHe is doing the right thing. Terrorists should not have guns.
ReplyDeleteThis is not about gun control, it's about a political party that has become a totalitarian party. This is about depriving people of their Constitutional rights without due process.
ReplyDeleteFascist pigs like Obama and Hitlary can place anyone they want on these lists and deprive them of their 2nd Amendment rights. That's not a partisan statement, that's a fact and so is the statement that the Democrat Party is the modern reincarnation of the National Socialists of the 30's. And if that felonious bitch tries to come after our 2nd Amendment rights she and her party of fellow fascist pigs may find they've bitten off more than they can chew.
As for Cleaver, that corrupt POS has no business making any self righteous statements until he cleans up his own extremely long list of dirty laundry. Up against the wall motherfuckers,
The Congressman was honest in his appraisal, we need to stop these mass shootings. Doing nothing is no longer an option.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats aren't opposed to terrorists, hell they've been in cahoots with the terrorists. Obama has been on their side from day one and Hillary has taken so much Saudi money it's not funny. The Democrats are hand in glove with these Muslim terrorists and they will do nothing to stop them. All their gun control schemes will do is deprive real Americans from defending themselves against the Democrat's Muslim allies.
ReplyDeleteThis was nothing more than a publicity stunt because the Dems couldn't get their way on the floor. One message that is lost is Obama and the Dems controlled both houses when Obama was first elected. What did they do about gun control??? NOTHING, they had to shove Obama care down our throats and that's worked out well.
ReplyDeleteBefore you jump the messenger look at the numbers, 30 million people didn't have insurance when O took office. So they pushed this on us, lied about it and said it would give everyone insurance.
The result, 2016, almost 30 million still without insurance, why, because they can't afford Obamacare.
So, this gun control stunt is right out of the 60's civil rights era. If the Dems and in particular the black politicians, Sly, pay attention, want to lessen the gun violence then quit handcuffing the cops for doing their job.
I wouldn't be a cop nowadays if you paid me a million bucks a year. You have to let the cops arrest the bad guys, if that means stop and frisk then do it.
And, and the black polls won't like this, but who commits the majority of crime, blacks. Argue all you want about poverty etc., this is the same argument made in the 60's, trillions of dollars, taxpayer dollars have been spent on welfare and other programs and it's done nothing for crime.
Until the black politicians quit this hypocrisy and do something about crime in the urban core nothing will change.
Sly, all you have to do is look at Bannister mall, Hickman Mills & Ruskin neighborhoods to see that white flight there has put more blacks in these communities and look at the high rate of crime.
It's shameful that you politicians refuse to stand up and really do something!
Alright no one wants to stare at this Cleaver bullshit all night. Post something newsworthy.
ReplyDeleteThere is no due process for being on the terror watch or no fly list. Law enforcement that encounters you isn't even supposed to tell you you are on the list. People gear the government will abuse these watch lists and rightfully so. Fix this due process issue and we'll talk. Otherwise, go to hell.
ReplyDeletetypical Demosleazeball "Plateau Bargaining"
ReplyDeleteonce they scam denying 2nd Amendment rights to those they arbitrarily deem "terrorists" -- they then bargain to deny rights to ever increasing groups of Americans..
til.. only outlaws will have guns-- y' in present day Chicago
If this was about saving lives they would be screening for nutballs and taking initiative in the black cores of cities across America. This is just more political crap.
ReplyDeletewe should patent a boardgame "TNB Bingo"; the squares on the cards have things written in them like "gunshots", "gunfire erupted", "shots rang out", "dindu nuffin" (judges will accept a variety of possible phrases based on some of these grammatical (infantile n-babble) forms accordingly), "vigil", "prayer", "rev'rund", "college", "turning life around", "mama", "racism", "cops", "supremacy", "whitey".. you get the idea. anyway, the coordinator running the game slowly reads an article from the previous evening, any evening, about TNB in a city, any city, doesn't matter etc..they slowly read through the article.. and the players cross off through boxes when they hear a phrase that's listed in a box on their TNB Bingo card, and when they get a horizontal, vertical or diagonal matchup they yell, "TNB BINGO! etc. .. and they win. and that's the game (unfortunately.. endless fun, etc.)..
ReplyDeleteStripping away the 2nd Amendment for an arbitrary list?
ReplyDeleteNo thank you.
Glad that the amendment was voted down and died. This is why we need to ask our local politicians where they stand on these issues. It should be a litmus test.
Blah blah blah
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell can a libtard not see that the problem here is not the gun? Do you really think we are going to stop the behavior without actually addressing IT and those who are the perpetrators? You guys are just asking for more Timothy McVeighs with this naive view that taking citizen rights away stops criminal activity and violence. All it does is take freedoms from law abiders and allows the nuts and criminals to march on without fear that anyone is actually enforcing anything.
ReplyDeleteNot a chance Congressman, your gun rights publicity stunt is seen as nothing but pure hatred of our Constitution.
ReplyDeleteIf you experience a little gun violence yourself, you may have a different perspective. It is not all that easy to solve the problem just by toting around a gun. You are living in a fool's paradise if you think otherwise.
ReplyDeletewhy didn't the fucking democraps get this done when they had both the senate and house during dumbshit's 1st two years?
ReplyDeleteThe congressman is speaking the truth. People are tired of the killing. We shouldn't be protecting terrorists, we should be protecting our communities!
ReplyDeleteThe list is arbitrary, anybody can be put on it and have their guns taken away without a trial by jury. That is not protecting Americans, it's taking away their rights.
ReplyDelete8:55 Like you know what you are talking about? How's that dreamer spin working for ya?
ReplyDelete"no longer be silent..."?
ReplyDeleteWhen did this grandstanding, narcissistic, grifter fuck ever have his mouth shut?
Democrat Fascist, "Hey look at me!!!!", virtue signaling, pukes, pretending that this terrorist event was all about guns and not about Muslims (Who vote Democratic.).
Gawd what fucking tools.
Then, the lame brain, devoid of ANY originality lickspittle Dems, all sang, "We shall overcome."
Queers and their fucking hormones and drama..Jesus!
ReplyDeleteClever has the loose shoes, he was looking for a warm place to shit.
ReplyDeleteDear Congressman Carwash,
ReplyDeleteYou are a dumb man. I'm not trying to be overly provocative with my words, just making a sane assessment of your writing above.
"We can no longer be silent." Exactly who are you referencing with your "we"? You don't speak for me or the majority of my family, friends, and neighbors.
Attention Congressman Carwash: Sitting on the floor does NOTHING to prevent mass gun violence. I thought this was self-evident.
I know your working profession is in the church, but referencing the Bible in this context is simply your attempt to score points by default, daring someone to challenge theology. Funny that you don't follow Biblical teachings with regard to your still unpaid debts as determined by a court of law. A million (+) dollars in outstanding debt is a lot of sin, Congressman!
With respect Congressman, your deceased uncle has nothing to do with this issue. Please quit trying to elicit sympathy for your illogical argument.
"Ninety percent of Americans are with us on this issue.." Now you're just telling lies. Most Americans know that an overreaching federal government could easily and arbitrarily place millions of innocent law-abiding citizens onto a watchlist which restricts their Constitutional rights. Americans reject your enabling efforts for tyranny.
If you wish to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those you represent, may I suggest you take a look at KC's homicide rate. Please take a look at the publicly available statistics from the KCPD, and address the primary issue that the majority of homicide suspects belong to the category: Black Males, age 17-24, on KCMO's East-side.
How many more deaths will it take before you recognize, address, and deal with this issue?
... in the mean time congressman did ya first d that warm place to shit?
ReplyDelete9:52 You shut up and clean the shit off your gay ass chin.
ReplyDeleteThe libtards are the same clowns that accuse Trump of saying outlandish shit? The jokers are all on the kool aide. If these ass clowns think they are going to win over the public with this gun control bullshit just wait until November and watch them scratch their heads and pick nits out of their ass.
ReplyDelete11:08 nails it!
ReplyDeleteWhat credibility does an illiterate clown deadbeat who is having his congressional wages garnished have?
ReplyDeleteI always wear a pink double breasted suit to a sit in.
ReplyDeleteEmanuel Clever - the same Degenerate who didn't like paying his TAXES !!!!
ReplyDeleteand the same Ba'Foon who Defaulted on a Car Wash loan into the hundreds of thousands of dollars !!
its all a matter of Public Record, yet he tried to Deny all that until it was brought out in the local Media.
The idiot is worse than Mayor Sly James when it comes to Lying & Spinning his bullshit !!
I remember under his leadership as mayor, Violent Crime went up under his supposed leadership too, always mis-appropriating Public Money into the wrong places and trying to Deny it.
Clever another Bullshit Lib'Tard who'll lie and spin his facts to push a phony agenda !!
Was a pathetic stunt. When the brexit news stole the headlines, sure enough the idiot dems gave up.
ReplyDeleteThe dems are not giving up. It is only the first step. Cleaver is concerned about black males east oft troost as well as others who are victims of gun violence. More folks don't have guns than do have them. The ones who have them are just a noisy small group who are used to getting their way and want everyone else to have to risk death so they can enjoy their guns.
ReplyDeleteCarwash wasn't gonna miss out on the tax payer funded buffet n'sheit.
ReplyDelete9:17, I lived most of my life in the inner city, so I came close to many incidents involving gun violence. Too close for comfort. Many times
ReplyDeleteI've been shot at several times. The only thing that works against a thug is shooting back. Amazingly I didn't see much sense is getting on the phone to my congressman and asking him to ban everything 'cause then the thug would have had a gun and I would be dead because I didn't.
ReplyDeleteJust like a bunch if Democrats try and screw you out of your hard-earned money and constitutional rights, while they sit in their asses whining. Fuck Cleaver and his fellow deadbeats.
ReplyDeleteAre the blacks turning over guns first cause I sure as hell will not.
ReplyDeleteBlack know felons cant have guns. That equates to about 90 percent of them. Knowing what good citizens they are you can bet your life they are lining up at Cleaver's door to turn in their guns. More laws always have that effect in the black community, right?