MUST SEE: Kansas City Boycott Solidarity

TKC NOTE: Our citizen media pals offer this Sunday look at Kansas City locals joining a nationwide effort to earn fair wages for disenfranchised workers. Here's an extended quote and video. Take a look:

Driscoll Berry Boycott Comes to Kansas City

"The Greater Kansas City Branch of the IWW heeded Familias Unidas por la Justicia's call for International Days of Action to boycott Driscoll Berries and raise awareness about farm workers conditions at Sakuma Brothers Farms in Washington State.

"Farmworkers are some of the most underpaid and hardest working, yet are exempt from the most basic protections, including child labor law. Workers at Sakuma Brothers Farms work and live in terrible and unsafe conditions. Women have been preyed upon by bosses. Management has retaliated against workers for simply asking for better conditions, breaks, and a higher piece rate pay, splitting up family housing based on gender, creating a hostile work environment. Sakuma has broken agreements with workers and stopped negotiating completely."

The video from today's picket is available here:

"The leadership and membership of Familias Unidas por la Justicia have worked for Sakuma Brothers Farms for over a decade, some families contributing two generations of labor to Sakuma Brothers farm. Almost every year, there has been a labor dispute about wages and racist treatment from supervisors; some have been short work stoppages. Most have ended with the firing and evictions from the labor camp of the leaders of the disputes; with only one in 2004, resulting in minor temporary concessions. In July of 2013 the same issues rose up yet again and over 400 of us took a stand for the future of our families and for justice; formed a union and called for an extended strike; and subsequently a boycott until Steve Sakuma made permanent needed changes through a negotiated collective bargaining agreement. This labor dispute has lasted over 14 months and farm workers have not yet been able to secure a union contract that guarantees fair wages and better treatment from Sakuma Brothers Berry Farm. As Sakuma Brothers Farm has demonstrated what little respect it has for its workers through these actions, it is imperative that Driscoll’s immediately stops purchasing berries from them. Driscoll’s is known for marketing high quality healthy and fresh berries, but these berries come at the expense of worker’s rights through their purchasing agreements from farms, such as Sakuma Farms, exploiting farm workers."


  1. Unregulated capitalism always devolves into slavery.

    Not only is there a class divide between workers & management here, but these workers have to face the additional burden of racism & sexism.

    Estoy contigo.

  2. ^^^^^^^ Living proof that the white nigger species is alive and thriving in West Virginia.

  3. In a scene that would have given Donald Trump heart palpitations, 200 flag-waving Mexican troops breached the U.S. border outside Laredo, Tex., 10 years ago and advanced unopposed up Interstate 35 to San Antonio.

    It was the first time a Mexican army had marched on San Antonio since 1836 when Gen. Santa Ana massacred besieged Texas independence fighters at the Alamo.

    This time, however, the Mexican soldiers were on a relief mission to feed tens of thousands of homeless and hungry Americans displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Setting up camp at a former Air Force base outside San Antonio, they distributed potable water, medical supplies and 7,000 hot meals a day for the next three weeks.

    1. Not soldiers, a Christian outreach (like U.S. military the members oath to relief efforts, not just force engagement) . . . Honorable that nations cooperate when human suffering from natural calamities occurs.
      Mexico, and points across the globe receive reliable assistance from the U.S.A. time and time again.

  4. White supremacists are an embarrassment to the so called white race. They try so hard to prove that white people are inferior.

  5. Your avatar says everything we need to know about you. Troll.

  6. Yes, it says that I'm a Democrat, troll, & that I'm not a racist hater, like you. Thank you.

  7. That kid in Byron's picture will, most probably, grow up to be a drag on our society, either in prison, or on the dole.

    It is, what it is.

    But, who cares? He will vote for a living, elect Democrats and Socialists who will make sure that he gets the gubmint cheese.

  8. If these La Cuca Raza dreamers don't like it, they should quit or get their asses back across the border.

  9. Oh No.....Byron is doing his daily routine of calling people cowards, fuckers, pussy or Nazi....

    Wash, rinse and repeat everyday. It's beyond boring.

    At least Cum Guy is entertaining.

  10. If only the Mexican army would feed people in Mexico, their entire pops toon wouldn't feel the need to completely abandon their country.
    If I'm supposed to feel humbled by then passing out food, I don't. Mexico will always be one of the most useless country's in this world

  11. Look here. Onions have gone from 30 cents a pound to a dollars pound in less than 30 months. Potatoes now sell for 20 times what they cost to grow. Someone is making money. I'd suggest that if you don't like the wages you go learn a trade and get a better job.

  12. At least the Polar Bear was funny. He didn't lash out at people like Byron.

  13. "The leadership and membership of Familias Unidas por la Justicia have worked for Sakuma Brothers Farms for over a decade, some families contributing two generations of labor to Sakuma Brothers farm. Almost every year, there has been a labor dispute about wages and racist treatment from supervisors; some have been short work stoppages. Most have ended with the firing and evictions from the labor camp of the leaders of the disputes; with only one in 2004, resulting in minor temporary concessions."

    So....."get the hell out of Dodge" you oppressed workers!!

    Complaining only gets you so far, when you're not willing to exercise your right to better treatment by leaving and going where you're valued.

    Jesus Christ people! The way the Obama Administration has been coddling illegal immigrants maybe you should recross our southern border and start over.

  14. You're an idiot

  15. Jim Claxton NKC8/30/15, 10:21 PM

    I support this protest and I grow my own tomatoes!


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