Calling Out Tony's Kansas City Racists!!!

One of Kansas City's top rising star authors offers a SCATHING critique of some of the d-bags in the blog comments and we can't help but agree with his analysis . . .

Calling Out Tony's Kansas City Racists

Also, the ad for his new book is apt and might provide a teaching moment in the eternal fight for love against hate on Valentine's Day and every other day of the year.

Personally, we rarely feed the trolls who are mostly comprised of lesser bloggers, jealous types, trolls, sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads and a few occasional moments of brilliance.

You decide . . .


  1. Must be trying to boost his books sales.

    1. Ding ding ding! Winner!

  2. Good boost for eyeballs and traffic here. However temporary.

  3. I've always suspected the N Guy is some cyber ops guy working for Sly's crew. When your trying to take someone down you don't like anything goes.

  4. While Mr. Garrett S. Griffin is entitled to his own thoughts I would like to also point out that Alex Haley's book Roots, was a unmitigated lie. Now not having read Mr. Griffin's book I have no idea if it is the truth of not. But hug the lies till you die seems to be the life style of choice now days. The choice that many Democratic Socialists such as Mr. Griffin seem to want to stand behind.

    When Mr Griffin writes the same kind of nasty comments about the words that many rap artists and black people walking the streets today in American use as much or more than the people who comment on Tony's Kansas City, I would be more likely to accept his view.

    When Mr Griffin can in writing explain why he doesn't think that people should have any distaste for a group of people who lead the nation in crime statistics as in killing, raping and stealing from one another, then his opinions might carry some more weight.

    In short Mr Griffin would rather point a finger at those who he disagrees with or disagrees with him by calling them a racists because they use the N word.

    To Mr Griffen I say, "When you stand up and tell black people who use the N word to stop doing such, and start acting like they are no better than anyone else, then I will start to maybe see your point of view."

    But to you Mr. Griffin I say, pointing a finger at one group saying you're wrong and not pointing the same finger at the other group while saying, See how your ways of living and actions adds fuel to what these people say about you and feel about you." To me not doing sothat is showing some racism of your own.

    Once you do that Mr. Griffin then I myself will treat you like an adult and be more respectful of your views. But until then, they are only your views, the same as the comments you so hate are simply the views of someone else. Grow up and accept when you fan the flames of this so called racism and are too childish and won't point out the real truth then you have no one to blame but yourself when people don't like what you say.


  5. Yeah, sure. All over America, Black on White Hate crimes, "Face Slashings in New York, The "Knock Out Game", "Polar Bear Hunting", Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa and Wisconsin State Fair, 10 to 14,000 Black on White Sexual Assaults every year, while White on Black Sexual Assaults are less than 10, drive by murders, assaults, riots, Flash Mob beatings the list is fucking endless. The Black on White Intifada is the most underreported story in the history of this country.

    Only Pat Buchanan, Colin Flaherty and Jack Cashill have the nerve to post the numbers and commentary which reveal a low level civil war in this country on whites, sponsored and supported by the President, the 4th Estate, Colleges and politicians. But oh dear!!!! Quelle Horreur!!! Harsh language is what the nation should focus on.

    Shut the fuck up you piece of shit.

    I am still dead, in a local Black on White Hate Crime a couple of months ago, when two blacks walked up to me in my drive way while I was working on my truck and shot me in the back of the head.

    Harsh language my fucking ass.

  6. Yeah lets blame readers and visitors because your either to lazy or to stupid technically to keep your comments cleaned up.

  7. we rarely feed the trolls


  8. Take your meds Tony!

  9. Super Dave's comments nails it. The real crime is that a lot of these ideas from the left are unchallenged. Griffin is wrong about his ideas and he was called out on it. With limited comments, that kind of real disagreement would be lost.

  10. There are shitty comments on youtube, shitty comments on Twitter and other place. This is a weak argument and I think the guy is just looking to sell more copies of his book.

    It worked. I look at what he wrote and it's really good. The first chapter was very interesting.

  11. Trading insult for insult is considered a calling out of sorts by an unnamed prolific writer, thinker? He, or she missed the mark. Yet, he, or she still manages to have the time to sift and sort through TKC's comment section. Me thinks this person is neither prolific nor a rising star.

  12. Garret Griffin is pretty good. I like his writing.

  13. I think he's just another dumbass nigger.

    I am right, of course.

  14. Oh but here's the funniest part - dumbass nigger can't even create a fucking hyperlink that works!!! On his own website!

    Hysterical. Not even the tiniest human understanding of the simplest technology.

  15. Your expressions of racial hatred are not free speech, just hate speech in sheep's clothing. Saying the N word does not make you a defender of the constitution.

    Why do you want to use the N word?

    These statistics are meaningless. What's a 'black man', for starters? 1% or 51% African? What's a "white man"? 1%, 51% or 100% European? You hate 'blacks' & then look for reasons, after the fact. You simply have this uniquely European Illness. You imagine yourselves to be superior, which is inferior.

    Regardless of anyone else's usage, why do you want to use the N word?

  16. Man, this third party reference crap makes otherwise coherent writing, well, incoherent.

  17. I bet any amount of money that Byron ran to this idiot and told him all kinds of nasty things about TKC and got him all fired up against TKC. This whole thing stinks of Byron and he has pulled this shit before on commentators on here.

  18. Thank God he didn't call out Cum Guy

  19. 6:50 Why don't you ask the people who use the word "Nigger" like it was their favorite pronoun. Black People.

  20. Besides all our friends are here

  21. What wast that? Did Tony say he was finally coming out as a RACIST? Hell, it isn't like everyone didn't already know he has a hard on with white people.

  22. ^^^^^^^^
    Tony's not a racist. That guy loves women's titties of all kinds.

    You bitches are very entertaining. Racists getting smacked around, smack down. Shown for their small peni and then coming back for more.

    I can see why TKC keeps you around. Good fun for the whole family. I'll text him you said hi.


  23. speaking of "Diversity"... why is the NBA All-Star game all darkies??

    "Black Privilege"?

  24. It's not about left or right or black or white. It's about RIGHT OR WRONG.

    Vote no on that shitty e-tax.

  25. From the perspective of my white collar ivy league background and as a former hedge fund manager (now retired) I say screw the censors.


  27. xalti, how about you get back on your knees and suck some more cock you cunt.

    As for this dipshit whining about racism, go fuck yourself dipshit.

    Furthermore, go fuck a whole bunch of black ass niggers while you are at it.

  28. Everybody slow down here. Just because TKC Blog Community is a lightening rod for racist rants, women haters and rape crew enthusiast doesn't mean there can't be a shared feeling open discussion about what's going on in this evil little city.

  29. Al sharpton, Jessie Jackson and all those so called victims are the biggest racists and do nothing to create racial equality. There is no hope for changing the minds of ignorant hood rats and with time they will die out as they kill each other

  30. Griffin is a product of Byrons faggot asshole.

  31. I think Byron does a good job of making you racists angry. He's taking years off your lives and doing the world some good.

  32. Since most of the racist remarks are aimed at making Byron crazy, its working !

  33. Tin foil hats anyone?

  34. I would also make the following observations. The level of or lack of education is directly related to the level of racism on this blog.
    To explain, the racist comments on this blog are made by a group of people who have a lower level of education. These same folks feel threatened by minorities and get feel empowered by being to post their hateful comments anoymously.

  35. "Super Dave" comments above Nailed it Spot on !!!

    This idiot doing the complaining, must be Melissa Clicks brother, wouldn't be surprised !!

  36. hand wringing , weeping, and teeth gnashing2/15/16, 7:22 AM

    There are 2 or 3 booger eaters who use racial slurs on this blog. Pretty low numbers compared to most sites that address racial matters through open comment forums. If Griffins book is penned in the same manner as his blog, his book is an unreadable stack of toilet paper. His writing blows.

  37. Tony is no racist?


    Yeah for a gay guy with a rock hard woody against white America he is no racist. Gimme a fuckin' break already.

  38. I would like to redefine a racist as anyone who is obsessed with race. Anyone who believes their lot in life has been determined by the color of their skin.

  39. Why not just delete all posts that use the N word. You can deleted for call out hipster churches(and their congregations) buying large chunk of Midtown properties and homes, then opening church owned hippster coffee houses, why not just keep deleting the N word ,it doesn't faze Brothers and Sisters. Just reaffirms stupidity


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