Fear The Kansas City Bus For 2016

Just a quick update on all things related to the bus . . . Let's not forget that this year Kansas City's much maligned mode of transit not only earned accolades from fiscally conservative civic denizens but also hosted an uptick in local shooting, fighting and crime. Check this optimistic outlook for next year: KCATA Extending Regional Route, Dropping Some Fares And Pruning Stops For New Year


  1. No doubt they'll continue fucking up public transportation here much worse then it already is.

  2. With Reardon gone to the big bucks and the Chamber swells, has Russ Johnson made his move to take over the ATA yet?
    There're lots of unemployed KCMO and JaCo politicos and there'll probably be more with the FBI investigation still going on.
    Better grab a seat. The music doesn't last forever!

  3. Atlanta Streetcar FAILURE


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