TKC Reader Data Check: No War On Cops BUT Black Lives Matters Is Dead Wrong, Too!!!

Thanks to TKC readers for sending these links which should contradict the assumptions and talking points of people on BOTH sides of the thin blue line . . .

- Turns out there is no war on cops despite talk show claims to the contrary and this year was, thankfully, one of the safest on record for law enforcement officials.

- Meanwhile, In response to the allegations of Black Lives Matter activists, the Washington Post launched an unprecedented, case-by-case study of police shootings. After a year of research, the data are in, and they confirm the conservative position: The police use force mainly to protect human life, the use of force against unarmed suspects is rare, and the use of force against black Americans is largely proportional to their share of the violent crime rate.

- Still, thinking globally, American violence reigns supreme . . . US police kill more in days than other countries do in years

We encourage readers to click on all links in order to challenge assumptions and move beyond talking points in order to let numbers guide conclusions instead of rhetoric.

You decide . . .


  1. Does it ever occur to the police, or bother them if it does, that their primary function seems to be to suppress the poor on behalf of the middle class?

    So, if they kill more blacks its because they commit more crimes. Never mind, that they commit more crimes because they are more likely to be poor.

    You choose to see blacks committing crimes, because you're racist.
    You could, just as easily, choose to see poor people committing crimes. Which would be far more useful.

  2. Thanks Byron/Tony how about those Raiders this weekend?

  3. There never was a war on police. Again 14,000 Americans are killed every year. Even when applying percentages police being murdered is way down the list and the ratios indicate police deaths are not close to the ration of average folks getting off'd. With that said there are other factors that weigh in that make the killing of police officers horrendous, one being basic respect. I do think there have been actions on both sides that have diminished the honor and respect that has been traditionally owed law enforcement officers, but like everything else no one is working very hard, on either side, to make it better.

  4. The Poor's war on America continues. Guys like Byron won't be happy until everyone is a loser at life. Living in a shanty town and eating goverment cheese.

    As a disabled vet I work hard everyday without a "Goverment paycheck" for doing nothing. It's not hard to get out of poverty in America. You just have to work hard. Something Byron doesn't want to do.

  5. It never occurred to me to think about race at all Byron. I'm not paid to. I am paid to stop crime, put people in jail that commit crimes and help those in need. I've NEVER been instructed to find Black criminals, just to help the community.

    YOU on the other hand are much more destructive to a community. You ONLY see race. Go ahead and pander and continue to create a false narrative. The rest of the productive society will continue to live together and be good neighbors.

  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Major Word

  7. From the point of view of a white guy, Black Lives Matter is VERY important. Why? Because use of deadly force against Black Americans is the "canary in the coal mine" in the unnecessary use of deadly force in general. Blacks are killed in a higher proportion by police, but whites are killed in higher total numbers.

    Protecting black Americans by reducing the use of deadly force by police protects white Americans, too.

    Seriously, look at what we have now: A THOUSAND Americans have been killed by police officers this year! And, nearly all officers have escaped criminal punishments even in the most egregious circumstances. We need to raise the bar so that the criterion for law enforcement is HIGHER than "not technically a murderer."

    1. What you have now is 5000 dead people more than last because police officers have quit caring. You made this bed, you fucking sleep in it.

  8. 1160 citizens killed by the police, 7 of them charged with a crime. That's .001 percent people.
    The most dangerous gang in America is the police.
    Through asset forfeiture they steal more than the common burgler.
    They are the new mafia!

  9. 11:59 "1160 citizens killed by the police, 7 of them charged with a crime." That is an amazing statistic: seven dead people were actually charged with a crime! Did any of those seven dead people actually take the case to trial, or did they all cop a plea?

    "Blacks are killed in a higher proportion by police." That is not surprising, since a much higher portion of the black population engages in violent crime than the white, asian or hispanic populations.

  10. I like the 2nd link, gives some perspective on all the bs.

  11. But black lives DON'T matter. Not one fucking bit......Let the NIGGERS kill each other, who cares?

  12. KCPD sucks.

  13. "Hands up, don't shoot". Oh wait, that's not what happened.


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