Mel D. And Back To The Kansas City Grind

Melissa Debling gives us courage to get back to the work week as we start today with just a few of the MSM links which deserve attention.

Check it:

Kansas City Northeast News Election Review: What’s on the ballot Tuesday?

Cowtown Weekend Damage: Stolen car crashes into KC house

KCK Weekend Tragedy: Man found dead in car in KCK, homicide suspected

Meth Town Run-In: Police: Driver tried to run down officer in traffic stop

Sleaze Summit Cujo Elicits Concern: Lee’s Summit dog attack angers family, raises questions on animal control effectiveness

Sunflower State Ride-Share Reax: Uber urges Brownback to veto bill upping its insurance costs

KCTV5 Opening Day Content Warm-Up: What it's like to be on the receiving end of a Ventura fastball


More in a bit because it looks to be (hopefull) a pretty BIG-ASS morning. . . STAY TUNED!!!


  1. Those folks in Lees Summit, need to take a handgun with them on their dog walks and stop that stupid boxer once and for all. Shoot that son-of-a-bitch and the issue is settled. Fucking dog.

  2. Good set of links. This permits me to waste time that would otherwise be put into looking for a job.

  3. Just visited your plaza,, omg. I live near ferguson mo.. Your plaza makes ferguson look like a lilly white country club. . I thought for sure i was going to have to use my concealed firearm more times in a 3 block walk to get back to sheraton. Holy shit... What is going on out there??


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