TKC NOTE: An important event is on the horizon, here's another reminder about what could be the most important discussion of the early Fall.


Black, Brown and Blue: A Conversation About Race, Policing and Incarceration

With the unfolding of events in places like Ferguson, Baltimore, and NYC, we must stop and ask why these events have happened. What has led our society to this place, what has perpetuated the kinds of racial injustices we are seeing all over the news, and what can be done in our city and society to create more equitable, multiracial systems?

Second Presbyterian Church and CCO are hosting a panel discussion called “Black, Brown and Blue,” where these questions will be discussed at length. Panelists include Alvin Brooks, Dr. Ken Novak, Rev. Brenda Hayes, Airick Leonard West and Deputy Chief Bob Kuehl. Join us for an evening of conversation as we discuss these important issues in the broader context of faith. This is a free event and all are encouraged to register at

Click the link or the photo for more deets and you decide the merits of the discussion . . .


  1. Here's what you missed TKC, will the blogger bill be taking questions?

    I hope so.

  2. It's a good event and at least more productive than what the star did last month.

  3. Featured Presentation Of The Evening

    Chris Rock - How not to get your ass beat by cops. (YouTube)

  4. How much are tickets? The front row seats.

  5. One look at the speaker list tells all. A gathering of old, failed ideas, excuses and a call for more vigils.

    At the end of the forum there will be a request to stand, hold hand out and recite the Grifter allegiance.

    Important event ? Nah.

  6. We need a much larger, long-term maximum security prison in Jackson County run by the Sheriff. We need a strong prosecutor and state judges that will let criminals know not to mess around in Jackson County. Until we get that, Kansas City will remain on the top ten list of most dangerous cities.

  7. Build more prisons, fill them up with black people and make the world a safer and better place. P.E.R.I.O.D.

  8. Let me same you some time: it is all the fault of the police due to white privilege. There, you have that evening free to do something constructive.

  9. We've been having this stupid "conversation" for 40 years. Jesus: Even Moses found his way out of the desert by then. Just like no "fair-wager" will tell you why $100 shouldn't be the going rate, rather than $15 an hour, none of the race hustlers will tell you why we shouldn't experiment first with, oh, marriage, dual-parent households, finishing high school, attending trade school or college, keeping the kids in the house after 10 p.m., avoiding pregnancy in your teens, avoiding drugs, developing a sense of personal pride that says "I don't need the white man's help to succeed," etc., etc.

  10. Come join these exalted figures robed in magical Brooks Brothers summer poplin as they discuss ways to keeping doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

  11. Click the link or the photo


  12. TKC=Hate+Anger against effort to make a difference.

    Tony, your high water level is going down each post.

    On the other hand, maybe these types of comments surprise you.

  13. Miss Sweetie Pie dodging and weaving to avoid random KC gunfire9/6/15, 11:43 AM

    Mr. Tony,

    Where's the "brown" in this mix? Latinos are always screwed over in KC.

  14. its all going to be one sided just by the title\

  15. Waste of time until the hate groups come together to change their attitudes.

  16. 11:43 everything is about black people, you didn't know that? That said, be proud you don't use race as a crutch for everything. Even with a language barrier you have already progressed further than black people in just a couple of decades. Having a work ethic and not relying on others your entire life for everything will take you far in life. But there is one group of perfectly content with generational cradle-to-grave reliance on other people that wantbetter lives but don't to put amy work into it. They just want more free money or to steal it from you.

  17. RE: Black, Brown and Blue: A Conversation About Race, Policing and Incarceration

    "With the unfolding of events in places like Ferguson, Baltimore, and NYC, we must stop and ask why these events have happened. What has led our society to this place, what has perpetuated the kinds of racial injustices we are seeing all over the news, and what can be done in our city and society to create more equitable, multiracial systems? "

    PARDON ME, but I call BULLSHIT!! The language above, clues the reader into the fact that this assemblage of liberal do-gooders will NOT be searching for truth, as they've clearly already prejudiced their minds with the poison of divisive politics. What do I mean?

    "Ferguson, Baltimore, and NYC" are referenced as clear cases of "racial injustice." According to who? Well, according to the liberal socialist BIG Government racist nanny-state, that's who!

    Ferguson: A young black male with a lengthy criminal record steals cigars from a store for use in making marijuana blunts. He assaults the shop owner who attempts to stop him. A police officer, initially unaware that he's the reported thief, orders him to stop walking in the street. He ignores the officer, and when confronted, begins arguing/fighting with the officer until his service weapon is discharged in the struggle. He attempts to flee, ignoring the officer's commands to halt and get on the ground. When he charges toward the officer, he is shot multiple times as the officer follows training protocol. Michael Brown would be alive today if not for his own suicidal actions. The case had NOTHING to do with "racial injustice" but everything to do with a young black man with a history of violence, drug abuse, and a criminal record.

    Panelists include:

    Alvin Brooks---I have no problem with Alvin Brooks. This former police officer and Mayoral candidate works for good in the community.

    Dr. Ken Novak---UMKC professor and NOVA investigator. Simply put, Dr. Novak has built an academic career based upon "racial profiling" and "biased policing."

    Rev. Brenda Hayes---Presiding Elder St. Louis Columbia District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Why would a person from St. Louis be speaking to KC residents about KC policing?

    Airick Leonard West--Readers of this blog will know that Mr. West is the former school board President of the failed KCPS district, never graduated from college, told students about selling his technology company for a fortune, and has had his own troubles with law enforecement.

    Deputy Chief Bob Kuehl---only a few months away from having his 30 years in with the KCPD, Kuehl does a lot of these community PR gigs in which he pretends to listen while knowing that nothing worthwhile is being accomplished.

    Bill Tammeus---this former KC Star faith writer, now blogs about his favorite subject....himself. Mr. Tammeus will have you know that he is a superior human being and always does the right thing. So, it's going to be quite a surprise when he lands in Hell for repeatedly violating Biblical tenets and promoting a Socialist Marxist agenda.

  18. Anyone watching the U.S. Open?

  19. Faith-based 'War Room' pushes 'Straight Outta Compton' out of top spot

  20. We can give them hotel-like names:

    Nigger Holiday Inn
    Motel Spade
    Niggers to the Hilt-on
    Residence Inn for Niggers

  21. If these fucking NIGGERS wouldn't act like the animals they are, this entire subject wouldn't be necessary at all.

  22. Whitey is at fault for putting a disproportionate number of blacks in jail. So lets remedy the problem using libtard logic. We'll just free all the blacks, they can return to the hood then lets see just how valid those complaints of persecution and racism are.

  23. 11:32am, we have heard the same lame noise from the same hands in your pocket thieves for years. Same story, different day.

    Perhaps you could read 9:51's comment. It is one of the better comments that I have read on this so called blog.

  24. Airwick West WHAT A PHONY!!!

    In the event flyer, he describes himself as being a
    "national executive committee member of the Council of Great City Schools"

    Ha ha -- it's an automatic position that comes with the PAID MEMBERSHIP!!!
    And guess who's paying his membership dues?

    KC TAXPAYERS PAY for KCPS to belong to the "Council" -- some $40,000 annual membership PLUS flying Airick to "national executive member" meetings for photo-ops. EVERY Board chair of every (paid-in-full) member school district is on the council!!
    Airick didn't want to give up the hyped "prestige' after he was voted out as KCPS board chair -- and new chair Jon Hile, pitying the poor guy, let him keep it.
    P.S. Keeping up appearances...membership to the Council is limited to those urban districts w/25,000+ students. Even though KCPS only has 14,000 K-12 students, West continues to belong because the guy who started it needs the money. Airick makes no reports...and all his expenses are approved by Board Treasurer AL TUNNIS -- yep, the same guy Airick fought-like-hell to be named Interim Supt...AL TUNNIS the district's CFO... is also the Interim also the Board Treasurer (you can't make this stuff up!!).

  25. Does Bill Tammeus just not know any black men; hence. Airick West?

    Many won't attend just because someone as self-promoting and out-of-touch as West will be pontificating.

    Remember it was Airick West who led the Academie Lafayette debacle that resulted in AL losing out at Westport
    Southwest -- throwing 600 BLACK Southwest students under the bus in the process.

  26. Airwick West isn't qualified or even capable of offering any kind of counsel to anyone, on anything. This smelly NIGGER doesn't even have an education OR a job. Why is he there??? Oh, cause he's a NIGGER and that qualifies him to???

  27. Air wick is a phoney and so is Alvin Brooks. Ask a few people on the East Side what they think of those two.


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