Kansas City Newsie Kalee Dionne Dunk Clip

KSHB has been moving up the media ranks with some pretty great local coverage but also by way of pushing their local stars.

The latest example . . .

"Kalee Dionne, Meteorologist for KSHB/41 Action News' TODAY team, is featured in this fun image campaign produced by Bobby H for Fall 2015. She can't dunk a basketball...but she can give you the most accurate forecast."

It's like they're begging the TKC blog community to be just a little creepy here but overall it's simply one of the cutest local newsie clip Kansas City has produced in more than a decade.

You decide . ..


  1. Decide what?

  2. What position she should play. Don't be a douche.

  3. I'll leave this one to Tony's six regular commenters to decide.

  4. Wow, broadcast news is just as irrelevant as dead tree media. Pathetic.

  5. Call Me Seven10/3/15, 6:12 PM

    I like her more than her friend Lezak. More Katy less Gary should be the new motto.

  6. I've met Kalee in person & she is just as hot as she is on tv. Small, but hot

  7. Get rid of the R10/3/15, 7:14 PM

    The headline said "Drunk clip", like she was arrested for DUI or something.

  8. it's gone.

  9. I'd fuck Kalee in her ass. Then cum all over her face and tits.

  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^I will take $1oo.oo worth of that.

    No wait. That would make her a prostitute. But to see those big titties bounce, I would pay $2oo.oo.

  11. Bolonzo Washmachin10/4/15, 10:13 AM

    I'd let Dion fuck me in the ass and cum all over my face.

  12. Proof Positive that hype and self-promotion rule the day for local media!!

    Did anyone catch the Falling Star's Jenee Osterizer writing once again about....HERSELF!! I'm a mixed race child! I'm a victim! Feel sorry for me! Look at my picture! Me me me!


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