Most local media denizens are trying to fill the Kansas City news hole with happy content in order to elicit a smile in this last days of the year (ewwwww) . . . Meanwhile, our blog community believes it's more important to try and do something more meaningful with this season of lists.

To wit . . .


Evening reader milage may vary but overall this quick list offers just a bit of insight into so many things going wrong with this cowtown.

Take a look:

Kansas City Toy Train Continues To Disappoint Locals Who Aren't Already Aboard The Streetcar Payroll

This year the toy train killed Downtown restaurant biz, slowed local traffic and finished the year with a promise of continued delays and inconvenience. Behind the scenes, only a small yet vocal contingent of Kansas City consultants, media people and former politicos hope to cheer on the toy train amid secret talks of another extension that voters have already rejected.

Downtown KCMO Convention Hotel Deal Proved Democracy Doesn't Work

Reality . . . This costly deal is dead in the water and the crew behind it are having a hard time wrangling up investors. Meanwhile, the damage here is that the Mayor operated clandestinely to push this project forward and developers overlooked MBE participation along with any community consensus in creating the doomed project that occupied more than a few hours and City Hall resources.

Kansas City Rejects New Airport Hype

Locals have spoken loud and clear . . . KC doesn't want a new airport or the cost that will inevitably fall to travelers. This effort has ruined relationships between a couple of PR firms and City Hall and threatens to misdirect more time and treasure from taxpayers as Mayor Sly attempts to build a legacy without voter consent.

Kansas City Fair Wage Fight FAILS Amid Missouri Law Pushback

In the end, just like our blog community warned, Missouri law forbids municipalities from independently raising the minimum age. What hurt Kansas City in this debate is that newsies misinformed the public about the facts of the misguided struggle in order to show sympathy toward a worthwhile cause that simply contradicted good law. A court fight against Missouri law is underway and that looks promising or at least more hopefully than actually working one of these jobs without looking for something better.

More Than A Half Dozen Innocent Kids Killed By Guns During 2015

The innocent victims of Kansas City's murder spike deserve to be acknowledged and mourned. This year more children were gunned down through no fault of their own as politicos continue to play the blame game amid the ongoing slaughter.

And now we turn to the future . . .

Kansas City Homicide Uptick Trend Looks To Continue Into 2016

Earlier, our blog community asked . . . What if things get worse??? And the fact is that homicides across the nation continue to increase.

Here's a frightening thought for the middle of the night . . .


Increasing gang conflicts, wars over drug territory, fewer resources for domestic abuse and more criminals garnering access to illegal guns continues to spike crime across the nation and it seems this town is not immune to the trend despite constant cheering from the political class who would rather talk about anything else but the reality of life on local streets for the vast majority of Kansas City residents.

Developing . . .


  1. You forgot the nail salon owner who killed those two firefighters. She clearly made a miscalculation if she thought people were going to believe her story.

  2. List from the basement or is this just another list from Citizens Against Virtually Everything?

  3. Streetcar is worth the wait.

    I would count this more as a 2016 fail when people see all of the homeless aboard and decide to just go ahead and drive the 2.1 miles.

  4. Sly Jones and his racist Mexican hat-wearing propaganda is a colossal fail.

  5. ^^^^^^
    Sly Jones actually sounds like a really great name for a band.

  6. YES, the group is called CAVEIN.

    Citizens Against Virtually Everything Including Niggers.

  7. ^^^^^^^
    Trash, spent another day with the Mexican again. You lose at life. Keep up the good work next year!

  8. Too much negativity.

    This was a great year for Kansas City.

    We have a new council, World Series champion royals, an upcoming streetcar and lots of great press from around the world. Shame on you all if you can't see the bright side.

    Lighten up bitches, things are looking up for KC.

  9. I Support Stand Up KC12/30/15, 8:08 PM

    Fair wages were not a waste. The struggle continues.

  10. 8:02 PM is a clueless millennial paying for none of the things he or she is boasting about. It's easy to play trumpet when you don't own one, huh? Hand trumpets still work, I guess.

  11. "Great press from around the world."
    Obscure zines, blogs, and websites trolling for view numbers from KCMO! Just like the OTHER city that was NUMBER ONE in something just last week.
    24 million tourists a year!
    Number one art museum in the US!

  12. I would only like to add that Paul Levota getting chased out of office and so much Missouri sexting had to have an impact on KC politics.

  13. Stand up KC take a bullet.

  14. ^^^^^
    Childish comment, why would you threaten violence in order to defend McDonald's?

    I don't know what to think about the so-called "fair wage" but I will agree that it's not over. The Mayor and several on the council seem to think that the arguments have merit and don't see the danger to local business.

  15. $ 10.00 hamburger

  16. If you're waiting for Mike Burke to bring money to the Hotel table, you'll be waiting forever!!

  17. The biggest fail for kc is yet to come, say good bye to the earnings tax. No more kc welfare.

  18. no more kyle james mix tapes

  19. Happy New Year Kansas City.

    The Kansas City Atheist Coalition will continue in the New Year to refrain from commenting on these or any other relevant matters.

  20. Orwell said, "passivism is fascism"

  21. And the Biggest Loser for 2015 is...........12/31/15, 6:42 AM

    Natch......the BIGGEST LOSERS in 2015 is Tony's Kansas City blog. Exposed as a race baiting, crybaby venue to promote a mom's grifting agenda.

    The fact that Tony Botello will use a fictional "Byron Funkhouser" character to promote hits to keep his blog afloat, all the while attacking KCC and other blogs speaks volume to the lack of credibility of Tony's Kansas City.

    The Toy Train is built !

    The Downtown Hotel will be built !

    The NEW Airport will be built !

    Skippy is not in jail !

    Blacks continue to kill in CK !

    Tony continues to jack off in a basement to porn that even a prison inmate would reject.

    Natch, TKC is the biggest loser of 2015.

  22. And remember KCPD sucks.

  23. And the useful idiots continue to march for "living wage" when they know there is zero chance of it happening. Jefferson City is packed with suburban/rural Republicans who will smack KC and St. Louis around every chance they get.

    The urban areas make it easy, but engaging in bouts of stupidity (raising their wages, despite state regulations against it) rather than the political process just hurts their cause even more.

  24. Crazy 6:42

    Your voices aren't always magically right, you know, because they are really you, & you're an idiot.

  25. "Sly, the Jones" is a perfect name, for a dancing doll with the ways of a bully.

  26. You forgot the biggest fail, Troy Schulte is still City Manager


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