KMBZ Talkers Dana And Parks Consider Plight Of The Kansas City Urban Core

What we like about this clip that's winning a great deal of praise throughout local social media circles is that that is uses the radio talk format perfectly . . . Dana & Parks connect with a person that they would have otherwise never encountered and share a bit of common ground in this exchange of ideas . . . Take a listen.

Dana & Parks: One of the most powerful calls we've ever received from an anguished mother about the problems in the inner city

However . . . Conservative media watchers crave minorities talking trash about their own people and reinforcing perceptions for better or worse. While some of this testimony is accurate and speaks to real life experience . . . The conversation rarely moves on beyond the blame game that's always easy and fun for EVERYONE to play not matter demographic or partisan lines.

You decide . . .


  1. That looks like a dreadful gig those two have.

  2. I don't think conservatives want minorities to talk trash about each other. I think conservatives want them to quit blaming whitey, admit and own the problems in their community, turn in the bad guys, quit killing each other and stealing things they have worked hard for.

    Until that happens, no number of wailing mothers at vigils, hashtags or blaming others will change their situation. I think many in the inner city thought Obama would change things for them. Maybe they'll finally realize that no elected official, especially Hillary Clinton, is ever going to help. Education is the key, especially in the new economy; and for some reason minorities destroy the schools in their community.

  3. 7:34


    Here is another dead cop yesterday, shot dead by a black with a hatred for whites.

    Lets all forget about the tsunami of black violence and pretend that "Moral Relativism" is exculpatory when it comes the horrors of black criminality.

    They are monsters. But, they vote Democratic.

  4. Killing cops this year is around 4 do far where cops killing blacks and disabled people is at 1500.

  5. Bullshit^^^^^^^^^^

  6. There are lots of good hard-working folks in the urban core, although more move out of KCMO's east side every day.
    And these radio commentators aren't the only ones who really don't have a clue about life in these distressed communities. Just try to talk to all the academics and do-gooders who get to spend many millions of taxpayer dollars on their latest theories and programs, even as the dysfunction and self-destruction goes on year after year.
    And particularly take a close look at the "leadership" in the black community, including many of the "revs" if you want to see who benefits most financially from maintaining the status quo.
    Various levels of government, foundations, and corporations need to stop funding the usual suspect grifters and stop allowing themselves to be shaken down, extorted, and threatened with the tired empty charges of racism and discrimination.
    It's 2016.
    Charity begins at home.

  7. I listened to Elise and she hit the bullseye. Parents of these kids need to be involved with what their kids do from a young age. Teachers and school administrators need to be allowed to discipline kids without the fear of being terminated. So much is just common sense but it has to start sometime.

  8. This lady speaks the truth bot in the black community she's one in a million. The rest are baby factories from multiple fathers, cradle-to-grave reliance on the government, and have zero expectations of their children, except for them to drop out of school themselves and emulate the worst aspects of the hood. Failure is a point of pride for a huge percentage of black people. Who else copies the prison culture? You ever notice black people always hang out with their cousins? It's because they all live in the same house with grandma because they don't know who their dad is and mom is a crackhead and/or is in prison. My dad drank too much. You know what I don't do? Drink too much. Black people see failure all around them and emulate it. Why don't they copy the old man down the street that retired from Ford after 30 years? Oh that's right, they are going to be a rapper. Or baller. No they're not. They are going to be living with grandma when they are 30, if they aren't in jail, sponging off the welfare she has been on her entire life. Black me catch a lot of shit, and deservedly so, for the lack of being a father but it's way past time for black women to catch som heat too. Get on birth control. Stop getting knocked up by multiple men yo KNOW will have nothing to do with the kid. Stop dropping out of school at 15 to start cranking out kids and getting on welfare, never having a job in your life. Great example you are. Practically the entire race is worthless.

  9. Stretch marks and parks.

  10. "Conservative media watchers crave minorities talking trash about their own people and reinforcing perceptions for better or worse."

    Tony Moron, the fact is you are too much of a spaced out libtard to have a clue what conservatives know, desire, believe in or think, but as the libtard mind works, you said it so it must be fact, huh? Go back to sucking your tranny's tit and leave the thinking to those with an IQ above 3.

  11. 9:22 nailed it. I heard the same call live on KMBZ and listened to it again from their Twitter feed. This all starts at home

  12. Some good hard truths spoken here and it should continue. 8:40 said what common sense from all colors speak to. In homes, schools, workplaces, and in the pray places (covers all denominations) all of us have to MODEL along with MOUTH decent morals.

    Violence and addictions are evils that hurt all. Breaking cycles and building better lives is possible and proven for success in many. GOOD blacks are all around, same as other races. We hear about the negatives surrounding blacks, and less of the positive.

    Each black dad in our suburban hood are excellent parents. Especially one killed during his second deployment to Afghanistan, because his legacy of good goes on living. His two grown sons are his GREAT AMERICAN examples and do well for their families, and their mom, especially.

    Zak Burns


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