PCP Scare Aboard Kansas City Bus

On final bit of Kansas City public transit fear as we await the toy train streetcar: Man on PCP gets on KCATA bus, says he's been shot


  1. After the incident the subject contacted his lawyer and a suit was filed claiming the police department defamed the man by accusing him of being on PCP with no evidence to support the claim.

  2. Isn't PCP a myth created by police departments to justify excessive force?

  3. Yeah Byron, you tell me how much of a myth it is when you have to deal with someone who is under the influence of it.

  4. 9:56 + 1

    Being around a person on PCP is a frightening experience, to say the least. Totally out of control, violent, no reasoning with the person, etc. Angel dust, sherm, whatever you want to call it, it's poison. I generally enjoy "Byron's" comments, but this one displays an ignorance that can't be ignored.

  5. 9:53 ,PCP aka wet , waterand dust ....cigs , joints cigars dipped in diluted pcp. in a pinch formaldehyde or embalming fluid .
    once you have experienced an individual on pcp,you will never forget it

  6. Sounds like my ex-wife. They should rename that shit to Super Bitch

  7. You idiots totally overplay the effects of PCP. If someone isn't strong, it doesn't give them retard strength. It's not like they're some sort of magical pixie dust that imparts the souls of hell into demon beasts. Most people on PCP are drooling fucktards, who occasionally do dumb shit like get neeked and dance in traffic. Of the thousands of morons who do PCP monthly in this city, a tiny percentage of them make the news. Nobody understands it. It does nothing more powerful than ketamine, ectasy, or meth. I deal with this shit daily. You clowns just read about it.

  8. PCP, it's a helluva drug

  9. 11:24....You are wrong. I was a cop for ten years, dealt with it on a regular basis. It is a very dangerous drug that makes it very difficult to safely control even the skinniest of users.


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