Finally for tonight, we're attempting to hold on to every bit of our holiday chill as just about EVERYBODY in Kansas City dreads going back to work tomorrow morning.

Here's just a bit of what we have to look forward to . . . One of the last in a season of lists . . .


In addition to homegrown terrorists and/or occupiers . . . Here's what this town is confronting in what looks like it could be the start of an overall economic downturn for the this town and the world . . .

Protest Against Kansas City Police

Saturday night our blog community was FIRST to report the OPENING STATEMENTS from protesters decrying Kansas City police shootings and their work looks to set the tone for the new year. More on that for the morning . . .

Corporate Cash Rules Kansas City

An ongoing theme . . . It's not news to report that "money talks" in Kansas City BUT the level of corporate rule is almost absolute in this town and all we have to show for it a toy train that has spiked rent but not job growth. And let's not forget the corporate welfare hotel along with the new airport plan that nobody likes. Developing . . .

Like It Or Not: Kansas City Loves Trump!!!

More than any presidential candidate, THE DONALD has galvanized a diverse base of support and no other candidate sparks as much interest as Trump.

For Sunday, here's a faith-based look at his unifying impact . . .

Kansas City Jewish Chronicle: ‘Rabbi for Trump’ seeks ‘like’-minded Jews

The organizer for this movement is from KC and underlying support for Trump seems to be a trend that our local political "experts" don't want to acknowledge.

Already Rising Kansas City Murder Count Could Return To Record Levels

Double murder on the first day of the year doesn't bode well for the future. As we write this, another Kansas City shooting adds to the level of local violence. Even worse, there is a casual acceptance of these killings that include innocent children. There is nothing stopping this body count from moving higher and maybe back to 1990s record levels as local politicos seems to be distancing themselves from addressing the topic directly.

Voters Give Up On Kansas City Democracy

None of the elections in Kansas City last year earned more than 10% turnout among registered voters. This year should be better be cause of the presidential race but maybe not. Voters have disengaged from the process and there's not much that seems to be luring them back . . . Even the hope/fear of a reality show host taking the nation's highest office.

Meanwhile . . . We continue to look toward the future with a bright shining hope of a new day and new year . . .

Hopefully, more BREAKING/EXCLUSIVE NEWS discussion, debate, discourse, more than our share of hateration and all kinds of good stuff for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. You heard it here first1/3/16, 8:58 PM

    Chiefs are changing the look for the playoffs, that is your real trend that people won't acknowledge unfortunately. But it's happening as we speak.

    KC is on a roll because Chiefs have not lost since the Royals won the world series. THAT is the real news my brother. BLOG IT.

  2. Fuck you Stinkhouser

  3. Seems like out of control niggers are a big trend but you ignore that fact at your peril.

    Whites, awaken!

  4. How's that shaking the trolls off the site going Paco?


    Sorry, I must have missed your "free speech" epiphany.

    From what I heard, I understand it was insightful enough to get an invite to Ruckus!

    1. Who the fuck cares about Ruckus and their Senior Citizen panel and their opinion of how they view Kansas City? Nobody with a life watches Ruckus and its on public tv!!!!! With cable and youtube, netflix ect, it's a wonder that Ruckus gets many views at all. Give it a rest with this bullshit, okay? Tony is not responsible for the trolls. Free speech is free speech. People mostly ignore racist rant guy anyways. He neefs therapy and is asking for help. Comments should lead him or her in that direction. Grow the fuck up!

    2. StupidDave pulled Tony's dick out of his mouth long enough to write another illiterate comment. At least it wasn't him praising himself, anonymously, again.

  5. ^^^^^^^^^^ How does it feel to be known as a troll?

  6. "Even worse, there is a casual acceptance of these killings that include innocent children."

    That quote above irritates the living shit out of me. It is not that there is a "casual acceptance", but the folks who are the victims of those killings are the same folk who protest a few cop killings and demand less police enforcement. You can't have it both ways: a few folks, most of them shitforbrains, are going to get shot by the police if you want any semblance of law and order in your community. Bitch about the cops, then expect less pro-active enforcement and more dead bodies. It is YOUR community that is being killed, quit bitching about the damn cops.

    Damn, just damn. I really think these folks want to live in Mogadishu.

  7. Shame that kc is home to such douches, the city would have potential if not for the people.

  8. I know longer care one way or another what niggers think. I do not seek nor want discourse with them. I just want to be apart from them. I wish them no malice and on the contrary, would prefer them to be successful and self sufficient so we no longer need to pay for what amounts to parasitic drag on White society. Realistically, outside of "dividing up the spoils" (i.e., telling them where we are going to live and where they are going to live) there is no real reason to interact with them.

    Surely not willingly.

  9. I have met some pretty stupid white people. Just take a stroll along the Plaza. It's a magnet for White people who have amassed success because they are White, and nothing else, especially not intellect. The idea that White people are smarter (in a system and society created and dominated by Whites and their so-called values) does not in any way diminish the capabilities of other ethnic backgrounds.I know plenty of White people who cannot articulate simple thoughts, requests, etc. - let alone write anything worth reading. I promise if you slide out from in front of your computer from time to time, you will find a large number of successful people from all ethnic backgrounds. I do agree that Whites and Blacks tend to have value systems that are inherently different.

  10. I'll tell you this, I love the bitches and I love TKC.

    LOVE IT!

  11. That's pretty lame, 9:02, even for one of Tony's Anonymous Cowards.

    I bet you got so excited typing that that you peed your pants!

  12. "Kansas City loves Trump."

    Why does everyone mistake "likely Rethuglican voters" with Americans (or here Kansas City)?

    Here's the poll that matters: 50% of AMERICANS said that they would be ashamed to have this clown as their president.

    He can only get the votes that Romney got. There is no longer enough stupid white men to elect anyone on the stupid white man platform.

  13. Fuck you Stinkhouser

  14. Fuck You 7:54 talk about an illiterate comment.
    Just what did the Super One say that got your panties in such a twist they hurt your tiny worthless pecker?

    I don't see a post one here from him? Come on loser, I am waiting for another highly intelligent comment from you?

  15. shut up pussy boi Byron the obama nigger lover.


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