Kansas City Emergency Ordinance Could Pay Nearly $3 MILLION For Nasty Royale Inn!!!

On the bright side . . . This effort from Councilman Scott Wagner will improve life for locals near Northeast Kansas City . . . Still, there's no doubt that this property isn't worth anything close to $2 Million and a private developer would NEVER invest that much cash.

There's not much detail about how Kansas City will recoup the expense but right now the only thing this vicinity has produced for Kansas City is drug overdoses, murders, dead hookers and a great deal of human misery.

Check the legislation . . .

Ordinance #160047: Authorizing the Director of Public Works to accept an assignment of option to purchase and to enter into negotiations to complete the acquisition of the real property commonly known as the Royale Motel located at 600 Paseo Boulevard and execute all documentation to complete the purchase; estimating and appropriating $2,700,000.00 to cover costs; authorizing the Director of Public Works to expend funds not to exceed $2,700,000.00; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts upon project completion; declaring the City’s intent to reimburse itself from bond proceeds for certain expenditures; designating requisitions authority; and recognizing an accelerated effective date.

Developing . . .


  1. money well spent. This area needs cleanup badly and has been neglected by Kansas City for far too long.

    We may not see a direct return on investment but over the years the neighborhood will benefit from the absense of this flea bag motel.

  2. This is stupid and a waste of money. The city will buy it and one of Scotts buddies will buy the empty lot for .05 on the dollar.

  3. Another Midtown Mom1/20/16, 7:27 PM

    Good riddance to bad rubbish. This motel has been an eyesore near my employer for far too long and it will help us to expand and improve the area.

  4. My question is what are they going to to do with the property. What's their intent?

  5. Holy crap! What the Hell? Dead bodies, prostitution, drugs galore! Close it down! Get that worthless Stacey Daniels to DART the property. Allow Legal Aide to assist the neighbors to sue the owners then tear it down. Why let the owners profit from poor management?

  6. The city doesn't do anything unless someone's butthole buddy is going to make a buttload of cash on it. Follow the money.

  7. Flip it to Mike Burke.
    He's been looking for a hotel deal on the cheap for quite a while.

  8. ^^^^^^^^^^
    And that comment wins it.

  9. Maybe the Hotel team could build a walkway to the Capri Motel site. Another structure of 20- 35 rooms should be viable!

  10. If any of you hookers need a place to stay for a few days let me know!

  11. But they couldn't pay homeowners in the area of east patrol a decent amount of money for their property. It's a shame how many of the former homeowners have filed for bankruptcy.

  12. Your earnings tax working for you!

  13. Ahhh brings back memories of some of the big time poker and crap games we used to have there back in the '70s and very early '80s.

  14. this would be a good place for the Kansas City Coaltion of Atheshits to meet.

    They could practice polyamory there and anal sex.

    1. Christians do that too, 5:18am. They also slaughter entire groups of people, create laws and systems that stymie their prosperity and make believe that they love all humans. That's only in America. Wait until you see what other horrific things Christians have done internationaly in the name of Jesus.

  15. Everyone knows this is the worst intersection in Kansas City, and it's the gateway to Northeast from Downtown. Although the property is entirely seedy, i assure you that the folks that run the Royale make quite a hefty profit. The Capri was razed last year; KCU purchased the site. The federal government awarded KCMO around $50M to redesign Independence Ave from Forest to Paseo. In the larger scheme of things, this is a good use of taxpayer $.

    1. 27th Prospect was hailed as the worst intersection in KC. Lets just agree that there were undesirable characters frequenting this intersection. Keep in mind, this only moves the problem somewhere else. Pretending like development is the cure all doesn't mean it is.

  16. Not even close Bryan. It's not in the top Ten. Get out some city boy.

  17. Byron is absolutely correct. This place is a dump. Let's put something more useful there.

  18. I went to the Royale to bid on some work a few years ago. The owners just had the electricity rewired so they could shut off the power to the individual rooms from the office. What does that tell you about how low class it had become? Dopers, whores and the desperate!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. And, meanwhile, hundreds of decrepit, boarded up homes sit...because there's no money.

  21. I hope we can find a developer that can use TIF money and set aside funds and maybe a little of the 1% earning tax to build some thing the city needs there to get this town moving again. Something that the widows and orphans will be proud to have built. It will help us be come a FIRST CLASS CITY and a MAJOR DESTINATION.

  22. Boo hoo hoooo....this makes me sad....that's where Byron busted my asshole cherry and gave me aids!


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