Local government accountability reports haven't garnered a great deal of interest but the REAL behind the scenes motive of this hot mess seems to be a realization among politicos that union voting power is under attack across flyover country.

OR at least that's the gamble that KCK politicos have undertaken as a bunch of old school FD union dudes now seem up in arms over criticism . . .

Here's the best summary of the controversy for those forced to pretend to care about this practice that's also commonplace in KCMO. . .

The audit generally found that, while KCK firefighters trade shifts in accordance with the law, some shift-trading practices seem to exploit weaknesses in the current labor contract between the UG and International Association of Fire Fighters Local No. 64.

According to the latest UG analysis, the result is firefighters trading nearly 2,000 shifts without reciprocation, and firefighters getting paid for not working. Firefighters also trade shifts, according to the UG, in order to avoid using paid leave, which leads to hefty year-end and retirement payouts for unused time.

Local link aftermath:

Pitch: Unified Government analysis: KCK firefighters trade shifts to get deals other UG employees don't get

Channel 9: KCK audit raises questions about fire department practices

Fox4: It's common practice according to firefighters. There are rules that regulate shift trades, and Kansas City, Kan., Fire Chief John Paul Jones says his firefighters follow those rules.

KMBC: Mayor Mark Holland delivered a report Thursday that’s critical of how the Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department works.

You decide . . .


  1. Oh fucking please! If this isn't a crock of political horseshit. If the city departments, including the council, were ever required to account half the bureaucrats and, so called leaders, in this town would be wearing steel bracelets. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

  2. A city's "guns" and "hoses" are its insurance policies--same as sensible people procur for their homes, vehicles, businesses and other assets. You want the best possible, or at least truly adequate protections. Cutting too many first responders is like buying shady insurance with minimal coverages.
    This is potential for big disaster from not being able to handle big disasters, and the increased response times likely for routine calls if forces are too stretched.
    Those protection forces best be in place, IN CASE.

    Shift shuffling is an absolute. The rosters are thinned out enough as it is. Injuries, illness,
    family emergencies and deaths, births, and mandatory training sessions REQUIRE an algorithm of duty schedules unique to assignments of emergency
    response personnel. Flu season can, and has, placed crews on shuffled shifts for most months of the year to have the assigned positions staffed in legal conformity. Yep, only so many drivers, EMTs, Captains are left when too many sick at the same time.

  3. Holland hates the KCKFD. It takes funds away from his pet projects.
    11:19 this is the truth. The Legends was one big lie. Giving tax breaks so they can stuff their pockets with cash is the Wyandotte way. Orange jumpsuits are what is needed for 9th floor lying thieves. People are sick in KCK because we're sick to death of crooks.

  4. Reverend Mayor Muck,

    When your ass is FOR ONE TIME, on sudden alert, rising from a short sleep between emergencies, rushing through flames, climbing onto burning roofs, crawling beneath debris atop embers, low to no visibility sometimes, listening to the wails of mothers, the screams of children, pleadings from onlookers, the sobs of survivors and heavy gasping of fellow responders at the scene INSTEAD OF SLAPPING DOWN KCKFD, then you're maybe worth a bit of that Mayor paycheck.

    Some PD friendly to your face, HATE YOUR GUTS.

  5. How much money has been spent on Holland's studies? Millions as usual down the drain. He can't blow his nose without an pretty chart to show the way. Bottom line, he doesn't need the fire department to get re-elected.

  6. Holland is well aware how he got the job and is going to keep it unless people get off their ass and vote him out. And that includes UG employees that hate his guts. Stop be afraid or things will get worse. Take a look at the parks depts added jobs. $80 grand a year for event planners.

  7. Noticed that Legends Backfire BBQ $2.8 million loss to DOTTE funds and fraud of an auction isn't the little Mayor man-of-gawd's priority. Nope, get the police officers suspended and keep that endless rant on the FD front and center. He's probably looking for some fit to pitch on the federal judge's spouse next...again.

  8. The fire and ambulance crews might want to start their own church. Have freebies galore-- daycare for close friends' kiddies, fun salsa dance nights, taco dinners, Easter brunches, ESL classes, scholarships, charitable events, and more.
    Tax deductibles and magic money manipulation by other names is heavenly, I hear.

  9. one welfare mother calling out another. That's the unified government for you.

  10. 1:29 It's more houseboy getting told to sell off some pickers and whip what's left of the fieldhands into higher productivity. He's convinced they've been taking bigger sips of lemonade in the hot sun lately. Ya know, so's massahs' kin and friends can keep the ol' plantation from having to buy extra lemons, the overseer is hollerin' "Quit all that sipping, and get to pickin' BOY!" Houseboy don't wanna let all that lemon money take away from his cold beers at the pubs funds.

  11. It's been a week for the Rev Mayor. Let's examine the facts. He and his gang of thieves are against the Woodlands project. Rev Mayor wants to spend tens of thousands on yet another study to delay the project. He says a concern is that's there not enough city services for a 24 hr operation. Meaning FD and police? Two departments he thinks are trash under his feet. Unless of course, they're protecting his sorry ass going to his tax free heaven church. Looking like a big shot costs money. Our money.

    Woodland's forced to give $100,000 to Holland's charities before they receive 100% approval. How much of that money lands in the hands of family members running these charities?

    Millions gone supporting Rev mayor and his stupid ideas of what the city needs. Healthy campus scam is next. Question? How many murders within a ten block radius of city hall each month? How much money to the YMCA when UG employees weigh over 300 pounds each...$100,000 per year.

    Rev Mayor speaks out of five sides of his mouth and we pay him to do it. We are being robbed blind by him and his clown school grads.


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