Forbes List Rich Dude Resides In KCMO

Quick local mention on of the ruling class who call Kansas City home in this guide to envy among the biz class. Checkit: The Richest Person In America's 50 Largest Cities


  1. GARMIN = GARy burrell + MIN kao

    both on the KS side

  2. And once again the name Craig Glazer is missing from the list.

    You will notice that you never see these two gentlemen going onto blogs yelling that everyone but them are losers and how all their women are 10's. In fact, they I am sure would never walk into a media location and call the women who are there cunts. No, these gentlemen get respect and give respect back to those around them. Something Craig Glazer knows nothing about. I'm also willing to bet neither man shared a cell and sex with a man called Bubba.

  3. That reminds me, who's at the Improv tonight?

  4. I'm proud of Min Kao. Let's rob his ass...


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