Columnist Mary Sanchez Shares Controversial Kansas City Community Policing Advice

A horribly received missive from Kansas City Star Columnist Mary Sanchez attempts to change the dynamic of police and community interactions . . . Sadly, a bevy of jargon and 2 buck big words prevented a single soul from caring about her screed of the viewpoint of the authors . . . She should posted a selfie with her boots in order to convey the importance of the written material.

Take a look:

Mary Sanchez: How ‘attitude’ poisons, and can repair, bonds between police and community

Ms. Sanchez reviews a book claiming that: Police culture can breed a "cynical unwillingness to have a true sense of respect for the realities of the people we police and serve." The book is part a descriptor of community policing, part research on human behavior and how the brain functions, and part analysis of policing procedures and the resulting culture.

More in a bit . . .


  1. Sanchez could use a few ride-alongs in East Patrol on the dog watch on Fridays and Saturdays.
    They might help her "reality-base" her clueless narrative and give her some better idea of what actually goes on and maybe even some insights into the fact that people are killing each other at the rate of two every week and many times for pretty much no reason at all.
    Oh, and take Diuguid along with her!

  2. Only thing I want to know about Sanchez is:

    1: Does she shave her pussy ?

    2: Will she take it up the ass

    3: Will she then go ATM ?

    If the answer is yes to one of the three, cum guy is heading down to the Star to get busy.

  3. After wasting a few minutes of my life reading this column, I regret not having it in hard copy form to wipe my ass with.

  4. slashing the police budget with create better relations on the community level

  5. Sanchez doesn't understand the basics of community partnership with police. Keeping a neighborhood informed ,Alert and aware. Creating a neighborhood watch ,setting up a monthly crime meeting. Getting to know tbe police ,the Police getting to know the community.
    The ultimate goal is to reduce crime. The Sanchezs of the world want a complete nullification of the judicial system.

  6. I'd like to do Sanchez if she wears those boots ...and a sack over her head.

  7. Mary Sanchez, whom many readers have concluded is likely a government-paid propaganda agent masquerading as a journalist, received her talking points from the DNC, instructing her to pile on the Sandra Bland bandwagon.

    Always the reactionist, never the purveyor of original thought, Ms. Sanchez trumpets the Liberal line that Sandra Bland was an innocent victim of a police officer's violent over-reaction. Ms. Sanchez and other media mercenaries who trade their words for compensation from the left-wing, would have you believe that when stopped by a law enforcement officer, courtesy, cooperation, and compliance with a lawful order is optional. If you don't like the police....are upset at being stopped....are drunk/drugged.....have an outstanding warrant, etc., you can just do whatever the hell you want to, without repercussions! Doesn't everybody know that?

    Ferguson's Mike Brown, stole from a store, assaulted the merchant, had been using marijuana, was walking in the street, disobeyed an officer's lawful command, charged at the officer while under gunpoint.....and Ms. Sanchez thinks he an innocent.

    The MAJORITY of recent similar cases all have one thing in common. The person who died or was injured in a confrontation with police had themselves to blame for their tragic demise. If they had cooperated with police, even if they believed they were innocent of wrongdoing, they would still be alive today.

    Not all, but most of these media-driven anti-police stories are actually instances of VERY STUPID people committing suicide-by-cop.

    Why do I say Mary Sanchez is a government-paid media propagandist? When I learned that her column is syndicated, I initially was incredulous, then began investigating how this could be possible.


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