Kansas City Chiefs Draft Cadre Of Creeps!!!

The recent NFL draft featured the Kansas City's football selecting a crew with unfortunate backgrounds.


"The Chiefs spent a third-round pick on a cornerback who missed an entire season for violating Notre Dame's honor code. They used a fourth-rounder on a wide receiver suspended four times at Florida for drugs and other violations. In the fifth round came a speedy wide receiver that was booted out of Oklahoma State after pleading guilty to punching and choking his pregnant girlfriend. In the sixth, a linebacker out of Virginia Tech once charged with larceny and suspended for bumping into an official."

Read more from KCTV5:

Chiefs gamble on trio of players with background questions

And while the Chiefs are entitled to take their chances on players . . . The team has a long record of draft day FAIL thanks to their consistently stingy front office that's seemingly using a "second chance" discount this time around.

Developing . . .


  1. Fortunately, thuggery is a desirable attribute in the NFL. I hope our thugs are better than their thugs.

  2. Fuck the NFL. I only watch the underpaid college thugs, once they are grossly overpaid thugs I'm out.

  3. Welcome to Killa' City Boyz

  4. Didn't Marty Shotts do this too???

  5. Business as usual for the NFL....look the other way....keep making money



    In a scandalous display of apathy and prejudice, social justice warriors (SJW) were nowhere to be found at the recent White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington, D.C. The ballroom was packed with the top political and media personalities. These are the people that make and package the news, thus influencing public opinion.

    And for anyone who missed it, let me give you the highlights that SJW's across the country have remained silent on, because they're too occupied with Donald Trump, Ferguson, MU-Columbia, etc.


    With President and Mrs. Obama sitting just a few feet away on stage, Larry Wilmore, a black male comedian, thought it was funny to use the term "jigaboo" in his remarks. Then when poking fun at Don Lemon, a black male CNN news anchor, Lemon responded by flipping his middle finger toward the stage. And finally, in his closing, Mr. Wilmore referred to the President as "Barry, my nigga."

    Now, yes, Mr. Wilmore's act was following in the "roasting" style which this dinner has become known for, but why is it acceptable for black men to behave without decorum in the presence of the President and First Lady? I ask, because it goes to the double standard which exists in what passes for black/white race relations anymore. Some people can say certain words with impunity, while others get fired and publicly maligned as racist for doing the same thing.

    If "Black Lives Matter" how come the social justice warriors aren't demanding Mr. Wilmore's firing and public apology?

    Racist remarks get a pass, if when caught, you just say, "kidding"?

  6. Seriously? What has anyone thinking these NFL ass clowns are white knights? They have been arresting KC Chiefs for everything form drugs, to assaults to bad checks to you name it for 30 years. The NFL tune is always the same and 15 seconds later it is back to suckering cities out of millions on stadiums and talking the hyped up bullshit that tailgating rednecks, gang bangers and shit heels just love.

  7. Alright, we're about to have some gangsta ball. Dirty plays. Fingers in the eyes. Knockout hits. It makes good tv and they gotta sell the yellow jerseys.

  8. NFL players,owners and fans .the trashiest bunch of fucks as you'll ever find.

  9. Before or after they drink?

  10. I loved it when they gang banged Michael Sams.

  11. The rampantly metastasizing criminality of the National Football League continues with ersatz (Cough! Cough!)graduates from colleges like MU where it is more important to know the history of Niggas With Attitudes than the history of Western Civilization (Nice going Stanford. Shame...). The pretense that these low lifes can multiply or read above a 2nd grade level is preposterous. The chances that they will end up as recidivist scum in the penal system is far greater than the chances they will ever contribute anything other than fumbles on and off the field.

    Fuck the NFL.


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