More deets about an upcoming ask for more cash following a quadruple shooting during the Summer and continued reliance on tax subsidy for more than two decades . . .

KSHB: Councilman Jermaine Reed and others to request $7 million for improvements for the Jazz District

Money line . . .

"Unfortunately, this area is overlooked when we are talking about entertainment areas," said 3rd District City Councilman Jermaine Reed. "We are really hoping people don't overlook an area that has so much rich cultural history right here in Kansas City."

"Since 1990, Kansas City has invested more than $70 million in the district. Next week, Reed and others will request $7 million more from the city's Zoning, Planning and Economic Development Committee for improvements."

In fairness, it's worth noting that all of the other Kansas City Entertainment Districts lose money for City Hall as well.

Developing . . .


  1. 109 shot this year,

    And this fool wants to spend for on the jazz district.

    This city is dying.

  2. No way! I love jazz, but these fools aren't getting my money.

  3. The place is such a loser.

    But, still, the City Hall pukes will pony up more money for the grifters who suck the life out of us on a local and national scale in hopes of fewer riots and violence.

    Blacks are death, literally and metaphorically.

  4. Not one penny City Hall until someone accounts for all of the millions already spent. This is yet another City Hall corruption Machine project that knowingly throws good money into a pit for local politician's friends to be paid off. How many consultant contracts ans sub consultant contracts for Reed's friends who will do no work. Let the sun shine in on this project so the public can see who is really profiting off of the legacy of 18th and Vine.

  5. More money won't fix the problem down there.

    The problem is blood on the sidewalks.

    Killer City is such a vibrant and exciting place after dark that nobody wants to take a chance, leastwise nobody with enough ready cash to patronize nightclubs. Hipsters don't count. Most of them are poor. Their beards look so ratty because of malnutrition.

  6. They're just getting it out there they want more money, it's a preemptive strike. Look for the race card to be played if they don't get what they want.

  7. Fuck Jermaine and his band of grifters!!!

    1. No thanks, 8:56. He probably has AIDS.

  8. Young black males just can't seem to get enough of the jazz music.

    They're always hanging around at barbershops and chicken shacks debating whether Miles or Coltrane was better.

  9. No one bothered to understand why 18th and Vine failed, outside of the obvious reasons. Funk brought in a team of consultants, all from out of town, to build the redevelopment plan. Not once were the people of KC, Jazz musicians, black leadership, potential black or white attendees asked about what would work down there, what was needed.
    The entire business plan was "if we build it, they will come."
    Reason 138 why consultants are rarely the answer.

  10. This place should be allowed to return to the dust.

  11. Black Lives Don't Matter12/30/15, 10:39 AM

    That fucking nigger thinks it"s time for him to line HIS nigger pockets. Go pick some cotton for sum extra change niggerwork!

  12. I still contend that if SOMEBODY would just go take pictures of those people 'in charge' of all that money getting into their cars, we'll see where a good portion of that money goes. What kind of Cadillac or BMW do each one of those people drive? If the car is worth over, say, ten grand, then after taking that picture, follow them to their home and take a pic of that. Take pictures of their yard toys, like campers, their kids cars, etc. POST these pictures locally so everybody can see plainly where all this money is going.
    Not one penny has actually gone to any current Jazz musician living in this town. Not one penny has gone to physical upkeep of the entire area down there. Not one penny has been spent on security so White people feel safe enough to come down there and unload more of their money without having to do it at gunpoint.
    How much longer will these 'people' play the race card and get away with it?

  13. Voice of reason...don't blame Funkhouser.....this mess was started by and is still owned and run by friends of Cleaver...all the way.

  14. The irony of this blog never ceases to amaze. Several here rail on the polar bear about being this or that yet the same people utilize his pet words on a daily basis. They hypocrisy of this blog is laughable. Don't you just love this social media world we live in.

  15. That "rich cultural history" is all about Prohibition, the years of Boss Pendergast and his mob pals. Yes indeed, the joint was jumpin' then. Because Kansas City was a notoriously wide open city, where people came for booze, bimbos and black folks blowing their horns. And lots of heroin, cocaine and mary jane too ... you could get it on any corner. All we have left of that is the violent hoodlums, except they have changed color and are no longer under strict (i.e., Sicilian) supervision. Oh yeah ... and we still have a City Hall full of grifters. But not like the Pendergast grifters. The present ones are incompetent at doing anything besides lining their pockets and picking out their next Benzes.

  16. 9:02, would acting on input by the groups you mentioned have made the redevelopment a self sustaining success? What would the groups have done differently?

  17. At least Pendergast allowed the City to have something to show for his corruption machine... all of the concrete.stuff is still standing. Also his machine members actually lived in Kansas City. Most of the present grifters are not even residents of the City and many are not even Missouri residents.

  18. What rich cultural history? Virtually everything on 18th Vine was rebuilt new. In fact, it was destroyed at the request of Reed's handlers. This district hasn't been overlooked, it's be over-indulged for far too long. Dead is dead. It cannot be resurrected no matter how hard you try.

  19. Given the years this mess has been in operation it would seem to me hat if the public really wanted this jazz district shit they would be flourishing without the mooching for money.

  20. So whats next for the thugs to ruin. A hip-hop or rap district. Just look at how those cultures are killing our city.

  21. Please use my tax dollars for basic fucking services please.


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