Rosie Jones and her buddy Arabella inspire us to pound out a few more interesting Kansas City mainstream media links for right now. Take a peek:
Kansas City Real Estate Fear Tactics
Unusual, threatening real estate notices alarm metro residents
More Local Nasty
KC man & child porn 'persistent offender' now registered as sex offender after another conviction
Ride Share Reax
KC will dismiss case against Lyft - Kansas City Business Journal
Golden Ghetto Outbreak Continued
Four more test positive for Tuberculosis infection at Olathe Northwest High School
Infrastructure FAIL Alert
Bridge ramp linking EB I-70 to I-35 in KC ordered closed
Show-Me Slightly Less Safety
Missouri lawmakers may ease state's motorcycle helmet law
More Violent Teen Trend Hope
KC mayor's program aims to keep kids off the streets and out of trouble
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .
I guess the money they spent on lights under the convention center should have went for bridge repairs