Follow-up coverage tonight reveals changing times and traditions for Kansas City as a longtime institution turns away from its roots.

Remember that our blog community previously reported a CRITICAL shortage of produce vendors at the City Market which has strangely contradicted years of tradition at this prime location.

We talked to sad topic FIRST and then other community news outlets did some important and comprehensive reporting on the subject shortly thereafter.

Now we've got EXCLUSIVE follow-up which is appropriate to report for tonight . . .

Here's the word . . .

"TKC, just wanted to tell you that the produce vendors who have been chased out of the city market have set up shop in a few parking lots off Burlington road. Stopped in and purchased a few items this afternoon because there's still no produce at the city market.

It's really sad to see the (City Market) stalls completely empty one weekend after the next.

I've heard that the City Market wants to go upscale but do they understand what they're losing? I bought from the Burlington road guys because I was headed out that way but I probably won't make it a habit. These guys like these have sold fruit and vegetables at the city market for more than 100 years and now there's nothing. Such a shame.

In the meantime, I guess my weekly stop will be to The Brookside Farmers Market which will be nice but still not the same considering my family has visited the city market to shop for produce every for the entire 50 years we've lived in KCMO.

It's hard to believe Kansas City will make much progress if they're literally chasing their best customers out of the downtown area."

And so we finish this week by realizing that times are changing and seemingly timeless traditions are now literally cast by the roadside.

Hopefully, more BREAKING/EXCLUSIVE NEWS, discussion, debate, discourse, more than our fair share of hateration along with a lot of good stuff for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. city market is all about hipsters and high rents. No more room for real Kansas City.

  2. I'll tell you this: count on things getting worse after that train is up and running. No more room for customers at the city market.

  3. Boycott Kansas Shitty!

  4. What's wrong with Whole Foods?

  5. ^^^ Whole paycheck gets food shipped across the country. City market used to have fresh fruit. Now it doesn't.


  6. YES, I can only imagine some dumbass vendor seeking retribution by sending Tony Botello a whinney ass e-mail.

    OH MY!

    I bet the powers that be will be quaking in their boots now.

    Get back to what you do best, pandering for hits from the Cum Guy and offering the insights of a nightclub owner on national politics.

    Oh, and cardio conditioning for marathoners and something about MLB.

  7. ^^^ Can't read very well can't you @9:50. The note wasn't from the vendors, it was from a customer.

    And if you didn't believe that this blog was important. Why are you here on a Sunday night?

    I recognize the tone. Seems like you visit this blog a lot to bitch about how much you don't like it. I'm sure Tony Botello appreciates your hits but your whining is a bit too much to be taken seriously.

    Are you saying it's good that the city market is out of fresh produce?

    Or are you just rolling. Doesn't matter I guess, you seem like a real scumbag to be sure, might want to try going to facebook and bothering your friends. Or did they delete you?

  8. You think this is bad TKC? Just wait till traffic control kills off the city market business with parking tickets. It will be cheap revenue for the city but it will cost us in the long run.

    city market is destroyed after 117 years. Thanks a lot city council.

  9. Kansas City is far too fruity as it is.

  10. Thats kind of sad. So I guess with a new street car you need new city market vendors. Price of uurrrythang going up now. Rent, taxes, fees, and who knows what else. Maybe propaganda speakers on light posts, or blaring from the street cars. Hipster traps are now set all over the place.

  11. I like City Market, but most all of the "vendors" were buying their produce from C&C, DeFeo, and Liberty Fruit. It's not like they were local farmers bringing their produce to market. It was vendors buying from the same suppliers that Price Chopper and Hy-Vee use, and setting up shot at the Market.

    I stopped buying produce down there long ago. About the only place worth visiting is Corollos (spelling?) for their olives. Its definitely not the place to go if you want farm to table.

  12. That^^^^^^^^

  13. There are dozens of farmers' markets around the metro where the produce IS actually from farmers, the places are much easier to get to, and the prices are lower.
    This is just another example, as though one was needed, of pining for those wonderful days of decades ago when KCMO was the hub of the metro and everywhere else was just a bedroom community.
    Time to answer the phone.
    The fifties are calling.

  14. Which vendors got kicked out? This needs follow up as well as names.

  15. 10:00 is that you? Aren't you the moron who thinks you are the TKC blog monitor? Oh yeah the ass hole who can't stand for any opinion to be heard except yours. Yup! Another fucking liptard dipshit who strokes himself with lame attempts to hang your brand of shit on anyone you think you can control. Fuck you clown. Believe it or not anyone else has just as much right to be here and comment as you do and they don't need your lame brained driven pie hole flapping or approval. Just ask your mommy.

  16. 600,000 annual visitors. That's higher than the entire population of Johnson county. Pretty sure the City Market will be just fine. But have fun buying your "locally grown" bananas on Burlington road, you fucking dolt.

  17. STO bitching and MOVE.

    The whining is deafening.

  18. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I want it my way.

  19. The MOB in shitty hall will kill the River Market worse than the Mafia did in the 70's.

  20. Sly needs all those veggie stands to sell t shirts and hats for the toy train

  21. who got time for old school when we can have hipster chit!


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