Kansas City Westside Minsky's NOW OPEN!!!

Call this one a late lunch link . . . Yet, the Blvd. is a place where Kansas City usually drives to get tacos but recent development, an influx of hipsters and demographics are bringing new offerings. Most of them are fly by night or don't jibe with the neighborhood. On the other hand, this one is a perfect fit and should do well: NOW OPEN! Southwest Boulevard Location!


  1. I'm sure they'll be flattered since you couldn't even SPELL THEIR FUCKING NAME CORRECTLY, you NIGGER HACK.

  2. ^^^ Tony is human. Decaf, and regular regime of psych meds next time. You need to bring it way down. Way down.

  3. ^^^^^^^^^ 3:22^^^^^^ Word

  4. ^^^^^^either super Dave or blowlonzo standing up for their boy friend.

  5. Typo corrected. The comments rarely crack me up but this one did.

  6. Hey 3:50
    Your postings are tiresome, unoriginal, and unfunny: clearly, you are a burden on even an infidel society. Please do something worthwhile, such as drowning yourself in the basement of an outhouse.

  7. 4:24? You read 50,000 "nigger" comments, endless Bryon welfare, child molester, cum guy, wowie zowie and Athiest Colalition replies and you find 3:50 boring and unfunny? You're as unoriginal as StupidDave. Congrats. I didn't think that was possible.

  8. Lulz. Shame that "free speech" is wasted on so many people with nothing to say.

  9. Voice of Common Sense12/30/15, 6:43 PM

    5:59, that's because as a rule you have already bitched about along with your endless stupid dave comments so why bother to add to it. I say you need to read the comment at 4:24 and follow the directions.

  10. 6:43, have a nignog put a bag over your head, hand you a hose and sniff the gas.

  11. Pizza is yum.

  12. Byron Funkhouser12/30/15, 11:08 PM

    Nigger dick is yummmmyer!!!!!

  13. ^^^^^
    You typed that at night when you're all by yourself. You lose at your life. Sorry.


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