Kansas City Council Lady Jolie Justus Considers The Changing American Family

Take a look at this Kansas City Week In Review conversation featuring a polite chat about the American Family . . .

There's a bit of an acknowledgment of some minority issues but this is mostly and apropos discussion of the new American broke-ass family reality and the rising tide of middle-class LGBT families and their fight for equality.

Related reading for everybody who might want an alternative to the company line here and maybe just a brief acknowledgment of the ongoing fight for a man's rights . . . Dumbing down Dad: How media present husbands, fathers as useless

Here's the local show . . .

Hopefully, more in a bit . . .


  1. And no one even noticed the USA launched two ICBM's this past week in a show of force aimed at our rivals China, Russia, and North Korea.

  2. Well of course they didn't they are brainwashed by sports, fat butts, hamburgers and alcohol.

  3. First gal they talked to bitched that we didn't have equal opportunity for women at work THEN she bitched that America doesn't gaurentee women paid time off to have children. The next little diddy is from sister feels good who is helping care for 600 kids of people that don't have enough money for a home and food but that hasn't stopped them from fucking out 3 or 4 brand new kids while they were in this condition.

    And when it's all boiled down can you even GUESS whose fault it is?

    Yuppers, its the white dudes fault. Racist patriarchy.

    In reality, feminists only want equality "for the fun stuff in life"
    Gavin McInnes http://www.therebel.media/women_in_combat_feminists_only_want_equality

  4. This me, me, me, it has to be all about me crap, is really getting old. Every child should be exposed to a normal family environment. A family environment that consists of a biological father and mother, male and female, as that is what it takes to create a baby. Then the said child should be raised in a home supported by said mother and father who together raise this child teaching it family values and morals, civic pride and respect.

  5. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The simple minded idea of the nuclear family is a fantasy that only exists in the minds of self deluding ideologues that never look to see the complex reality of human life.

  6. NaziDave, you don't treat people with respect. There's a long list of people you think should be summarily executed, or imprisoned without trial, plus you're a racist puke & a misogynist.

    The "Greatest Generation" believed that raising children was women's work, like pretty much everything else needed to run a household. They even believed that Jim Crow was somehow, magically reasonable.

    Men have always been, & remain, unnecessary to raising children. Single mothers raise better children than 'dads' do. Men are too busy being stupid, drunken whores.

  7. Yup it is the fathers fault for disengaging, but mama hoe gets to chose whether his child lives and he pays child support for 21 years or dies at Planned Parenthood. That still isn't enough control for them so they bitch and whine about men. Daddy's entire future is in peril if he hooks up with one of the many mental bitches, but somehow he is the one responsible while a woman getting an abortion is some kind of feminist martyr hero. How fucked upo are those values? Sounds like women want limited usage out of the fathers at best.

  8. Bull Shit Byron. Just because your dad was a piece of shit doesn't mean my dad or I am.

    Go into the black community and see what a community raised by single moms do.


  9. And Byron keeps adding to the list of things I will use to get him court ordered committed to a nut house.

  10. Yep, single moms are great at raising kids.


  11. Byron's got his broadbrush strokes going again. There's no one formula fits all for families to flourish. But, it is proven the successes and the sins of fathers (all parents) impact offspring.

    What that "Greatest Generation" did was leave the farms and the factories, the desktops and the domiciles to serve their nation. They kept the fight from our own shores while patriot men, women and children stepped up to keep America going back home.

    Now we got too much "Grabbiest Generation" that is weakening our economic strengths and national security. Today's corparate welfare, crony capitalists are as much to blame as the petty career criminals and absent parents for crises in too many areas. SACRIFICE and SENSIBLE COOPERATION is not modeled on a global or personal scale as much as need be. ME! ME! ME! I WANT IT ALL RIGHT NOW!

  12. More of KCPT's Liberal Bullshit Indoctrination

    The program was supposed to be focusing on "The American Family", so of course they only have 5 women on stage, and chose an LGBT activist to moderate!

    If you couldn't see where this was slanted from the very beginning, you weren't paying attention.

    Guess why the traditional American family is nearly extinct?

    Because that's been the long-term plan for several decades now.

    Federal government and Federal Reserve need more of your money in the way of taxes, so the Women's Liberation Movement gets strongly promoted, and women join the workforce in mass. This means tax is collected now on both mom and dad! Both parents are out of the home, leaving child-rearing to schools, daycare, etc. Much easier to indoctrinate the kids early.

    ...and public television, like KCPT, has been there all along, pushing the issues which successfully fractured the traditional family. Nick Haines is afraid to touch that issue though.


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