Transgender Homicide Hate Crime Trends Upward Across The Nation And In Kansas City

Remember that this year LGBT activists declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY after two suspected hate crime murders in Kansas City . . . Sadly, this was part of a trend across the nation: 22 Trans/Gender Non-Conforming People Were Found Murdered in 2015: Were There More Murders or Better Reporting?


  1. It was probably under-reported ...

  2. The majority of Hate Crimes are Black on White.


    The under reporting of this phenomenon is the absolute disgrace of the 4th estate, a cardinal sin in the expectations of what Americans have been led to expect from an unbiased media.

    Imagine if any of the thousands of "Knock Out" games seen on You Tube (Most have been expunged.) were whites knocking out blacks, or, if the "Beat Whitey Night" attacks at two different state fairs were "Beat Blacky Night"s. The insane amount of black on white attacks that represent a low level Civil War, an ongoing intifada of hatred and violence from an African American Sub Culture that is glorified and lionized by politicians, Hollywood and the 4th Estate is a NATIONAL DISGRACE THAT IS ONLY SURPASSED BY THE SILENCE, WHICH IS SANCTION FROM THE LIBERAL MAIN STREAM MEDIA.

    22 fuckin Hate Crimes of would be Caitlin Jenners will make the news and if there is ANY possibility of a white perp involved, the Press will go ape.

    The failure of the Press, Liberal politicians and the Entertainment Industry to pretend that every day the KKK is behind every bush and killing poor black victims is not just a temporary anomaly or an accident.

    The new America hates you white boy.

  3. Although it is probably small comfort to the victims, blacks hate Hispanics just as much, if not more, that they hate Whitey.

  4. Here is some balm for your wounds white boy.

    The truth is hard, even for those who work for NPR, that government subsidized PRAVDA on the air. They get their asses "Knocked Out" too. They just won't admit it.

  5. * Obscurantist language is used by coward correspondents to leave off the racial identity and motives of the culprits. The terms in the stories du jour are “juveniles,” “unruly youths,” or “unaccompanied young people.”

    * Authorities will propagandize about the specter of blacks looting, beating, raping and even killing of whites (and Asian) as they yell out racial slurs. It has nothing to do with race, the authorities tell us.

    * Misled by figures of authority—from the police to politicians and their lapdog media—victims and families are first to internalize the injunction to move on; there is nothing racial here to see. It could have happened to anyone, it could have been perpetrated by anyone.

    * White victims who survive are at times the greatest cowards. I hate to psychologize, but it seems as though victims and their families often derive near erotic pleasure in denying the source of their attack and the putative reason for it: a hatred, Mr. whitey, for your white daughter’s flawless white flesh and the desire to deface and destroy it. Read “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism” for an example of the biggest sell-out of all: parental betrayal.

    UPDATE (12/29): No arrests needed, of course. The riots were just kids being kids, all 2,000 of them, violent, intimidating and having "room to destroy".

  6. It's not that drag people are hated, people who participate in this lifestyle want straight people to participate in a lie. A man is not a woman and a woman is not a man. Not ever. The culture of wishing your gender away won't change what you are. People have the right to choose relationships with natural men and women and know their partners identity before a relationship begins. I don't advocate violence but understand that if a person practicing homosexuality lures a nonparticipant into a relationship, I would think the person should be able to defend themselves if lied to. The activity seems closely related to a rape. You cannot force straight people to participate in perverted behavior. It's no different in cases of rape. It becomes non-consentual or a type of rape. The rapist should expect to be attacked in that situation. It goes both ways.

  7. What do you think! Your opinion is important!

    Click on Wowee-Zowie or That Sucks Man

  8. What is with you drama queen queers? There are 14,000 murders in this country every year and you think 22 cross dressing dead ass fruits make a national crisis. You turd pounders have more bullshit drama built in you than those stupid MU coons whining about the big white conspiracy. Tony you look like a hormonal, tip toe walking, ass pounding flaming fag trying to make a big deal out of this crap.

  9. ^^^^^^I think we have a winner, folks!!

  10. You fucking NIGGERS, all have excuses for any occasion. Why don't you just go somewhere and die?!

  11. Live It, Learn It12/31/15, 5:51 PM

    What's sad is that is how you feel about yourself.

    Don't do that, you have value @3:02 and so do other people.


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