Eva And The Kansas City Evening Links

Eva Longoria hotness in her latest fashion photo shoot inspires this late night look at some of the more important and somewhat classy links tonight. Take a look:

Smart LED Kansas City Streetlights For Crossroads And Not For The Rest Of This Town
Lux Magazine
Kansas City Hostage?
Family works to free KC native held in Middle East prison
Despite Healthcare Levy Promises
Yael T. Abouhalkah: Indigent care still too low a priority in Kansas City
Fanboy Art Again
KC painter, Royals fan creates mural to commemorate World Series win
Kansas City Football Insight
Chiefs racking up the dead money again
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. We're a "smart city" and that means we really have invented a better light bulb.

  2. a better lightbulb? or just a light bulb that sends information back to Cisco?

  3. How many Freudian psychologists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    Two, one to hold the ladder and one to screw my mother, I mean the lightbulb.

  4. Anyone amongst us knows you can't spend more than you earn . . . how basic is that


    Eva's photos created a Longoria phenomenon in my pants!

    Now, I just need a certain Candice to relieve my Swanepoel.

  6. Nancy McNoodly, schoolmarm3/16/16, 11:41 PM

    Not too bad, garnered a mild chuckle.

    You've done better work.

  7. Indigent health care, come on Yael, come out and say what's you mean, you liberal jerk. Your talking for the most part about the illegals and open arms immigration to this country looking for the free handouts.

  8. Again^^^^^ SD ^^^^^^ for the win

  9. "Little Yael"

  10. "Yael T. Abouhalkah: Indigent care still too low a priority in Kansas City"

    So we should not have given that tax money to the rag you work for Yeal and spent it on, perhaps, indigent health care? Sounds like a plan to me.


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