As the Internets transforms the Kansas City media scene, some of the most KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTERS reveal fear of changing times and the end of an era for local radio.

To wit . . .


Here's the word from one of the most knowledgeable and hottie people in the business . . .

"Johnny Dare just announced his contract is up May 31. Scott Parks has been filling in since Nycki Pace left (to go back with Bryan Truta on 102.1) . . . Anyway, Parks and got an email last night saying his last day to be on Johnny Dare is TODAY, probably due to falling ratings on Dana and Parks (but no explanation given). I guess the station's got a new owner, everyone's freaking about the Rock being gone and his show ending after 22 years."

Mind you . . . Radio is a tough game and even fortunate sons like our own "wildman" from the comments have been skulking around this town waiting (in vain) for a spot to open up in order to get a show (lol) while so many broadcasters play musical chairs as satellite and the Internets keep luring their audiences away.

Meanwhile, Johnny Dare achieved one of the greatest runs in Kansas City media history but now his time seems to be up and he's no longer the top jock in town amid the decline of terrestrial radio.

Developing . . .


  1. The wildman get a show? That would require work. His dad isn't around to buy him one, so it's better to troll TKC links. Times are changing.

  2. the TKC show?

  3. NEVER

    Say no to any hispanics on the air who aren't doing mexican radio.

  4. Radio Man-Child3/1/16, 11:18 AM

    Dare was the King of KC radio for more than a decade. But now his time is over. He did more with his career than most people. It's good to see him go out near the top.

  5. He's old school. They need to book some new young person fresh out of college with a degree in miscommunications.

  6. Part of this is Glazer's fault since Dare is tied to him and new owners major pissed at Glazer for the cunt episode. JD made the bucks when the going was good but now it isn't so. JD probably could stick around but he better be ready to take a huge cut in pay to do so.

  7. Never heard of the guy.

  8. I use to love to listen to Johnny Dare and respected him. Then he became a freaking libtard, and I changed the station.

  9. Oh, NO !!!!
    I am suicidal over this news.

  10. WyCo scumbag3/1/16, 11:55 AM

    This should be the mother of all rock fests!

    I'm banging my babe in the toilet and in the pooper because of this.

  11. I only listen to Dana & Parks, along with Jonathan Weir. No idea who Johnny Dare is

  12. This entire story is bullshit as are most stories on this site. Scott Parks last day was today because someone else starts tomorrow. Dana and Parks ratings are not slumping. Nicki was a temporary fill-in and was never in the plan to stay fulltime. The station does not have a new owner. Johnny's ratings have not declined as a result of an overall decline in terrestrial radio. Where do people make this shit up? OH that's right....this is a blog and not real journalism.

  13. ^^^^^^^^^ You're not right either shit stain

  14. Actually I am right. The entire story is bullshit. Whomever Tony's "most knowledgeable and hottie" insider anidiot. EVERYTHING in that story is false except maybe when Dare's contract is up. That I am not sure of.

  15. There's no new owner. Maybe a new GM or program director, but Entercom still owns the station and is not going anywhere

  16. No new owner, no new PD, no new GM. His contract is up in May, and negotiations are ongoing. That's it.

  17. Were the CUCK boys at 0610 sports radio able to fetter out a racial element to this story?

  18. Caset Kasaum is gone, Charlie Tuna is gone, Wolfman Jack is gone, Dick Clark is gone, The Rock of Chicago is gone, TOP 40 WHB is gone. Life goes on. Broadcast media makes changes because people either stop listening or for money. That is business. Sure, I might miss Johnny Dare, but the fact is an damn near never tune in anyway.

    The days of great radio formatted for entertainment are pretty much gone unless you live in perhaps five U.S. markets and coon city KC damn sure ain’t one of them. For many stations the morning drive is about the only block that pays the bills and there isn't a programing service on earth that is really good at changing that fact. Besides a few crews, campers, morning commuters and a few with no TVs radio is pretty much dead. In the next five years or so you are going to see less commercial radio and more of these horse shit public, religions, community and low power stations. Even elevator music is piped in by satellite and not using station subcarriers anymore. In the end these amature hacks will be left to broadcast to their friends and a few supporters, but in real terms the end of radio as we know it is near.

    Printed media is about dead, the wired telephone is dead, radio is about dead, the alumuminum Christmas tree is dead and if cable TV does not manage a massive overhaul of the business model they will be dead in five years. Move on. Nothing is forever. Dare it is time to get a real job.

  19. The contract may be up, but they are milking it for publicity. He's still highly rated and will no doubt get at least a year extension.

  20. 1:05 you couldn't suck my dick right last night so who do you think you are fooling here. If you know so fucking much tell us who you are and then it might add an ounce of credibility to your story.

    The only thing about the story that is incorrect is the fact that Entercom still owns it. The rest is how radio operates. I bet that Dare will have to take a pay cut to stay and that's a fact about radio today. Nobody is making big bucks from it anymore and Dare could be gone by end of May because YOU DON"T FUCKING KNOW THAT YA ASSHOLE

  21. Radio?? Radio?

    ohh..yeh.. that thingy in the car that sometimes comes on when the Bluetooth accidently kicks off while streaming ... yeh... then some crazy guy starts yelling about his cars for sale ..yeccch!

    is radio still a thing?

  22. I believe that Dana and Parks is losing listeners because all they do is have them blabber about some business that gives them free shit. Do you ever listen to the commercials they read..they are horseshit. Example: Dales body shop in Blue Springs...People come from Omaha, Columbia and St Joe to have their cars worked on. Bullshit. Those poor bastards got into a wreck here and had to have the cars fixed to drive back. They probably came for a Chiefs game, got drunk, and fucked up their car getting out of Arrowhead(job) Stadium.
    I dropped them from my radio dial like I dropped the Star.

  23. Oh yeah and Dana and her weight loss at Doctor Teague. If she has lost so much weight why is she still so fat? She is a crazy wacked out bitch for sure!
    I can't stand to hear her voice. I turn them off as soon as she starts shilling for all of her "friends".
    Ketz was stupid to leave his wife and kids for her.
    It's nothing but boring drivel. OH MY GOD and GIVE ME A BREAK,
    And that is no lie

  24. You do realize they don't write or sell those ads idiot^^^^^

  25. Johnny Walker3/1/16, 4:29 PM

    KMBZ is home of commercials in all hours. I left them months ago because of the boring crap they talk about all day long from 6 AM to 10 PM. Not worth having a preset on the radio for it.
    I have switched to 94.9 and 102.1
    When I left I discovered that my brain quit hurting except when I drink too much now.

  26. Parks is just as anoying as DANA...well suited for each other. The "new Boss" got fired and I think the new Program Manager will start cleaning house as contracts expire. Entercom will want to get their flagship in KC back on top as soon as possible. Maybe too late.

  27. 4:29....But they read them! They are stupid. They are often testimonials of shit they have had done to themselves or their house or their car etc. They speak the material as if it is written by them and they should have the journalistic integrity (not Urinalistic) to own it.
    They say Mr Remodler did this at my House. I shop at the Mission HyVeee... I have had cool sculpting...Dr Teague, Dr Teague, Dr Teague...
    They are poorly written examples of free shit they get the you can't get.
    It is pathetic.

  28. Did you really write journalistic integrity? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  29. johnny needs to ride this one out and get as much publicity as possible.

    While he's at it he needs to make the move out of the rock and try to get on satellite radio.

  30. The CUCK boys at 0610 sports radio claim to have lost a lot of weight with Dr Teague.

    But I'd imagine that it really came from all the Mizzou football player cock they were sucking during 2015.

  31. Radio as most of us grew up with is gone and it's not coming back. Even the style of music most of us grew up with is not made anymore. Today's rap sounds nothing like rap in it's beginning. Country music today sounds nothing like country did 25 years ago, that's why they call it new country

    The great DJ's are either dying or retiring because they can't get paid what they use to be paid at one time. Larry Moffitt said when we were talking once 10 or so years ago that most in radio know come contract time they can either take a cut or head on down the highway if they the station doesn't just walk in some morning and say, "that's it, folks, you're off the air."

    It takes a lot of advertising dollars to make a radio station operate today and the money just isn't there to pay the high dollar salaries of the past. The two people morning shows get rarer every year. The money just isn't there anymore in radio.

  32. Dare is a Doggie loving baby, who acts like a tuff guy but really is a fufu macho pichu climbing douche bag.

  33. johnny dare is the best. He should stay, I listen to him EVERY damn day during my masturbation sessions.

  34. Even my wife calls the Dana and Parks show Twit and Twat, she just won't say which is which. I only listen to Weir now that DJ is gone and he's on at such a time I can't usually listen, however....
    East Side Dave is on the Anthony Cumia network on the internet and that guy is one crazy SOB. Probably not for everyone. What am I saying, Dave isn't for everyone but he really is a silly, fun guy.

    For more reasonable, entertaining fun you should try the Phil Hendrie show online. You can get samples of each and everything on the cumia network on Youtube.
    Terrestrial radio and pretty much TV is dead.
    Really, TV? With TV news you get maybe a news story, then a couple warm and fuzzies for the first 5 minutes. You then get 5 minutes of weather and the rest of the half hour or hour is sports. IF the chiefs or royals have news, the first 5 minutes is dedicated to that as well. So tv news is worthless as well.

  35. Dare should go satellite.

  36. Dare should live on a satellite

  37. TKC has definitely lost his damn mind, another reason why he's not invited to Ruckus anymore

  38. ^^^^^^^^^^Notice you have never been on there, so go play with yourself while looking in a mirror and pretending it's Rev Cleavers ole lady doing it.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. This is typical Dare bullshit and staging, he should have left years ago when the show went to shit. Now he just hangs around to mooch free shit from listeners. His entire show is fake bullshit, and only meth heads and the uneducated listen now. He's laughing all the way to the bank and the moron audience believes everything this steroid tells them. How sad.

  42. Johnny who? Haven't listened to local radio since XM started in 1988... He's old hat, time to go wash dishes at McD's.


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