On this Sabbath we have scintillating news of an ongoing slap fight within the Greater Kansas City Jewish community that has been hidden and secret until now. 

To wit . . .


First because we're interested in the dirty laundry of every diverse community in Kansas City . . .

Here's the scuttlebutt and overview of controversy surrounding the rabbi in question:

Forward: Who's Investigating Rabbis Who Cross the Line?

Money quote:

"Jacques Cukierkorn of Overland Park, Kansas . . . was suspended for a breach of ethical guidelines relating to financial affairs and subsequently expelled for failure to cooperate with the CCAR ethics Committee."

Accordingly, Kansas City Faith blogger Bill Tammeus proclaims:

"There was no reason for it to be public information . . . Now The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle has compounded that bad journalism by reprinting The Forward piece -- and, once again, not giving Jacques a chance before publication to explain his position on the matter so it could be included in the story . . . I also cannot understand why, ever since Jacques left his position as rabbi of the New Reform Temple in Kansas City, he has been the subject of a relentless effort to destroy his reputation.

(TKC NOTE: Hehe, that's Blogger Bill T. showing his WASP-Y background in that last sentence. ) 

"Jacques is a profoundly decent, honest, caring, conscientious, generous man who, like all of us, is imperfect. He does not deserve the kind of appalling journalism to which he's been subjected by The Forward and now also by The Jewish Chronicle."

In service of educating the public on this topic, here's a somewhat artistic copy of the Bill Tammeus screed in full.

Now . . .

Remember that Mr. Tammeus was relentless in his criticism of Bishop Finn and a call for greater Catholic transparency. Sadly when it comes to his friends, Blogger Bill Tammeus believes that secrecy should be the order of the day . . . As for journalism best practices (lulz), that's for newsies to decide but we'll simply contend that the current media outlet of Bill Tammeus FAILS to follow blogger best practices and refuses comments so his criticism of media style might also be considered hypocritical.

However . . .

A denizen of our blog community offers the best view of this controversy . . .

"This is something that's really putrid. These same people like Bill (Tammeus) brought out their sharpest knives for Bishop Finn but when it comes to the allegations against his rabbi friend, he prefers silence ... Admittedly, the crimes leveled against Finn are much greater and harmful to specific individuals as well as the entire Catholic Community than those of Cookoo-korn but the principles which support these moralistic tirades are one and the same.

"Another related item of interest . . .

"Not only has the Board of Rabbis given him (Cukierkorn ) a free pass (seemingly) they have allowed him to stay on the Board of Rabbis (He currently remains listed as a member on their website as of this writing). Who are these cretins? Do all clergy (the term makes me puke) protect themselves first at the expense of their own people and community? Shame on all these people."

Accordingly, we make no judgements in this faith community hot mess but simply serve to demonstrate that strong feelings arise over every religious beef whether the fight is over cash, sex or journalism. Natch.


  1. faith blogging is a big deal but only when you fake a pregnancy:

  2. Well, I can't seem to enlarge the actual screed of Tammeus linked here, without using that 2.0 thing that wants permission to go thru my underwear drawer and interrogate my neighbors.

    And I went to Tammeus' no commenter blog (which I do understand why he does that) but could not find the story there.

    So my comment is: no comment till I know more.
    I opened the link to the Forward, and all it said was: financial improprieties. Which is a far cry from what Bishop Finn did.

    1. Thanks for letting us know you don't have an opinion on something Tracy, it's REAL important that we know that.

      How's the handjob side business?

  3. Tammy has been in the media for a long time--

    and learned who controls the media -

    Oy Vey!

  4. 10:19 Bishop Finn didn't abuse anyone. He committed an administrative impropriety, just like the good Rabbi. It is apples to apples. Hypocrisy.

  5. How did these guys get in this blog if they are not either gay or conspiracy theorists?

  6. He does not deserve the kind of appalling journalism to which he's been subjected by The Forward and now also by The Jewish Chronicle."

    Billy T you have brought this upon yourself. Was it appalling journalism when the Chronicle published an article outlining or reporting on the results of the litigation between the New Reform Temple and Rabbi Cukierkorn? Remember, the article which reported that the New Reform Temples claims for breach of fiduciary duty and fraud by the Rabbi were upheld? Whereas you get bonus points for your Hilary Clinton like stand by your man defense at some point you might want to wake up and smell the hummus. The public record on this distasteful and sometimes sordid affair seems to be pretty clear. Perhaps your life would be easier if you stood down and let nature take its course. Now that the Chronicle has a pay wall, how many people do you really think are seeing any of this? And its not like the Chronicle made any of this up. All they did was report the news. It seems evident to some of us that all your misguided letter of protest to the Chronicle did was catch the eye of Kansas City's leading blogger which only served to perpetuate the misery, distaste and discomfort brought about by the bloodbath between the New Reform Temple and the Rabbi who they let go (or fired) many years ago.

  7. 10:34 FTW.

  8. Kudos to Tony for wading into this sordid affair. Its seems that Mr. Tammeus isnt willing to leave well enough alone and let the public record speak for itself. It is sad enough to see what the once well respected Tammeus is doing to himself. Worse was you reporting on how the Board of Rabbis has been acting. When people or organizations sometimes step over the line and dont perform as they should or how we expect them to perform, we in the TKC Community always have you to bring light to these affairs and show us the way. God bless you Tony!

  9. Bill Tammeus is the typical over educated upper middle class, yes WASP, twit who thinks he is morally gifted and a little bit better than those who are not in his exclusive and elite class. Mr. Tammeus feels there is nothing in the world that cannot be fixed if the world did not follow his advice. The fact that he ended his career on the religion beat speaks for the failure of his career as a journalist. Newspapers but their worst writers in the religion section. I am sure that Mr. Tammeus has Jewish friends. Yes, I bet some of his best friends are Jewish. I would also bet that he has no friends who are Roman Catholic or if he does, I am sure they are the Kennedy congration of the Roman Catholic Church. I know he has no friends who are fundamentalist, evangelical or Pentecostal Protestants since these people are out of his social and economic class and I am sure Mr. Tammeus considers them to be uneducated scum.

    To answer your question: all clergy are scum. Any asshole can call himself reverend and many do. You previous story was on Congressman Cleaver who has been ripping his own people off through the pulpit and the ballot box for forty years. In the people with the least regard for Black lives or the welfare of Blacks are their own clergy. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a serial adulterer and plagiarist but those faults are overlooked since he has a holiday. If Martin Luther King, Jr. is the best leader Black America can produce in 400 years, then Black America’s biggest problem is not White racism.

    The clergy, like journalists and politicians, are a parasitical class that attracts a large number of sociopaths and narcissists. How else can a person with religious training commit some of the acts that clergymen do and not feel any remorse if they are not sociopaths. Where is Mr. Tammeus’ outrage over the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East by ISIS or the fact that his own party has given Iran the green light on developing weapons to destroy Israel? Mr. Tammeus must be either stupid or sociopathic like those in his class to support, defend and enable someone like Barack Obama who is probably the biggest anti-Smite to occupy the White House and a man through his policies has shown his hatred for Christians. I would point out that the Republicans too have blood on their hands since they are more concerned about aborted babies than they are about the death of their religion in the Middle East at the hands of ISIS.

  10. Sorry 10:34, but Finn protected someone who was diddling little kids, thus making it easier for him to do it again. While what the Rabbi did was wrong, especially for a man of the cloth, it's a far cry from protecting a pedophile.

  11. But, above them all, stands the anonymous commenter.

    I am anonymous, & I am better than everyone, smarter than everyone, have more money, a bigger house, a better job & the only one who's not a damn fool. All hail, the anonymous commenter!

    He thinks that if we don't know how he is we can't call him on his OWN shit. So, I'll call him on this shit: Only a dumbass would say that Obama hates Christians, is the biggest anti-Semite to occupy the White House. That's hysterical hyperbole. "Death of their religion"? Jesus.

  12. Ever notice how every one of these perverts and child molesters are white people?

    1. Oprah and Maya Anjelou ring a bell ? Plenty of other black incest survivors, famous and not, according to published studies.
      They've both long ago revealed the incest they suffered as young children. They called out abusers of innocents, in black families especially, who seem to have tolerance rather than taboo views of incest. In parts of Africa, traditions are still kept allowing blood relatives to engage in sex. The relations are not taboo whether hetero/homo/pedophilic.
      The majority of the world's population hold incest and pedophilia as unlawful.

  13. The reason people post anonymously is because of psycho trolls and perverts like you Funkhouser and you have nothing intelligent to offer to the conversation except insults.

  14. 11:43 He did not cover any thing up. Thats not even what he was accused of. Where do you get your pipe dreams? Get your facts straight then come back and we can have a chat.

  15. I wonder if Tammeus could chime in on the comments? Also, it woukd be great if Tammeus could provide us a link to his favorite Rabbi's latest Charity Fund so that those amogst us who choose not to believe either our lying eyes or the public record could donate money to the cause. I'm guessing that even Tammeus wouldnt favor giving and charitable dination to either the Catholic Church or his rabbi friend.

  16. Perhaps the best lesson here would be for Bill Tammeus to put down his pen and keep his thoughts to himself. Sadly, he seems to enjoy reading what he writes so this probably wont happen. It might seem obvious to most that after having been found to have violated his fiduciary responsibility and found to have perpetrated fraud on his old Temple as well as being sanctioned/removed from his national relgious organization (a rare enough occurrence and most likely a surprise to most of the Jewish Community) that Tammeus wake up from the dream he has been living in and face the truth. I guess he wont and sadly and somewhat reluctantly agree that he has the right to his own opinion, delusional or not. As was written elsewhere, whatever discomfort or misery he perpetuates and brings upon himself, he is doing by himself. God bless you Mr. Tammeus. May the peace of the Lord be with you.

  17. To JoCoPost: now that the Jewish Chronicle has put in a pay wall, it is very difficult or impossible to access the various articles that the Chronicle Published about the bloodbath between the New Reform Temple and its former Rabbi. I would guess that if you wrote Tony an email, he could send you copies of those articles and a copy of the Tammeus letter to the editor that sparked this blog post. The Chronicle did an ok job keeping the Jewish Community up to date about this sordid and mostly unnecessary conflict. On the other hand, since none of the actors is this mess came out looking anything but bad and most in the Jewish Community were humiliated by the allegations, tumult and eventual findings, maybe it is best (as has been suggested) to just leave this be and forget about it.

  18. Religion in Kansas City,

    Oh what a tangled web they weave, as they set out to deceive us all.

  19. FIRST things first:

    TKC's in a funny mood today! I appreciate the Jewess Sarah Silverman's photo to lead this post.

    Likewise, I note the previous post concerning Congressman Carwash, who readers with excellent memory will recall played a major role in hiding the sexual abuse/malpractice committed by members of KC's black clergy years ago.

    Now, to the topic at hand, while I don't know the particular accusations made against this rabbi, it doesn't surprise me in the least that self-knighted Saint Tammeus is acting in disregard to proper ethics, protection for victims, and the rule of law.

    I've been pointing out for some time now, whenever TKC posts a Tammeus link, the self-righteous holier-than-though attitude of Mr. Tammeus. So, while it's surprising to see this post, it's gratifying at the same time, that others are coming around to the reality of Tammeus' hypocrisy.

    I thank you for the post.

  20. Bryron is 100% correct. The arrogance here can be overwhelming, especially when it comes from people without the sack to identify themselves.

    1. Good one, Byron. Laughable hypocrisy!!!

  21. Wow anon 232! Are you driving a dagger into Mr. Tammeus or what? Is it that Tammeus is the hypocritical, full of himself bombastic blogger or is he just an old, over the hill, desperate for attention delusional soul trying to cover for a friend, guilty or not? It would be a little bit tidier if Mr. Tammeus acknowledged his financial dealings with the rabbi; but into todays world, who amongst us cares about conflicts of interest and ethical values?

  22. Protector of the faith9/12/15, 2:47 PM

    If it's true. shame on the Jew Council for keeping the Rabbi on its Board of Directors. Did they overlook that the rabbi was adjudged to have violated his fiduciary responsibility and perpetrated a fraud on his past Congregation? They bring shame on the entire community of Jewish people.

  23. Intentionally or inadvertently, the actions of the Board of Rabbis serve to remind us how clergy (if that's what you'd call a rabbi) are no better than anyone else. In this case, they chose to ignore what happened and attempt to protect one of their own. Its too bad that Mr. Tammmeus didnt get his real wish and have the entire messy divorce between the New Reform Temple re-hashed for all to see. One supposes that Tammeus could get a transcript of the litigation between the Temple and Cukierkorn and bare all for us to see so that we might understand better why he was found to have violated his fiduciary responsibility and defrauded his Temple/employer. That would be much better than the delusional spin of any of the parties involved in the conflict.

  24. Is Bill a friend of the Botello family? Or is this post just one of those things Catholic's do out of some kind of guilt obligation?

  25. "He thinks that if we don't know how he is we can't call him on his OWN shit."

    How do we know you're really Byron Funkhouser?

    You think just because you have a blogger acct it makes you bonafied? I have a blogger acct as well and I live in the greater KC area and am known by people around here and you're who? I mean who the fuck really knows you around here?

    Nobody thats who, so you're just as anonymous as those you call out asshole.

  26. SuperDave, Byron doesn't offer counter arguments to opinions he does not agree with. Rather, he calls the person a Nazi or a pussy or stupid. His response is emotional like a child. He cannot discuss or debate, he can only lash out. He is becoming a pain in the ass and a first class troll. He also has been rating Tony out to libtard groups and I don't know why Tony puts up with him.

  27. Tony is all things to all people.

  28. 4:45 for the win!!!

  29. All religion is puke.

  30. Natch ? Nah, snatch more like it.

    Funkhouser is a worthless piece of shit. He is like blood to Tony. They probably share sheep.

  31. 11:03

    All awarded EXCELLENCE IN COMMENTARY plaques.

  32. (11:03) Oy! Meine rebbe had his hand in the till and he dint efen gif me a t-shoit!

  33. Tru dat anin 640PM

  34. The Irish American Society in Kansas City holds money more precious than raping children?

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