Kansas City Urban Core Grocery Redux

More news from the food desert on the East side of town and rough start in solving the problem that still involves mimicking suburban good life rather than searching for a new model of distributing food. Take a look at a subsidized second try: Grocery Store Could Be on Horizon for 27th and Troost


  1. Food desert? With Costco a few blocks away? This area is not in a food desert and neither is the countless other places where they've shaken down government for funding. Look up the definition of food dessert. This area doesn't meet definition.

  2. "Kansas City Developer"...translation Cleaver's political donors and friends found another site to rip off Kansas City taxpayers. No doubt a grocery store may be needed...but the development and pre-development fees on this project are pure political pay pack. There will be the usual players EDC, City, and the shell corporations with the same registered agent hiding the names of the Friends of our former Mayor. Playbook is similar to the downtown hotel-----just on Troost.

  3. They better have a large first aid section.

  4. So, Hallmark owns that land on the corner of 27th Troost?

  5. No, Hallmark does not own the proposed site. The City owned the land...purchased through eminent domain measures.

  6. Underneath the shell corporations...will be the likes of former council person Nash, Zimmer real estate people, etc. -----the usual folk that ripped off millions from the Beacon hill project. Corporation names will be new....but the profiteers will be the same.

  7. Isn't there a major grocery store at 31st and Prospect? If not what happened to it and why?

    1. You mean the price chopper that has barbed wire surrounding the roof of the building?
      Kinda sums it up!


  8. LOL......Grocery store at 27th and Troost ?

    Brilliant planning.

  9. The cost of food be so high, nobody will want to shop there. All the security guards that will be needed there 24/7, so the neighbourhood don't rob it blind. All the locals will be trying to get cousins on in the security dept so they can look away at the right time.

  10. Build it and they will come and tear it down. The negros

  11. Here is a nice young man outside of a store in Chicago. He was probably an aspiring "Rapper". He definitely was in a gang in Chicago. The gangbanger was taking a selfie video of himself and is shot dead.

    Holy shit this is funny and a great way to start your Sunday!


  12. You haven't been to 27th and troost lately

  13. Eminent domain? The city can just take your property if it wants it?

  14. How many shoplifting and thieving coons can we expect this store to draw away from civilized Kansas City?

  15. That your city government.

  16. Before I left Kansas City there had been talk of Associated Wholesale Grocers
    getting together with an established grocer and build a store in the near east side of town. What ever happened to that plan? The answer to the question of the store that was at 31st and Prospect was closed due to high prices, theft, and not keeping the store up to cleanliness standards. The biggest problem was the revolving ownership of the store. If memory serves it was owned by 4 different people in the 15 year lifespan of the store.

  17. Long ago,it was a skating rink, then it became a church for years, the city took the land by eminent domain was my indirect question, not thievery at a store on 31 st Prospect.

  18. Eminent Domain is the KC corruption machine's best friend. The City moves residents and land owners out by force....then practically give the acquired land to developer friends for almost nothing... then pay the developer handsome pre-development fees (for nothing) and then they turn around and pay development fees. It is a real scam layering profit on top of profit ----and the so-called developer takes no risk whatsoever.

  19. And they come to watch an old nigger die...

  20. Watching The. Gangs of New York on loop....

  21. I had to know.warmed up chitterlings.and still I rise an can a bitch walk. Within reason.now I know...two tears in a bucket where the sun don't shineMarie, Marie, no harm to me or my family...I have wronged none but none have wronged me and my family.A spiders kiss, remember this.protection on all I love and me an family. But you will do as thou will unto me to thee..grande finale.,,enough of this heathen music ...this is America...,

  22. Fucking bastards...


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