At a recent Kansas City Democratic Party shindig the word among a great many friends and supporters of Cathy Jolly is that she quit, she wasn't fired and local power players should start looking for a new top dog at the County in a hurry.

Backstory: Cathy Jolly is a former City Council lady and until a couple of weeks ago served as Senior Advisor for Policy and Communications to Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders.

Among supporters of the Exec . . . Her departure was welcomed.

But, just as TKC warned, the gaggle of "girl power" advocates in Kansas City are rallying in support of this local lady leader and have started talking trash about the current power structure at the courthouse.

According to one Insider: "She did what she had to do. When the Feds start asking you questions. You cooperate. End of story. The fact that some people in the Exec's office see this as a sign of betrayal says a lot about what's happening there . . ."

Here's what's even more interesting . . .


"There are a lot of very important former supporters of the Exec who won't be helping him any longer given all that has happened at the County . . . Mike has simply made too many enemies."

Talk about a replacement "and soon" seems sketchy but it's clear that Cathy Jolly supporters are fired up and don't care who hears it among loyal local Democrats amid ongoing jockeying for position for the next available elected office.

Developing . . .


  1. What this really means is that Mike did hurt Scott Taylor's chances of being the next mayor and Cathy is already out to set the record straight.

  2. I'll bet on Mike in this war of words he's the one who has real favors to give, with cathy there is only the promise of something way too far down the line at this point.

  3. better title: Cathy Jolly catfight

  4. Is this straight from your idiotic sources who generally get everything wrong anyway? Nigger janitors or whatever? You got half of it wrong anyway. Besides, who fucking cares about some bitch cunts bullshit? Listen, two niggers killed a white woman in Lee's Summit. Two little teenage Dindus. So there's a better story waiting to be told: what should whites do about this city's horrible nigger problem? A solution is needed.

    1. ^^^^^ Go fuck yourself, you xenophobic dipshit!!!!! ^^^^^

  5. KCMO city government pretty much speaks for itself.

    The best idiots money can buy.

  6. Blake Shelton dating Gwen Stefani!!!

  7. This is the open thread

  8. How does she feel about bulk stack and pack housing?


    Mr. ‘Public Subsidy’

  9. I'd fuck Cathy Jolly in her ass. Then cum all over her face and tits.

  10. This is all Brownbacks fault!!!!!!

    As ever,


  11. Raise taxes on those who can afford it the least and the problem is solved.


    Mr. Consultant

  12. I can see why Taylor is so you know what "whipped".

    Have a good day,

    Mrs. Broomhilda

  13. I love to see our overlords get pissy. It keeps their hands out of the cookiejar for a few wonderful moments.

  14. I thought an animal was caught in the garage door11/5/15, 7:47 AM

    Cathy did not quit. She alternately screaming and crying she received word of her termination for not showing up for work. We could hear her all the way on the other side of the Courthouse. She was begging to keep the job and promising to do better. If she had not treated so many people like trash, people might have felt sorry for her making those sounds. Anyone who decides to quit does not screech and beg like that. It was haunting.

  15. Who is this? Some local working at a nail salon?

    As ever,

    Mr. Trump

  16. Now that's one hot babe! Let me tell about the time we dated!!

    Truly yours,

    Mr. Glazer

  17. Everything's Frosty! World Series!

    Keep it Frosty!

    Sylvester Frosty James

  18. Clay and Tony Butt LOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Mr. Wilson

  19. Don't click on that link

    Be safe,

    Mr. Tracy

  20. Did Dutch Newman approve this hit? Was there a sit down first?

  21. So we got to look at this for the rest of day?


    Mr. But "I'm here" Anyway

  22. If Ms. Jolly lost her job for anything other than being AOWL I highly doubt it was for talking to the FBI. You get that invitation, you attend the party. Everyone knows that, but she could be trying to spread that story to sue the county for taking retribution against her. Dangerous game.

  23. Skippy would not have treated a man with such disrespect. Women voters will remember this.

  24. This distracts people from noticing we are steam rolling a new hotel right over them! And taking their money to do it! Good job TKC!

    Keep it Frosty,

    Sylvester "Hire ME Hillary" James

  25. Attn: 8:14

    When I read The Pitch article, I wondered whether she cleared that interview with Sanders or his PR staff. I think it is obvious that Cathy was a political hire. She had no public administration experience to qualify for a merit job. That means she served at the pleasure of the county executive. Live by the sword and die by the sword. If someone is a political hire and they run to an alternative newspaper to spin an interesting yarn, that person has to expect that they no longer please their boss. Cathy was not very smart.

  26. Of course no commenter on this blog would care if Mike Sanders just abused a woman. Why did I even try? You are all animals.

  27. PC Police have arrived

  28. At the election watch party Scott Taylor let slip that Sanders had promised not to run for re-election last year so that Cathy follow him into the office. So it was Mike Sanders who broke faith first.

  29. Lauren, No one lets something like that "slip." He said it so you would post it on Tony's.

  30. @ 7:57
    I'm gonna pound your dick into the ground like a fence post for acting like me.I am the meanest baddest MF on the Internets so don't fuck with me you gay ass shit room cleaner.

  31. CG, The Best Looking Guy in KC11/5/15, 9:13 AM

    Look stupid haters there ain't no pussy in this town I ain't sampled including Paul/PolarBear Wilson's main squeeze so get your facts straight.

  32. She was screaming and crying. That is true.

  33. She missed some work because she was concerned about her child. IS THAT A CRIME!?!?!?!

  34. She could care less if you live or die. Cathy Jolly is a ho for federal money, all about the bling.

    She's a perfect fit for the James Administration.

  35. 9:13, its interesting how...
    Wilson lives rent free in all
    your heads. Dude called you all out for your
    ...comments, how many replied?
    I bet none of you
    cowards had
    Maybe you should all
    lay off him and go fuck Stupid Dave's
    wife in the
    ass and cum on her face.
    Oh, thats right, I don't guess thats possible any more now is it

  36. For the record11/5/15, 9:45 AM

    Cathy merely tried to keep spending under control. Did the County really need a dishwashing machine in the Independence Courthouse? Cathy made enemies because she looked out for the taxpayer? Buy a dishrag and use it.

  37. Jesus Tony! Take your damn meds! Your banter has more Buttholio drama than Toni Bone's bloomers. What I am getting is you have someone at the county who doesn't like Sanders. for whatever reasons. Joley needed to go and if you notice, the county has not shut down since her departure. I seriously doubt they will be late mailing my property taxes so we saved a fortune on someone who apparently hates to work. Nevertheless, the whining begins. I would not be surprise if your source is Joley herself, or someone in her ranks. Please let the drama n settle it without putting us through this daily bullshit from a shitload of little people that no one would actually miss.

  38. Who cared more about the dead firefighters? Mike? Cathy?

    We need this answer to know who is the winner!

  39. 11/5/15, 8:00 AM
    You pose the most important question.

  40. Don't worry Michele Newman. With Cathy Jolly gone, there is no one close to Mike who will point out how you cannot do the job you are paid to fill.

  41. @9:33 Dang Wilson is that the best come back you have? You better stay over with the Kool-Aid drinking fools at KCC. By the way you never answered the question that someone asked you. Just how much did James pay you for that story?

  42. Our tax dollars at work?

  43. Danny Boy Tarwater11/5/15, 10:17 AM

    I promise as County Executive, I will repeal the ethics rules that prohibit Jackson County Officials to accept free tickets to sporting and entertainment events! People need to see me when they go to events. Its important!

  44. Dutch. Newman11/5/15, 10:42 AM

    Ok, fuckers. Listen up because I am going to teach you things that maybe only 10 people in the country still know. In the good ol’ days we would never had to clean up a mess like this. Cathy was not “made” so no “sit down” was necessary. A friend would have met Cathy outside her beauty parlor and probably during the county’s work hours because that's when Cathy went to the beauty parlor normally. That’s when a buttonman would have put a handkerchief doused in chloroform over her face. When she goes limp a second buttonman would pull a burlap sack over her head, pick her up and throw her in the trunk of a running car. The driver would proceed to a farm field where the bag of bitch would be removed from the trunk. Some guys from out of town would be waiting there. When they are alone with her they pop two behind her ear and on their way back out of town they provide a meal to some Missouri River carp. A little mess up front, saves a lot of mess later on. Use buttonmen and not lawyers.

  45. Why is the infighting and all the drama among D-list amateur Jacksion County politicos so vicious?
    Because the stakes are so low.
    And all at taxpayer expense.
    What a racket.

  46. Is it to late to vote for that Brice guy? Also I hear it was Angie that got rid of Cathy. Angie has a lot of pull with all the good work she does for the men in the county

  47. This is all good stuff. Nobody else talks about the County but they steal our property tax money every year and get off with a trace. Time to hold them accountable.

  48. 8:17, 8:32, & 9:17: Mike would probably have fired a man sooner, and it would never have been an issue. Is it a crime to take $75K in taxpayer money and never show up for work because you have a troubled child? If it isn't it certainly should be.

    How many private employers would put up with that?

    9:45: If not allowing the purchase of a $500 dishwasher was what we got for $75K, we got screwed. Royally screwed.

  49. How can mike fire anyone? The Kickass Tipsters proved that he is not even in power, he "disappeared" and ceded all authority to some woman no one ever heard of.

    Maybe he died from the eboloa epidemic the dead tree media won't talk about, or the nightly murders on the Plaza the are covering up.

  50. Cathy Jolly was the one who got stabbed in the Plaza during the Plaza Art Fair. Some kickass TKC tipsters told you so...

  51. KICK ASS TKC TIPSTER.......11/5/15, 5:24 PM

    Gaping Buttholio reported that Skippy was in jail and Jolle had been kidnapped.

    Truth be know, according to the TKC AWSOME KICK-ASS TIPSTER aka Westport Parking Lot Manager, stated that Jolly, Skippy and Mr. Peanut were at a swingers retreat in Jamaica.

  52. 4:27-5:24: Wow! You're so, well, I don't know what to say. You should definitely start your own blog!

    Seriously, dude! You're just like one of those idiot savant people except for the savant part.

  53. Mike went off the rails when he hired Jolly. Several other administrative moves followed. Very sad.

  54. But what does Joan Dickey think?

  55. Joanie thinks she should be running things. As usual. Of course, she never shows up to work early or stays late. She just wants to run things.

    So, picking on Cathy Jolly for needing to leave a few times to take care of a sick child does not really ring true Mike. There is no truth in it.

    Before long, Joanie will be crying to Mike for a new county car to carry her to and from Johnson County. You did not expect Joanie would stoop to living in JaxCo?

    Katheryn learned what an old spider Joanie is, and I guess Mike wants to learn the hard way.

    Mike when you treat your friends unfairly, spiders are the only company you deserve.

  56. Isn't THAT the truth.


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