Former Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser couldn't make the primary in his failed reelection bid, he had a really hard time keeping his wife out of the public eye and in the end he couldn't come close to wrangling the City Council that raged against him.

However . . .


Check it:

Mark Funkhouser, Governing publisher and former mayor, has three suggestions for preventing riots in other cities and minimizing the violence if they ignite.

Money quote . . .

Former Mayor Funky Seyz: "Few things are less predictable or more dangerous than young men and women without hope, and there are thousands of these in so many of our cities. Lots of mayors are working to give these young people hope for a better future, but we also should prepare to deal with the potential consequences of their hopelessness."

Now, local liberals and progressives claim that Mayor Sly and so many African-American leaders prevent unrest in Kansas City even if African-American officials also dominate Baltimore.

Never mind that three murders, nearly a half-a-dozen shootings over the weekend and the constant threat of violent teen flash mobs SHOULD remind us that things aren't exactly peaceful in this town.

Developing . . .


  1. You shoulda used the photo of Gloria's feet. That's the real funkhouser legacy.

  2. I wonder whatever happens to Funk's daughter Tara the Tart? I'd fuck her in the ass. Then cum all over her face and tits. And I'd do it quick before she gets fat and starts looking like Gloria.

  3. Inafunkaboutthefunk5/4/15, 8:26 AM

    Funny he mentions young men losing hope... This is exactly what he perpetrated on all of us during his Reign as Mayor.

    Good riddance and stay away, Funk :(

    1. Curious. How does a Mayor remove hope or what are the appropriate actions of a mayor to give hope? The idea that it is the job of an elected official to bolster one's feelings about one's self is beyond immature.

  4. Inafunkaboutthefunk5/4/15, 8:30 AM

    I think he should have been referred to not as Mayor Funkhouser but as Mayor Smartwithnothinghouser, the only Mayor in 100 years who didnt even make it out of the primary in his quest for a second term.

    Surprisingly, his picture fir the article doesnt show The Squid, Gloria Squadrito. Wonder how she let him get away with not including her?

  5. Inafunkaboutyael5/4/15, 8:32 AM

    I'm surprised that Yael T "Fael" Abouhalkah has posted some self inflating comment on Tony's blog about the sagaciousness of the Funk's plan!

    What say ye, Yael T "Fael" Abouhlakah? Tony diesnt censor comments so you have no excuse for not posting!!!!

  6. Sometimes Mark is right.

    Social justice was always his best foot.

    We are waging war against the poor, while criticizing THEIR behavior.

  7. I wonder if there is a picture out there on the Internet of Gloria in the nude? Like a pic from the now historically famous time when she took the Funk in for a prostate exam followed up by a game of matador and bull at home (which she was nice enough to share with the entire City in that year's Christmas Card).

  8. What happened to sly's son--is he in prison?

  9. Tony, you must have a picture of Gloria in the nude! Come on man, publish it :)

  10. Just like Baltimore, Kansas City has been ruled by progressive liberals for decades. You can take all the hopelessness and despair in this town, and lay it right at their feet. But, we've got light rail and the Green Zone. Whoo Hoo! You can't blame anyone else but yourselves, and you idiots keep voting for the same people. Definition of insanity.

  11. Best way to prevent riots? How about a society where people follow the law and don't run from the popo?

  12. The Racism Industry is ginning up demands for more Money, Rec Centers, Affirmative Action and the panoply of Progressive initiatives that have failed miserably to this date.

    Literally trillions and trillions down a rat hole that has only guaranteed an even greater malevolence from the black community toward whites and the police. While we continue to burn through tax payer money for ill advised government social programs, the Main Stream Media, where 74% of Americans get their news, continues to provide nothing but the Liberal Narrative which blames any and everything wrong in the black community on whites and cops.

    You can forget what the last failed mayor of this city is saying about Black riots in the streets.

    They will not stop. The media will continue to lie, bend the truth, obfuscate and do anything in their power to blame anyone but the actual black murderers, black rapists, black rioters, black thieves, black thugs for the actual destruction that those same individuals create.

    This summer, it will really hit the fan.

    There is only ONE thing rioting thugs in the street, or on your block understand. Violence.

    It's the violence of those same thugs in the streets, that are the enforcement arm of the Liberal Policies of Obama, Holder, the Mayor of Baltimore and Progressive politicians everywhere. the threat of that violence is the reason for the indictment of those cops and the reason that thugs all over America, will, with impunity, attack cops and whites all summer long, which, will in turn, lead to more money for Rec Centers and other failed bullshit ideas.

    Violence is now, our only hope.

    The police are powerless and the only defense for you business and family, if you are in harm's way, is violence.

  13. The video does not lie.

  14. Another angle and video, of what is coming to your neighborhood.

    Remember, the cops were ordered to STAND DOWN.

    That lady you can hear screaming, I have heard many times before, in many other situations.

    It always sounds the same, I am always surprised, at their shock.

  15. Maybe more money for Food Stamps will help.

  16. Quotes from a Baltimore cop, whom, I think speaks for all cops on the job, all over the US.

    Obama, Holder, Hollywood, the MSM they all want this low level race war in the streets in order to incite their base.

    Now, it is going to get out of hand.

  17. I can’t believe at this stage of the game, that some white people are deluded with black culture. Why this great fixation and love of anything black?

    One answer might be, it makes them feel less rayciss. It makes them feel at one with the blacks. However, they are not and never will be one with the blacks because the blacks hate them. Frankly I hate them too for being traitors to their own race. One thing about the white race, it sure has its Benedict Arnolds. They would sell out their own kind for 10 minutes of black adulation.

    I hope the worst for those stupid, stupid, MISGUIDED white people! Blacks with IQs of 80 laugh at how stupid some whites are; I do too! Dayz bees dumber dan dee niggas.

    Too bad Francis Scott Key is not around to write a song about how ashamed he is of this country and its white traitors! I think if most were alive today they would turn their back and disown it. We don't deserve it. With that said, not all of us think like the DWLs, but we are still a nation of laws until the government collapses from the weight of BRA. I'm like the sheriff, I want to puke when I see what a bunch of pussies DWLs have made this once proud country.


  18. Fuckin dindus


  19. 10:44



  20. A black kid gets killed by police in any black community and its Black Friday for the black looters. At this point, the only relevancy the now debunked #HandsUp from Ferguson has is for looters to steal items on the top shelves.

    So there’s another riot in another black ghetto. Why am I not surprised? And the rioters in Baltimore are attacking white people? Again, why am I not surprised? This is what they do. Time and time again. Nothing changes.

    The usual race baiters including Imam Obama, as much as they try, can’t blame this on the racist white police. Baltimore is a black town run by black people. All of them liberal. Own it, white liberals as you watch another black run, awful town burn.

    I’ve really enjoyed watching the black leaders in Baltimore blame the violence, burning and looting on “lack of economic development and job opportunities.” Yes, Baltimore would be Salt Lake City if only the Bloods and Crips had jobs at Whole Foods. In Baltimore, selling crack is considered skilled labor

    They are animals.


    Clay Chastain sues Anne Hodgdon for her Facebook posting.

    Case is settled out of court for $100,000(+) because the Hodgdon family doesn't need negative publicity. Hodgdon business is one of the largest suppliers of ammunition supplies in the country.
    Anne Hodgdon's irresponsible comments made herself a bullseye target.

    IRONY = Anne Hodgdon who was attempting to aid Mayor James, will end up funding Clay Chastain's efforts via the legal settlement!!! That's funny!!

    Just because she married into wealth, doesn't mean she's smart.

  22. Clusterfuck Nation

    Of course, the Freddie Gray riots in Baltimore last week prompted the usual cries for “an honest conversation about race,” and countless appeals to fix the “broken” public school system. So, in the spirit of those pleas, I will advance a very plain and straightforward idea: above all, teach young black kids how to speak English correctly.

    Nothing is more important than acculturating ghetto kids out of their pidgin patois and into real English with all of its tenses, verb forms, and cases. It’s more important initially than learning arithmetic, history, and science. I would argue that it is hardly possible to learn these other things without first being grounded in real grammatical English.

  23. African Americans are too invested in their own excuse-for-failure industry, wringing money from offense-o-phobic whites.

  24. The rural rubes Staubio and Johnson sex da' toy train will fix it.

  25. Funkhouser couldn't even keep his daughter away from the fucking NIGGERS and he should now be telling the rest of us how to handle them? Oh, I think not!

  26. I don't give a shit what his daughter does but the lack of substance here is the message of hope is like passing out wooden nickles

  27. All of you ignorant racist people need to go stand in front of bus. How dare you stand on your high horse and judge a whole race of people! You should really research and understand your own people before you criticize another!
    White people are responsible for the destruction of cultures and murder of peoples in order to steal wealth and land. What is it about white people that is "right" and everyone else is so "wrong"? You think you live so well because of hard work that you've done???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
    No you live so well because your parents and your parents parents, and their parent's parents etc. has killed and stole to acquire wealth and land. That wealth and land was then passed on to their children and so forth. To add to the madness, white people also instituted systems and policies and place to elevate themselves and oppress everyone else.
    Don't tell a race of people to do this or do that or its your fault because you should do better...really....its white peoples fault that the race is where its currently at culturally and economically. White people destroyed Black culture and communities and held them down economically (FACT) so you should deal with the results.
    I mean really where do you think riots came from???? look up race riots you bunch of idiots. look up how white people killed and burned homes. Thats kinda how black Americans learned to do it don't you think????
    OK im done with my rant, the sad thing is non of you will learn anything from this :(


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