Kansas City Woman Explains Her Exceptional Love For Pussy Is Not Just Obsession

This lady says that it's not hording . . . And she explains her dedication this way:

"I realize it’s a lot but when you take care of something for five years, you love it. You love it."

To be fair, that excitement over a long term commitment to pussy is just not something that's seen in most dudes.

Read more: Woman with 26 cats claims she's not a crazy cat lady


  1. The cats will be better off with new homes.

  2. I know people living in worse places than that

  3. Well said, 6:56, the cats were well enough off.

    And to the first poster...you dumbshit...don't you know at least half of them will be gassed

    You stupid fuck.

  4. Women have all the pussy in this town

  5. There's a ton of stray cats strutting around this town, gassing these strays won't mean much

  6. Please gas them, free roaming pussy is bad for the ecosystem

  7. that many Cats, shes got mental problems, most do, that have too many pets, like that.
    its a dark under ground sickness ,, that we hear about every once in a while in the news.

  8. They need to send out the killa KCPD SWAT TEAM enforce the city ordinance. If all those cats don't put them in danger.


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