Kansas City Leanne Crow Tuesday Link Push

Leanne Crow hotness starts our afternoon look at some of the most important Kansas City links right now . . .

Kansas City Storm Fear Tonight

Pricey Data For Old And Busted Streets
High-tech van surveying Kansas City road conditions
Bit Of Progress On Kansas City Vacants

Diversity In Sunflower State Custody Too

Rock Chalk Resources Drained

Another Lesson In Austerity
Kansas school districts' requests for aid outstrips funds
Serious Injury On Dangerous Metro Streets

White Guy Makes Good!!!

Prez Obama Administration Reception
Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez visits Kansas City
Kansas City Booze News

Kansas City Coffee Switcheroo
Cafe Noble coffee is now brewing at Pirate's Bone Coffee House in midtown
This Local Instragram is One Of KC's Cutest

And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .