Kansas City Murals This Morning

Double take at Kansas City sponsored art this morning with a glimpse at Plaza Brush creek murals along with a hip-hop inspired instillation at the Mattie Rhodes center.

Take a look:


"Two mural projects have recently been installed in KC Parks Community Centers as part of the MAPIT (Mural Arts Program Inspiring Transformation) program. MAPIT is an innovative program centered on the belief that art has the power to serve as an agent for benevolent social change."

More in a bit . . .


  1. It SHOULD say "Flush Creek". Have you shit the shit floating in the creek after these past heavy rains????? Nasty.

  2. Good call.

  3. Just looking at that painting, I can smell a turd. Nothing like trying to enjoy a outdoor sandwich on the Plaza with the smell of shit dripping off your food.

    And how much did that cost ?

  4. As the artist who painted this mural I can only say thank you for your "kind, supportive comments". :)
    I spent quite a bit of time down by this bridge and the creek, preparing for this piece, and while I'm aware of the negative reputation the creek has, I found there is still a beauty to the surrounding area near the community center that needed to be shared, and that was the aspect I wanted to bring to the viewer's attention. Reminding people of the beauty and potential inherrant in these places, rather than the ugliness, might one day help to bring about the restoration of a cleaner waterway.


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