Show-Me Another Missouri Historic Preservation Petition Aimed At Politicos

As historic structures throughout Kansas City are regularly torn down . . . This is an important effort.

Take a look at this petition directed toward Senator Roy Blunt, Senator Claire McCaskill, Representative Emanuel Cleaver and Representative Sam Graves:

Full and Permanent Funding for the Historic Preservation FundMissouri Alliance for Historic Preservation (Missouri Preservation)


"The Historic Preservation Fund was due for re-funding in September of 2015. To date, nothing has been done. We urge you, our congressmen and senators in Washington to fully and permanently fund the HPF to ensure that the historic resources of Missouri and the nation are properly documented, protected and reused wherever possible."

More in a bit . . .


  1. How about we restore those historic old highways like I-70 before we take care of those historic vacations.

  2. It's what 10th and vine will look like in a couple of years.

  3. I lived here as a is full of bad ghosts. Cost of restoration is unjustified. Why not restore the Van Brunt Blvd neighborhood. Which at least had some old-school grandness.


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