A recent look at the local housing market offers a reality check to so many downtown boosters who tout economic schemes inside the loop.
Turns out the Kansas City burbs still have an advantage and better population growth . . . That's according to a MARC blog which has always been on the side of the KCMO civic crowd.
And so, all the hype about anticipation over the luxury life offered inside the loop hasn't inspired many people to change traditional housing searches that prize good schools, safe neighborhoods and city services. You decide . . .
H/T The City
Even if it is peripheral, tertiary and off to the distance, people will do anything, go anywhere, pay anything to protect their families from the influence and disease that is the black sub culture. Schools. organizations, neighborhoods, business' and the panoply of conveniences that are thought of as Western Civilization are destroyed soup to nuts, 24/7, every day, every week, every month, every year by the dystopia and dysfunction of African Americans and the dysgenic efforts of the American Zeitgeist that keeps them in power by way of Progressive initiatives, legislation, guilt and lies.
ReplyDeleteThink of the trillions and trillions of dollars, not just spent by local, state and national governments to "Even the playing field" (What an epic failure.), but by private citizens to build suburbs, schools, business, et al in new locations to escape the real life destruction of the Hip/Hop/Holocaust.
Now, return to watching the NBA, the NFL and listening to your thought leaders like Facebook and the MSM, repeat incessantly that "Diversity" is a strength, when you know it is certain death, literally and metaphorically.
I am dead, in a Black on White Hate Crime that no one remembers.
And trolley boy will herf derf in three...two... .
ReplyDeleteHey Jeff, if you were still here, you would be amazed to know, that all over America, we are making neighborhoods more and more dangerous. I am head the initiative to hand out Tax Dollars BIG TIME to blacks so they can move to neighborhoods in Leawood and Overland Park in $500,000.00 houses and live next door to whites who ran from the disaster that is urban city life. I might even be Hillary's running mate. We hate what is left of your family and those just like you and are going to destroy them.
ReplyDeleteThere is no more right of free association. You WILL all live in Section 8 neighborhoods before we are done and you WILL all vote Democratic.
We need to consult with Mr. Stuubio and Mr. LilJhonnson
ReplyDeleteThe real scare is that if KC population isn't growing that means the coons are turning out yard apes in the burbs. Fuck I guess I'll move to Lexington.
ReplyDeleteMore people moved into an area of 480 square miles than an area of 3 square miles! Suburbs Rule! It's proof! FACT! MATH! SCIENCE!
What I see on here is that KCMO gained nearly as many new residents as the three largest-gaining suburbs combined. And what I don't see is a breakdown of how many of KCMO's gains were Northland, Midtown-Plaza, South KC, East Side, or Downtown. So once again another factless TKC post.