The political legacy of Mike Sanders is nothing more than shady insider deals and slap-fighting among his colleagues in the aftermath of his departure from the Courthouse in the middle of the night like a hobo.

Newspaper: Tarwater says county counselor should be fired for Mike Sanders contract ‘deception’

Meanwhile, in fairness, here's the extended explanation from the County of this controversial contract . . .

"Pursuant to the Jackson County Charter, the County Counselor’s office is responsible for making all contracts for outside legal services required to serve the interests of the county. Article V, Section 6 of the Charter gives the county counselor broad authority to retain legal counsel by contract. The exercise of that authority is not subject to a competitive process. The County Executive is aware of the County Counselor’s responsibilities and respectful of the procedures used in that process. Every effort is made to be sure that contracts for legal services are warranted, well-defined and timely. There is no Charter provision for bidding of such contracts.

"The contract in question was issued by the County Counselor using funds set aside for legal fees for the Rock Island Corridor acquisition. As negotiations continue regarding closing on a final deal, the County Counselor desired the assistance of the person most knowledgeable of the ongoing discussions."

Update . . . Here's a pathetic defense from the newspaper: Hiring Mike Sanders was the right call made in the wrong way

You decide . . .


  1. Why wouldn't the county counselor already have the most knowledge of this whole deal without a consultant? This stinks. Like insider trading.

  2. So Mike Sanders writes the ethics code that leaves in this giant legal loophole that allows him to profit from a no bid contract awarded to him by the guy he hired earlier. And apparently frank white is ok with this.

  3. RSMo 105.454. 1. No elected or appointed official or employee of the state or any political subdivision thereof, serving in an executive or administrative capacity, shall:

    (5) Perform any service for consideration, during one year after termination of his or her office or employment, by which performance he or she attempts to influence a decision of any agency of the state, or a decision of any political subdivision in which he or she was an officer or employee or over which he or she had supervisory power, except that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit any person from performing such service and receiving compensation therefor, in any adversary proceeding or in the preparation or filing of any public document or to prohibit an employee of the executive department from being employed by any other department, division or agency of the executive branch of state government. For purposes of this subdivision, within ninety days after assuming office, the governor shall by executive order designate those members of his or her staff who have supervisory authority over each department, division or agency of state government for purposes of application of this subdivision. The executive order shall be amended within ninety days of any change in the supervisory assignments of the governor's staff. The governor shall designate not less than three staff members pursuant to this subdivision;

  4. It's all political theater.

  5. @ 4:39 You're spot on.

  6. 4:39: What is the point of your citation to 105.454.1(5)? Sanders isn't being hired by someone outside the County to try to "influence a decision of. . . any political subdivision in which he or she was an officer. . . ." He's being hired by the political subdivision to work on behalf of the political subdivision. You may not like him being hired, but it's not prohibited by this language.

  7. TKC, you're missing something big. Calvin is the king of the county.

  8. Filing for the County election begins Tuesday, February 23. Good Luck Frank White! If you haven't taken strong action to at least clean out your own office I will not vote for you.

  9. The big story here is that this is the first time since Victor Callahan left for Jeff City someone has spoke up against the Executive branch of Jackson County Government.

    Did any other Sander's cronies get contracts?

  10. If all this was on the up and up then why all the secrecy? And how the fuck can anybody in the legislature trust anybody in the executive office?

  11. 6:45 yeah. McClain. $150K. Outside counsel. Sanders now works with/for him. So what does Nixon do at the County? Tarwater is right. Fire Nixon now.

  12. Executive Order NO. 15-35 naming Calvin Williford acting Executive Director of the Rock Island Rail Corridor Authority. Why didn't Williford tell Frank White about the contract?
    Same goes for Nixon. And better yet, why the hell didn't Mike Sanders tell Frank? It is in Sanders' contract to talk with Frank! Frank White should cancel the contract due to Sanders being unable to fulfill his duties as paid advisor.

  13. Fire Nixon, Williford and Siettmann and whoever else thought it was okay to do this in secret, keeping the guy who's supposed to be their new boss in the dark. They sure as shit don't have a lot of respect for Frank white or the legislators.

  14. Should Frank White take a broom to the Executive side of the house?

  15. Frank most likely knew. The fix was in if Sanders is still hanging around the courthouse. Frank is a figurehead with no experience in running a County government. Sanders gets paid to run things from behind the scenes.
    Will Frank fire Nixon? No.

    How long has Frank been County Executive? Too damn long.

  16. Tony would you like some "whine" with that big heaping bowl of Skippy shit that you eat every fucking night ?

  17. Skippy has a good job at a law firm. Good for him. Sounds like a lot of jealousy on this blog.

  18. don't fucking pay sanders a single cent for so-called consulting work- the dude's a crook and he will end up like his old man.


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