Mya Jane And The Kansas City Link Look

Glamor model hottie Mya Jane inspires the Kansas City link look for the moment . . .

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Lewis Diuguid: MU's response to racial controversy ensures it will emerge a better, stronger university
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. Hey Jason. Ask Daddy Roy where he is hiding Mattsy-watsy these days.

  2. Lewis Diuguid is just another libtard idiot trying to transpose his minority opinion into fact. The fact is only 2 percent of Missouri's higher education students are black and their graduation numbers are dismal. If the press and activists are too damn dumb to grasp the idea that race relations at Missouri Universities was just st back decades then there is more lacking at our institutes of higher learning than can be imagined. I guarantee 100,000 percent that, prior to this mess last week, racial incidents at MU were no higher than in any cross section of America. After that bogus and fake ass fiasco if those black complainers don't think racism is going to go deep under cover they are nuts. These people were basically complaining about pretty normal incidents of racism that could have taken place on any street in America. Now they have just provided every racist nut with the hatred, disdain and disgust to go wild. If they think racism was terribly institutional and systematic I can not imagine who they are going to hold responsible for the free lance and blatant resentment and coming racism that they just wont be able to get their hands on.

    Whether or not their PETTY complaints and demands deserved an audience is debatable given the scope of existing race issues in America. Two things are for sure. First no white administrators deserved a "hi-tech lynching" by blacks and their pansy pals. Second, Blackmail and demands from a handful of people allegedly representing a faction from less than 2 percent of the student population does not demonstrate that these people have any social skills or education.

  3. Just like the sun coming up in the east, you can always depend upon Lewis Diuguid to spew his black entitlement venom.

  4. MU's handling of this was a fiasco. There was no verification of facts and deliberation...just a knee jerk emotional reaction. This will reflect poorly on the school for years to come. Kind of reminds me of the high-jinks that goes on with the KCMO school district. Any self respecting educations will be fleeing that sinking ship.


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