Possibly an alternative perspective from this lawyer lady OR some really smart marketing advice paid for with $1 Million bucks of Rex Sinquefield's cash.
Here's a statement in defense of Free Speech from Missouri Lt. Governor candidate Bev Randles . . .
The University of Missouri: Ground Zero in the New War on the First Amendment - Breitbart
Money quote:
"I do not believe in government by protest where the loudest voices drown out reasonable discussion. Incidents of racism must be investigated individually and evaluated on the facts of each incidence. I resent Mizzou becoming the national poster-child of racism based on these specific incidents by people who may or may not even be students of the University.
Sadly, there will always be hateful people and imperfect ones. I fear that the University’s decision to erect a large edifice of a diversity bureaucracy will result in a scaffold for free speech. Future students will receive mandatory training on, among other things, how not to offend. They may even have “safe zones,” where they can be free from offense. But there is no constitutional right not to be offended. Either the First Amendment is alive and well or it isn’t .; . ."
Conservative media is running with this one, read the whole thing here . . .
Developing . . .
No pavement apes in our state offices, please! We only listen to the pleas of humans.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Bev on the MU protests.
ReplyDeleteWe went from the Show-Me State to the GIBME State.
ReplyDeleteWell said Ms Randles. She would be a breath of fresh air in Jefferson City.
ReplyDeleteAll Cops Are Bastards
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear someone attempt a rationale rebuttal of that article... clearly stated and hard to find fault with. Of course, with the current state of free thought, she will probably be their next target and they will demand her immediate removal from the Lt. Governor's race (and possibly the black race as well).
ReplyDeleteMan this woman's thinking mechanism makes Barrack look like a mental midget. She needs to be speaking at a national political convention.
ReplyDeleteOr a Trump rally
ReplyDeleteUnderstanding her belief in the slave holding tradition, club of prison growth and her all around "fuck them" attitude we welcome her to the apocalypse
ReplyDelete5:54 is a RACIST!
ReplyDeletePorch Monkeys at MU were a fraud. But then Porch Monkeys are frauds everywhere.
ReplyDeleteNigger tries to kill med school student in New Orleans, 2 niggers kill a pregnant preachers wife in Indy. Everywhere, it's the same. NIGGERS killing. NIGGERS know nothing but killing. It's in their DNA. Fucking heathens.
Wah! I don't care if she is African-American, she has not provided trigger warnings before committing her microaggressions in what should be my safe space where I should be protected from being exposed to any opinions that might offend my hypersensitive self.
ReplyDeleteI doubt if Cum Guy cares about her political positions.
ReplyDeleteShe has to pass the Cindy Circo Litmus Test to qualify for Cum Guy Services
ReplyDeleteThere's no constitutional right to not offend either.