If so much hype about improvement and progress for Kansas City Public Schools was a reality, maybe their enrollment numbers would see a spike among somebody besides a great many Mexican kids who don't speak much English and don't really have any other options.

Like it or not, immigrants with no place to go are now one of the largest minority groups in the district that nearly everybody else has abandoned.

Here's another report revealing the situation getting even worse amid stagnant test scores and a re-purposing plan that does a great job of real estate speculation and shifting ownership but has yet to eliminate so much blight from empty buildings amid an exodus of families leaving KCPS districts over the last generation.

Kansas City Public Schools May Close Schools
Developing . . .


  1. Where are the Mexicans in KCPS? I don't see them. They have mostly blacks and a few whites.

  2. Every time a new charter school opens to great celebration, the downside is that those kids aren't going to be attending a KCPS school. And just like Covington had to do, when you have a much much smaller enrollment, you don't need as many buildings, teachers, or other staff.
    This is just the prelude to another spate of demanding, marching, yelling, and screaming from the usual "community activists", most of who continue to look at the district as a trough of public money and make it as difficult as possible for actual education to take place.
    Same song, 495th verse.
    And guess whose fault it all will be!

    1. 7:06 Not to mention that said activists live in other school districts. They get to go home every night to their better performing school district. Its past time to close the doors on KCPS. The trough will dry up and the leaches will have to beat down something else. The point is no child is being educated in this defunct school system. Its been dead for decades.

  3. Under the notorious Steve Green and in less than 3 years,

    KCPS actually OPENED 7 SEVEN schools!

    Success Academy Middle
    Northeast Middle
    Central Middle
    Woodlawn Early Child
    Richardson Early Child
    Success Academy High

    NOW they want to close schools!
    KCPS is a rat hole down which denizens continue to pour over $230 MILLION each and every year. So, who's really IGNORANT??

  4. Green brought into Airick West's philosophy -- Build it and they will come.

    Problem is: they don't come because state-f-the-art buildings don't make up for grossly failing schools.

    Here's some interesting facts:

    RENOVATION OF 2 MIDDLE SCHOOLS (NE and Central) $28 MILLION DOLLARS -- both buildings at only 25% capacity

    RENOVATION OF HALE COOK ELEMENTARY (its suppose to keep white folks in KCPS) $5 MILLION DOLLARS

    There's only 14,000 students left in KCPS.

    It's time to dissolve KCPS and let the schools be run by surrounding districts with proven track records.

  5. 11:32 -- there is no Success Middle. Did you mean Success Elementary?

    Sure, it's hard to think that that hell-hole "alternative school" could be for elementary-aged kids, but it is.


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