Cassidy And The Kansas City Link Look

Cassidy Banks is a rising star pr0n babe and right now she inspires a grand collection of Kansas City mainstream media links to think about this evening . . .

We Talked About This Last Week And It's Kansas City Nice News For Today . . .
With monarch butterfly numbers down 90%, Kansas City steps up to help save the iconic insects
Aftermath Of Horrific Abuse Charge
Heartbroken mom regretful after toddler dies of suspected child abuse
More Deets On The Doomed TOD
Kansas City Transit Oriented Development policy held up in committee
KCMO Mule Suspect Didn't Pack Lightly
Man is charged in KC after 35 pounds of cocaine are found on Greyhound bus
Tribute After Tragedy
New memorial to fallen officers dedicated in Wyandotte County
Show-Me Politico PR
Sen. Claire McCaskill hears of KC's struggle to end veterans' homelessness
Old School Kansas City Remembered
'The great white city'
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. Claire a fucking animal.

  2. "With monarch butterfly numbers down 90%, Kansas City steps up to help save the iconic insects"

    Sorry butterflies but we can not help. We have to save the universe with gay shitters.


    Butch Cassidy and the LapDance Kid

    ...the true story of "poke-her" games and wild rides, posse searches, train pulls, and a torrid love affair in Botello's basement.

  4. Claire is Hillbillary's local bitch! Forgive me for that disturbing visual image.

  5. Stomp that Transit Policy crap. It is a way to subvert the will of the people.

  6. You can't handle the truth...

  7. You can call Claire every name imaginable but if you use the word NIGGER, it's deleted. Go figure.

  8. 9:23 Is sending lots of money on his tin foil hat collection. Tell us about the "ovens for burning old people" again.

    But before you do, visit a retirement community and look at what old people actual value: the freedom to live their lives without relying on a car for everything...

  9. Heather Hall has voted for every public subsidy for Northland sprawl that has come before her, none of which got a public vote, but wants to make sure midtowners don't get to vote on what kind of transit they want to pay for in their neighborhoods.

  10. If Claire gave a shit about Veterans her annual survey would not lock a veteran down to commenting on a single VA appointment. Total fucking rubbish, especially considering that just to get something dome by a specialist you end up have a shitload of appointments with some ass hat whose total function is to stall, scratch the old nutsack and to say it is OK to get an appointment with the next time waster.

    The U.S. Congress has no idea about the vets because the dumb fucks have never taken a critical tour of a VA facility or listened to communications from thousands of pissed of vets. Shake the ass holes, roll up your sleeves and get in there and ask the vets without some government career shit heel staring over your shoulders. A fucking slug would have to gather that something is fishy.


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