Kansas City P&L District Murder Might Be One Of Many Reasons New City Hall Subsidized Luxury Living Space Won't Work!!!

A recent Kansas City P&L District murder case is growing cold but reminds of a more stark reality beyond posh living space eco-devo work.

Here's the recent KCPD presser copy on this killing:

"Nicholas Preuitt was founded dead in the 151 E. 13st Street parking garage in the Power and Light District. He died from an apparent gunshot wound in the passenger seat of a black pickup truck.The suspect(s) fled in a dark colored SUV.

“The person responsible has killed once and could kill again unless we get them into custody,” Officer James Schriever said today in an email. “Please feel free to pass the information on to all friends, family, neighbors and business contacts. I know people in our KC community hold the clues to solving these crimes.”

"Anyone with information on this unsolved murder can make an anonymous call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS"

Developing . . .