Newsflash: Mary Sanchez Sides With Former Prez Bubba Over Donald Trump

Our least favorite Latina hack scribbles what is tantamount to more Democratic Party talking points. Take a look: Mary Sanchez: Trump should think twice about picking on Bill Clinton


  1. WTF Tony? Is Mary Snatcheese your transgendered hook up or what?

  2. Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
    Trim that pussy it's so damn hairy

  3. Bill and Hillary Clinton could drown and burn puppies in front of their fans who would disregard the horror and spin that they played with puppies.

  4. I can't vote for the Dump until I've had my lobotomy.

  5. Does anyone actually imagine that national candidates pay any attention to Sanchez or any other columnists in the Star?
    Does anyone locally?

  6. Will Bill and Hillary be able to share a cell??

  7. The vision of Bill banging Hill gets me hard and wet.

  8. long as we dont end up another Chelsea. Bitch looks like a snoutless Goofey? Man were the chromosomes on tilt that day.

  9. Clinton gets a pass from Sanchez because he is on her 'team'. Simple as that folks. Political tribalism run amok, principles be damned. At least she's honest. Boring and shallow as a kiddy pool, but honest.

  10. 10:59


    By the way, she reads this blog, there is a clue, it is a word.

    Seriously, she reads this.

    1. I hope you're right because I think she's ultra hot. I'd get down with that in no time flat!

  11. Show your face in KC Byron and I am sure it could be arranged.

  12. Byron has never lost a fight. Just ask him what a badass he is. How he can see you I don't know, maybe he is a liar?

  13. Read the article and Mary, like CNN and the other media outlets, wants to make this a story of Bill's infidelity. That is acknowledged. Trump also cheated on his spouse. They are both cheaters. Got it.

    What Mary and the other media want to draw attention away from is that Bill has been accused of RAPE. Say it, RAPE. Hillary belittled and insulted Bill's accusers. That is the discussion they don't want to have.

    Stop talking infidelity, but talk RAPE.

  14. You know Chuck (I'm 10:59 BTW) it occurred to me after I posted that you can actually kill a woman through neglect like Ted Kennedy did and STILL get a pass from the feminist Democrats. Kill women, treat them like garbage, destroy their reputations and livelihood's and it's all good on team prog. What a 'team'. These people are amoral power mad lunatics and nothing more.

  15. Conspiracy theorists own, I MEAN FUCKING OWN, Tony's blog because it's the only place where they can have at their paranoid disillusions under a Mexican's lack of understanding of free speech.


    The inverse correlation between level of education and support for Trump really is really telling.

    So some time in November 2016, this will move to 8 years of bitching about the woman who is President.

    This is like picking, who will win at tic-tac-toe.

  16. Okay Mary: According to Ms. Lewinsky, she performed oral sex on the President on nine occasions. On all nine of those occasions, the President fondled and kissed her bare breasts. He touched her genitals, both through her underwear and directly, bringing her to orgasm on two occasions. On one occasion, the President inserted a cigar into her vagina. On another occasion, she and the President had brief genital-to-genital contact.(42)

  17. So Byron, in the meantime, are you voting for HilLIARy because you have a fetish for dominant butch pathological liars?

  18. Sanchez does a good job of explaining her position, I actually enjoy her column.

    If you want to read a great comment, scroll up and look @11:59AM - That guy wins this conversation.

    This is just more media spin and I'm glad that SOME people on this blog see through it.

  19. 5:48 Byron is a pathological liar, he can relate.

  20. Byron's gaping asshole12/31/15, 7:06 PM

    What do Mary Sanchez and Byron have in common????? They both like to stick a finger in their ass and then smell it!!!!

  21. Mary Sanchez, the government-paid propaganda agent masquerading as a journalist, assigned to The Kansas City Star, has FULLY INSERTED her head into her ASS....once again.

    Sanchez, the self-proclaimed champion of women, girls, and immigrants, reveals herself as a two-faced hypocrite in this article. As I discussed in a previous critique of Mary Sanchez, as long as she can attack her present immediate target, she's perfectly willing to act without principles, morals or logic. In short, she's a scatter-brained illogical purveyor of trash-talk. She'll write whatever her DNC handlers request, because a Latina with limited writing skills still needs to pay the bills.

    In this instance, she's once again desperate to smear Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, who continues to stand tall despite Democratic Party operatives throwing mud and casting stones his way. Where the hypocrisy comes into play is when Ms. Sanchez selects former President Bill Clinton as her opposing foil to Trump. No really!! Try to stop laughing and pick yourself up off the floor.

    Sanchez hates Trump, she hates Gingrich, she despises all Republicans.....but, she's IGNORANT of recent political history (like so many in professional media), so she frequently inserts her foot into her mouth, as well as other anatomy into other orifices.

    Bill Clinton is the bastard son of an Arkansas prostitute. He has a long and sordid history of sexual assault against women, including his time in political office. As well, his rampant drug abuse of marijuana and cocaine is well-documented, including his tenure as Attorney General and Governor. While Governor of Arkansas, Clinton used the Arkansas Development Finance Authority to illegally divert millions of dollars to his political donors and friends. Many of those who attempted to hold him accountable were killed after he and associates gave the orders. Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar, lesbian, corrupt public servant, enabler of her rapist husband, adulterer, etc.

    Mary Sanchez wants to explain away all of Clinton's vile corrupt behaviors as successful "compartmentalizing" and "their public service is distinct from their private lives." BULLSHIT!!!! TOTAL and COMPLETE BULLSHIT!!!!!!! Mary Sanchez is SO stupid is she? Mary Sanchez is SO STUPID that she farts every time she gets an idea, and shits her pants every time she writes it down!!

    Essentially, what Ms. Sanchez is saying to every woman is that... IF A MAN SEXUALLY ASSAULTS YOU, LIES ABOUT IT, AND TRIES TO INTIMIDATE/HARASS/KILL YOU....he's just "compartmentalizing" his behavior and you should get with the program.

    We already knew that Mary Sanchez hates men, and now we know that she apparently hates women also.

  22. 11:59 & 8:28 The truth is in those details...thank you. Billy cheated AND lied - "I did not have sex with that woman,..." in regards to Monica. He RAPED, ASSAULTED, and ATTEMPTED INTIMIDATION of other women. Clinton's sins were crass AND C.R.I.M.I.N.A.L.
    As for Donald, there was consensual relations in the infidelity.

  23. Bill Clinton is one of the worst abusers of women, on this planet and his stinking wife, Hitlery, is just another enabler. I WAS a Clinton fan UNTIL the bastard looked into that camera lens, shook his finger and then just lied his ass off. If he can lie that easily, he is definitely not to be trusted on anything and that stupid assed wife, too.


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