Kansas City Brookside Bandit Confronts Charges After Robbing Half Dozen @ BBQ

Even private gatherings are dangerous in this embattled Kansas City neighborhood that continues to face a crime spike: "According to court documents, on Sunday, April 17, six people were barbecuing at home when Anderson and two others approached them. Prosecutors say Anderson robbed the victims of cell phones, wallets and jewelry at gunpoint before fleeing the scene. One person suffered minor injuries when pistol whipped but refused medical treatment." 26-year-old KC man charged with robbing 6 people at Brookside bbq


  1. Take a lesson, Brookside libtards: if one of you had been armed, amd not such pussies in general, you could have shot this nigger, saved your stuff, and done the world a favor all at the same time by ridding it of anothet feral stray hopeless nigger we now have to feed at Nigger Hotel for five to ten.

    But niggers know they can commit such acts in Brookside, home of the pussies.

  2. @4:00 You can't afford to live in Brooside, so you're safe in your trailer. White trash.

    1. No man is safe... not even in a trailer.

  3. What a nice africo American man

  4. Six people and not a one had a CCW? How are we ever going to get the coon population under control?

  5. The people he robbed must have been white- because have you ever tried to take a rib from a black man?

  6. Didn't someone see that group of black guys coming to the backyard and start cussing and making some kind of noise? Oh, wait, they had guns...brain fart, excuse me.

  7. If a NIGGER shows up anywhere even near your property, you should immediately draw your weapon and prepare to blow lips and tennis shoes all over the place.


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