We're happy to look at all kinds of info and links and grateful for what many, many Kansas City denizens send our way . . .
This morning a Facebook author (That's a thing, right?) emailed us this screed . . .
Usurping Bernie Sanders’ bandwagon
I'll save readers some time . . . It's a 1000 word polemic claiming that MD Alam is thwarting Missouri Democrats - Which is a bold claim for a super-minority to make . . .
MD responds in the comments and seyz . . .
"Your Islamophobic and media propaganda, and lack of Knowledge, experience and capacity of accepting the fact that you are attacking someone based on Right-wing nut cases analogy and fox news' analogies."
I'm not sure if any of this is really important inasmuch as it simply confirms that Sleaze Summit GOP dude Will Kraus will probably take the MO SecState job with little to no opposition.
You decide . . .