Char Char And The Kansas City Link Look

Char Char and her Summery hotness inspires this quick peek at Kansas City mainstream links for Friday afternoon . . .

Hillary New Hotness In Sunflower State
Poll shows Clinton leading in Kansas; broad dissatisfaction with Legislature | Statehouse Live /
Death In The Surburban Stix
Woman, 50, under arrest in Platte County dies in custody of deputies
Show-Me Enduring Real ID Objection
Meeting federal standards for state IDs is not yet a priority for Missouri lawmakers
Here's Why TKC NEVER Wants To See Celebrity Nude Pix Of Dudes
Gawker files for bankruptcy following Hulk Hogan verdict
Newsflash: Summer Will Be Hot!!!
Expect a hot, sunny summertime weekend in Kansa City
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. Newsflash! It's already hot - so we can only assume it will get hotter as summer progresses.

  2. Gladstone cops shoot and kill a suicidal woman in Gladstone last month. Kcpd shoots and kill this month. Now Platte kills someone in custody? Still waiting for FBI to release statistics?

  3. newspapers use slanted polls to create news that advances their agenda, so it's better to ignore them. just ask senator orr.

  4. "Meeting federal standards for state IDs is not yet a priority for Missouri lawmakers"

    This is just another case of Federal bureaucrats paid to do a job and the first thing they do is go out and find someone to do their work for them. The Federal government has literally spent hundreds of millions in tax payer dollers just to figure out how the Feds would scrutinize state ID's This is the same Federal government that issues social security cards to every American, Passports to millions of Americans millions of government checks every month, military and veteran ID cards, millions of government bureaucrat ID's, but the lazy sonzabitches at DHS can not roll up their sleeves and issue their own national ID card. Hell No! They want to play the typical bureaucrat administrators and isolate their chicken shit selves from criticism.

    Fuck Uncle Sam's clowns telling everyone what to do. Issue a freaking Federal ID that they like and knock of wasting billions screwing the pooch and blaming the states. Dumb ass libtards.


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