Kansas City April First Friday 2015

The Kansas City First Friday crowd was a bit subdued tonight because it was a bit colder than most people expected.

Next month the hipster "see & be seen" fest should be running full steam but for tonight most Kansas City arts scene denizens were huddled inside galleries making awkward conversation and pretending to talk about the displays in front of them.

Here's just a bit of what we noticed tonight . . .


This guy had skills . . . And a group of fans to his side who all smelled like weed.

Speaking of . . . The munchies . . .

Yes, the tall one is wearing a garbage bag.

Crossroads light space.

Outdoor Kansas City "creative class" display . . .

I call this one Kansas City arsty leading lines . . .

More local street art . . .

Hobo art or TKC in about 3 months . . .

Crossroads rocketman.

And this is how First Friday looked to us. Hopefully, we'll have more BREAKING/EXCLUSIVE NEWS and AWESOME POLITICS AND CULTURE for the morning update . . .


  1. Tony, do yourself a favor and go outside without blogging. It'll do you some good and them maybe everything won't seem so bleak.

    Good job this week.

  2. PHOTO CAPTIONS (top to bottom):

    1) Voyeurs watch a guy "beat it" in the middle of the street.

    2) What's your beef?

    3) Natalie! I tell you it's hanging upside down?

    4) Geez, this glass work blows!

    5) The artist explained it's a shrine to the late Kansas City Star.

    6) The label says it's from a student at the Children's Center for the Visually Impaired.

    7) The artist drew inspiration from the Ferguson Missouri riots.

    8) Since leaving RUCKUS, Yael's been seen wandering the streets in the Crossroads, muttering to himself.

    9) Kansas City's own Times Square.

  3. Ghost of Bob Berdella is an interesting new character around here... I'm gonna be real interested in seeing where the poster takes it and how the storyline develops.

  4. Drummer boy may have to bang somewhere else....

    New noise law tries to balance the needs of Kansas City residents and businesses

    By Lynn Horsley
    The Kansas City Star
    04/03/2015 5:50 PM

  5. Darren Wilson4/3/15, 10:19 PM

    Genius @ 9:39

  6. International Tourist Destination

  7. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has reported that its forecast for U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) growth dropped to zero on April 1 and ticked back up to 0.1% on April 2.

    Man this creative class stuff is really boosting the economy!

  8. Free music downloads has boosted the economy

  9. Bitcoin may not only be unappealing ideologically but it failed. There's a potential in decentralized ledger for people to have control over money. But like the sharing economy or Uber people are interested in turning over to an algorithm where you don't have to trust anyone. A small cabal of mining pools have taken control of the entire system and the individual is left out. Now it's time to build a culture of trust to build a new economy

  10. There's a lot of problems with these corporate cocksucker's

  11. Dummy 9:42

    So, you're impressed with someone keeping the memory of a serial killer alive just so he can show that he's an internet tough guy instead on an anonymous coward?

  12. >2:28 AM

    how do we know who the hell you are? you could just be attaching a random first name to a well known and respected last name.

    Even if a Byron Funkhouser exists, how do we know it is you and not somebody imitating him?

  13. How could that drummer concentrate on his "art" with that huge urban crowd around him?
    KCMO: the arts capital of the country.

  14. Good Point 5:46, Plus the only consent liar I know besides 5:46 is Craig Glazer. I mean if you think about it what sane person would claim to be who they are and rip their own family as 5:46 does. No I think it's probably some screw loose fucking nut job that hated the Funk so for attention they started acting like a family member and making up all this insane bullshit about the family thinking they was trashing the Funk but in all truth was trashing themself in the process. Either way it's one very sick puppy in need of years of professional locked up help.

  15. Thanks for not posting the picture of the 16 year old female.

    Read some of the posts and this blog is just about hate, Tony.

  16. @ cum guy sad ^^^^^

  17. Rest assured,2:28 is Byron. He likes to sneak around here late at night, it's the first of the month and he just scored his meth. It's also when he heads out to the sheep flock for some lovin"

  18. Dr. Michael Savage, Ph.D.4/4/15, 1:04 PM

    I will tell you why Yael Abouhalkah is walking the streets. That inarticulate schmuck is house hunting, He is looking for the doorway he will sleep in when he is homeless. If the Pulitzer Prize had a shmendrik category, he would have won one. If killing a newspaper were a capital crime he would be sitting in the defendant’s box next to Mary Sanchez, Bill Tammeus and the Star editorial staff like the defendants at the Nuremburg War Crime Trials because they are no better than war criminals for killing a once great newspaper. In a few generations the Star goes from having Hemmingway writing for them to writers who hem and haw.

  19. Dr. Savage,
    I find concur with your diagnosis and encourage you lecture more often.

  20. Hi Byron (BRIANNA),

    I've been gone for a while and noticed you put your photo back up with your mommy. I was pestering you for the longest to put it back up. Now I'm gonna grab some vaseoline and have my way with her and just block out your dumbass nig self.

    Happy wacking Brianna.......


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