TKC NOTE: This blog means different things to different people and tonight we give the lead to good guy, local Internets denizen and one of our top readers . . . Super Dave. We are honored that he took the time to consider our bloggy offerings and find his take on this KANSAS CITY FREE SPEECH ZONE quite fascinating. Checkit:
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here This Place Called Tony’s Kansas City!
What is Tony’s Kansas City? Is it a place you would want your mom to see? Is it a place you would tell your minister about?
To all the above questions I would say Great, Yes and Yes only because I think everyone should once in their life see what it is about. One does not for the most part just stumble across Tony’s site, a friend or another website links you to it. Many find it shocking but many more find it enlightened as well as entertaining.
Then there is the comments section that many think is downright terrible. To those people I deem them to be nothing but narrow minded people who it appears lack the ability to ignore that of which they don’t like. The part that fails to amuse me is those who day in and day out complain about what is said and who says it in the comments section. If you go to a restaurant a couple of times and the food is bad . . . Do you keep going back time after time to eat there just so you can whine about how bad it is?
Yes I know there are those of you out there who probably do just that because all you know how to do is complain about things you lack the intelligence for to fix.
Look it’s very simple, Tony allows open and non-censored as a rule comments by whomever you choose to be. If reading such bothers you then by all means please don’t read it. There is a good book called the Bible I am sure you could go read it and locate all the bad in it. The point I am making here is nope I don’t like all the comments I see in there either a lot of the time and some of the same stuff repeated all the same time gets old as well but we are all different and all have different ideas about what we like and don’t like and I do like the fact I have the freedom to choose that which I like and don’t like the same as I like the fact that Tony provides us with a place to do so. I don’t always agree with what Tony says either but then again his opinions matter as much as mine do so who am I to say he has to agree with me all the time.
Our language is made up of many words some are words of hate while others are words of love and some when used wrong are just plain ass mean but it is what it is. To me Freedom of Speech mean just that, you can say what you want and if some agree OK and if most don’t that’s OK as well you delivered your message and it’s yours to live by. Many comments are just folks trying to be cute or funny and they fail just like the Uncle every family seems to have somewhere who says things that the rest of the family dislikes all the time. And then we have the commenters who come in there only just to piss people off I guess because they are so miserable themselves they can’t stand to see anyone else be happy. But you have to be brain dead by all known medical testing procedures to have an article posted you wrote on TKC and not get the minions who lack proper speaking practices saying nasty or ugly things about you.
It’s TKC and you know the score going in and if you can’t take the heat then don’t have your opinions or stories posted there.
Many think TKC is a joke and a hate filled site and to you people I say you are so wrong it isn’t funny.
Who reads TKC you ask, let me tell you every mover and shaker from mayors to state senators and more read or have people who read what is said in this blog not only to see what tipsters are saying but what are some people saying as well. Sure many say it’s a trash site to read and the very next day they come by several times a day to see what is happening. I have had more than one top KC executive and business owner tell me, “Hell yes they read it, almost every day.” Nothing gets sugar coated on this site, your reading the raw uncensored news and opinions of people in Kansas City. Tony does what the Kansas City Star lacks the balls to do. The commenters at times in here tell the truth which the Star lacks the balls to do as well.
Tony’s Kansas City is what it is, either you like it or you hate it but no matter what, you just can’t stay away from it.